

Clicca sulla canzone che vuoi leggere

Can’t buy me love
I should have known better
Paperback writer
Lady Madonna
Hey Jude

Old brown shoe
Don't let me down
The ballad of John and Yoko



Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney)           L’amore non può comprarmi

Can't buy me love, love                                                              L’amore non può comprarmi
Can't buy me love                                                                       L’amore non può comprarmi
I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend                                         Ti comprerò un anello di diamanti amica mia

if it makes you feel alright                                                          se ti farà sentire bene

I'll get you anything my friend                                                    Ti prenderò qualunque cosa amica mia

if it makes you feel alright                                                          se ti farà sentire bene

Cause I don't care too much for money,                                     Non mi interessano i soldi,

money can't buy me love                                                           i soldi non possono comprare il mio amore

I'll give you all I got to give if you say you love me too              Ti darò tutto ciò che posso se mi dirai di amarmi
I may not have a lot to give                                                        Potrei non avere molto da darti

but what I got I'll give to you                                                      ma quello che ho te lo darò

I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love       Non mi interessano i soldi...
Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so                                  Rit.
Can't buy me love, no no no, no
Say you don't need no diamond ring                                         Simmi che non ti servono anelli con diamanti
and I'll be satisfied                                                                     e sarò soddisfatto

Tell me that you want the kind of thing                                      Dimmi che vuoi quel genere di cose
that money just can't buy                                                            che i soldi non possono comprare

I don't care too much for money,                                                Non mi interessano i soldi...

money can't buy me love                                                           Rit.

money can't buy me love


I Should Have Known Better                                 Avrei dovuto saperlo meglio


I should have known better                                                        Avrei dovuto saperlo meglio,

with a girl like you, that I                                                            con una ragazza come te che io

Would love everything that you do; and I do,                             Avrei amato ogni cosa che fai, e lo faccio
Whoa, oh, I never realized what a kiss could be, this coul        Non mi sono mai accorto cosa potesse essere un bacio
Only happen to me; can't you see, can't you see,                      Che questo potesse succedere solo a me, non capisci
That when I tell you that I love you, oh, you're gonna say         Che quando ti dirò di amarti, tu dirai
You love me too, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, oh,                                  che mi ami pure te
And when I ask you to be mine,                                                 e quando ti chiederò di essere mia,

you're gonna say you love me                                                    mi dirai che mi ami

Too. You love me too, you love me too.                                     Mi ami!!!



Paperback Writer (Lennon/McCartney)         Scrittore di tascabili  

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?                             
Egregio sig. o Sig.A vuol leggere il mio libro?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?                          Ci ho messo anni per scriverlo, vuol darci un’occhiata?
Based on a novel by a man named Lear                                    E’ basato sulla storia di un uomo chiamato Lear
And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer,                e ho bisogno di un lavoro, così voglio diventare
Paperback writer.                                                                       Uno scrittore di tascabili

It's the dirty story of a dirty man                                                 E’ la sporca storia di un losco uomo
And his clinging wife doesn't understand.                                  E la moglie assillante non lo capisce
His son is working for the Daily Mail,                                          suo figlio lavora per il Daily Mail
It's a steady job but he wants to be a paperback writer,            è un lavoro sicuro ma lui vuole diventare
Paperback writer.                                                                       Uno scrittore di tascabili

Paperback writer (writer, writer)                                                scrittore di tascabili

It's a thousand pages, give or take a few,                                  sono un migliaio di pagine più o meno
I'll be writing more in a week or two.                                         Ne scriverò ancora in una settimana o 2
I can make it longer if you like the style,                                    posso allungarlo se le piace lo stile
I can change it round and I want to be a paperback writer,       posso cambiarlo e voglio diventare
Paperback writer.                                                                      
Uno scrittore di tascabili

If you really like it you can have the rights,                                se davvero le piace può averne i diritti
It could make a million for you overnight.                                  Potrebbe renderle 1000000000 in una notte
If you must return it, you can send it here                                  se non le interessa può rispedirlo qui
But I need a break and I want to be a paperback writer,           ma io ho bisogno di un’occasione e voglio
Paperback writer.                                                                      
Diventare uno scrittore di tascabili




Rain (Lennon/McCartney)                                          Pioggia

If the rain comes they run and hide their heads.                        Se viene la pioggia corrono a nascondersi la testa
They might as well be dead.                                                     
Potrebbero anche essere morti
If the rain comes, if the rain comes.                                           Se viene la pioggia
When the sun shines they slip into the shade                             quando il sole splende scivolano nell’ombra
(When the sun shines down.)                                                     
(quando il sole splende)
And drink their lemonade.                                                          E sorseggiano la loro limonata
(When the sun shines down.)                                                     
(quando il sole splende)
When the sun shines, when the sun shines.                              
Quando splende il sole
Rain, I don't mind.                                                                      Pioggia, non mi interessa
Shine, the weather's fine.                                                          
Sole, c’è bel tempo
I can show you that when it starts to rain,                                  posso mostrarti che quando comincia a piovere
(When the rain comes down.)                                                     (quando scende la pioggia)
Everything's the same.                                                                Tuttto resta uguale
(When the rain comes down.)                                                     (quando scende la pioggia)
I can show you, I can show you.                                                 Posso mostrarti
Rain, I don't mind.                                                                      Pioggia, non mi importa
Shine, the weather's fine.                                                           Sole, c’è bel tempo
Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines,                        puoi sentirmi che piova o ci sia il sole
It's just a state of mind?                                                              È solo uno stato della mente
Can you hear me, can you hear me?                                         Puoi sentirmi?




Lady Madonna                                                                   Lady Madonna

Lady Madonna, children at your feet.                                         L.M. i bambini ai tuoi piedi
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.                         
Mi chiedo come fai a sbarcare il lunario
Who finds the money? When you pay the rent?                         Chi trova i soldi quando paghi l’affitto?
Did you think that money was heaven sent?                              Credi che il denaro venga dal cielo?

Friday night arrives without a suitcase.                                      Venerdì sera arriva senza valige
Sunday morning creep in like a nun.                                         Domenica mattina striscia come una suora
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace.                         
Il bambino il lunedì ha imparato ad allacciarsi le scarpe
See how they run.                                                                     
Guarda come corrono

Lady Madonna, baby at your breast.                                          L.M. il bambino al tuo seno
Wonder how you manage to feed the rest.                                
Mi chiedo come fai a sfamare gli altri

See how they run.                                                                     
Guarda come corrono
Lady Madonna, lying on the bed,                                               L.M. distesa sul letto
Listen to the music playing in your head.                                  
Ascoltando la musica che ti suona in testa

Tuesday afternoon is never ending
.                                           Martedì pomeriggio non finisce mai
Wednesday morning papers didn't come.                                  Mercoledì mattina i giornali non escono
Thursday night you stockings needed mending.                        
Giovedì sera alle tue calze serviva un rammendo
See how they run.                                                                      Guarda come corrono





Revolution    (Lennon/McCartney)                      Rivoluzione


You say you want a revolution                                                    Dici che vuoi una rivoluzione

Well you know                                                                            bene sai

we all want to change the world                                                tutti vogliamo cambiare il mondo

You tell me that it's evolution                                                     mi dici che è evoluzione

Well you know                                                                            bene sai

We all want to change the world                                                tutti vogliamo cambiare il mondo

But when you talk about destruction                                          ma quando parli di distruzione

Don't you know you can count me out                                        non capisci che mi puoi considerare fuori?

You say you got a real solution                                                   dici di avere una vera soluzione

Well you know                                                                            bene sai

we'd all love to see the plan                                                       ci piacerebbe vedere il piano

You ask me for a contribution                                                     mi chiedi un contributo

Well you know                                                                            bene sai

We're doing what we can                                                           facciamo quello che possiamo

But when you want money                                                         ma quanto vuoi soldi

for people with minds that hate                                                  per persone con l’odio in testa

All I can tell you is                                                                      tutto quello che posso dirti

brother you have to wait                                                             è fratello devi aspettare

You say you'll change the constitution                                        dici che cambierai la costituzione

Well you know                                                                            bene sai

we all want to change your head                                               tutti vogliamo cambiare la tua testa

You tell me it's the institution                                                      mi dici che è l’istituzione

Well you know                                                                            bene sai

You better free your mind instead                                              è meglio se liberi la tua mente invece

But if you go carrying pictures                                                    ma se vai in giro con ritratti

of Chairman Mao                                                                        del presidente Mao

You ain't going to make it                                                           non ce la farai con nessuno

with anyone anyhow                                                                  in nessun modo

Don’t you know it’s going to be                                                  Non sai che andrà

Alright                                                                                         tutto a posto





Hey Jude (Lennon/McCartney)                                Hey Jude

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.                                                      Hey Jude, non prendertela
Take a sad song and make it better.                                           Prendi una canzone triste e rendila migliore
Remember to let her into your heart,                                         ricorda di lasciarla penetrare nel tuo cuore
Then you can start to make it better.                                         
Allora puoi cominciare a renderla migliore

Hey Jude, don't be afraid.                                                          
Hey Jude, non aver paura
You were made to go out and get her.                                       Sei fatto per andare fuori a prenderla
The minute you let her under your skin,                                     nell’attimo in cui la lasci entrare sotto la pelle
Then you begin to make it better.                                               Allora cominci a renderla migliore

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,                      e ogni
volta che provi dolore, fermati
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.                                Non portare il mondo sulle spalle
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool                    perchè sai bene che è uno sciocco chi fa l’indifferente
By making his world a little colder.                                           
Rendendo il mondo un più freddo

Hey Jude, don't let me down.                                                    
Hey Jude, non mi deludere
You have found her, now go and get her.                                  L’hai trovata, adesso vai e prendila
Remember to let her into your heart,                                         ricorda di lasciarla penetrare nel tuo cuore
Then you can start to make it better.                                          Allora puoi cominciare a renderla migliore

So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin,                                  perciò lasciala entrare e uscire, comincia
You're waiting for someone to perform with.                              Stai aspettando qualcuno con cui suonarla
And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do,          e non sai che sei proprio tu, lo farai
The movement you need is on your shoulder.                           
Il movimento che ti serve è sulla tua spalla



Old Brown Shoe (Harrison)                                     Vecchia scarpa marrone

I want a love that's right but right                                               Voglio un amore che sia giusto

is only half of what's wrong.                                                       Ma giusto è solo metà di ciò che è sbagliato
I want a short haired girl who                                                     voglio una ragazza dai capelli corti

sometimes wears it twice as long.                                              Che a volte li porti lunghi  il doppio
Now I'm stepping out this old brown shoe,                                 ora sto venendo fuori da questa vecchia scarpa marrone

baby, I'm in love with you.                                                          Ragazza sono innammorato di te
I'm so glad you came here,                                                        sono così felice che sei venuta qui

it won't be the same now, I'm telling you.                                  Sarà diverso ora te lo dico io

You know you pick me up from                                                  Sai mi tiri su

where some try to drag me down                                               da dove qualcuno tenta di trascinarmi
And when I see your smile replace                                            e vedere il tuo sorriso sostituire ogni

every thoughtless frown.                                                             Incurante aggrottare delle ciglia
Got me escaping from this zoo,                                                  Mi fa scappare da questo Zoo

baby, I'm in love with you.                                                          Ragazza sono innammorato di te
I'm so glad you came here,                                                        sono contento che tu sia venuta

it won't be the same now when I'm with you.                             Sarà diverso ora, quando sono con te


If I grow up I'll be a singer                                                          Se diventerò grande farò il cantante

wearing rings on every finger.                                                    Porterò anelli in ogni dito
Not worrying what they or you say                                             senza preoccuparmi di quello che diranno o dirai

I'll live and love and maybe someday                                        vivrò e amerò e può darsi che un giorno
Who knows, baby, you may comfort me.                                   
Chi sa, bambina, forse potrai confortarmi
I may appear to be imperfect,                                                    posso sembrare imperfetto

my love is something you can't reject.                                        Il mio amore è qualcosa che non puoi respingere
I'm changing faster than the weather                                         sto cambiando più in fretta del tempo

if you and me should get together                                              se tu e io dovessimo metterci insieme
Who knows, baby, you may comfort me.                                    niente cambierà il mio mondo
Images of broken light which                                                     Immagini di luce spezzata che

dance before me like a million eyes,                                         mi danzano davanti come un milione di occhi
That call me on and on across the universe,                              che mi chiamano per tutto l’universo
Thoughts meander like a restless wind                                      pensieri che vagano come vento inquieto

inside a letter box they                                                               dentro a una cassetta per le lettere
Tumble blindly as they make their way                                      precipitando alla cieca mentre seguono la loro strada
Across the universe                                                                     per tutto l’universo
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing                          Suoni di risa ombre di terra risuonano
Through my open views inviting and inciting me                       attraverso le mie vedute aperte mi incitano e mi invitano
Limitless undying love                                                                amore senza fine né limiti

which shines around me like a                                                   che mi splende intorno come un
Million suns, it calls me on and on                                             milione di soli mi chiama e mi chiama
Across the universe                                                                     per tutto l’universo



Don't Let Me Down (Lennon/McCartney)          Non mi lasciare

Don't let me down, don't let me down.                                       Non mi lasciare
Don't let me down, don't let me down.                                       Non mi lasciare

Nobody ever loved me like she does,                                         Nessuno mi ha amato come lei
oo, she does, yeh, she does.                                                       Oh come lei, si come lei
And if somebody loved me like she do me,                                e se qualcuno mi ha amato come lei
oo, she do me, yes, she does.                                                     Oh come lei, si come lei

Don't let me down, don't let me down.                                       Non mi lasciare
Don't let me down, don't let me down.                                       Non mi lasciare

I'm in love for the first time.                                                       
Sono innammorato per la prima volta
Don't you know it's gonna last.                                                   Non sai che durerà?
It's a love that lasts forever,                                                        è un amore che dura per sempre
It's a love that had no past.                                                         È un amore che non ha passato

Don't let me down, don't let me down.                                       Non mi lasciare
Don't let me down, don't let me down
.                                       Non mi lasciare

And from the first time that                                                         E dalla prima volta che

she really done me,                                                                    lei ha davvero fatto
oo, she done me, she done me good.                                       
Oh mi ha fatto, mi ha fatto bene
I guess nobody ever really done me,                                          credo che nessuno mi abbia davvero fatto
oo, she done me, she done me good.                                        Oh mi ha fatto, mi ha fatto bene

Don't let me down, don't let me down.                                       Non lasciarmi
Don't let me down, don't let me down
.                                       Non lasciarmi



The Ballad of John And Yoko                                 La ballata di John e Yoko

Standing in the dock at Southampton,                                       Fermi al porto di Southhampton
Trying to get to
Holland or France.                                             Cercando di andare in landa o Francia
The man in the mac said,                                                           l’uomo nell’impermeabile disse

"You've got to turn back".                                                           “dovete tornare indietro”
You know they didn't even give us a chance.                             Sapete non ci hanno nemmeno dato una chance

Christ you know it ain't easy,                                                      Cristo! Sapete non è facile
You know how hard it can be.                                                    Sapete come può essere difficile
The way things are going                                                           Per come vanno le cose
They're going to crucify me.                                                       Finiranno con il crucifiggermi
Finally made the plane into
Paris,                                              Finalmente arrivati a Parigi in aereo
Honey mooning down by the
Seine.                                           Luna di miele vicino alla Senna
Peter Brown called to say,                                                          Peter Brown chiamò per dire
"You can make it O.K.,                                                                Potete farcela, OK
You can get married in
Gibraltar, near Spain".                          Potete sposarvi a Gibilterra vicino la Spagna
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton,                                 In macchina da Parigi all’Hilton in
Talking in our beds for a week.                                                 
Parlando nei notri letti per una settimana
The newspapers said, "Say what you doing in bed?"                I giornali dissero “Che fata a letto?”
I said, "We're only trying to get us some peace".                       Dissi “cerchiamo solo di ottenere un di pace

Saving up your money for a rainy day,                                       Risparmiando il denaro per i momenti duri
Giving all your clothes to charity.                                               Dando tutti i vestiti in beneficenza
Last night the wife said,                                                              ieri notte mia molglie disse
"Oh boy, when you're dead                                                        ragazzo, quando sarai morto
You don't take nothing with you                                                 non porterai niente con te
But your soul - think!"                                                                 se non la tua anima – Pensa!”
Made a lightning trip to Vienna,                                                 Fatto un viaggio lampo a Vienna
eating chocolate cake in a bag.                                                 Mangiando dolce di cioccolata dentro un sacco
The newspapers said, "She's gone to his head,                         I giornali dissero “lei gli ha dato alla testa
They look just like two gurus in drag".                                      
Sembrano proprio 2 Guru travestiti

Caught an early plane back to London.                                      Preso il primo volo del mattino per Londra
Fifty acorns tied in a sack.                                                          50 ghiande dentro un sacco
The men from the press said,                                                     Quelli della stampa dissero

"We wish you success,                                                                “Vi auguriamo successo
It's good to have the both of you back".                                      E’
bello avervi entrambi di nuovo qui