

  Clicca sulla canzone che vuoi leggere

Yellow submarine

Only a northern song

All together now

Hey Bulldog

It’s all too much

All you need is love

Pepperland (strumentale)

Sea of time (strumentale)

Sea of holes (strumentale)

Sea of monsters (strumentale)

March of the meanies (strumentale)

Pepperland laid waste (strumentale)

Yellow submarine in Pepperland (strumentale)



Yellow submarine (Lennon/McCartney)         sottomarino giallo


In the town where I was born                                                     Nel paese dove sono nato

Lived a man who sailed to sea                                                   viveva un uomo che aveva salpato i mari

And he told us of his life                                                             ci raccontava della sua vita

In the land of submarines                                                           nella terra dei sottomarini

So we sailed up to the sun                                                         Così salpanno verso il sole

Till we found the sea of green                                                    finchè trovammo il mare verde

And we lived beneath the waves                                                e vivemmo sotto le onde

In our yellow submarine                                                             nel nostro sottomarino giallo

We all live in our yellow submarine,                                          Viviamo tutti nel nostro sottomarino giallo

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine                                         sottomarino giallo

And our friends are all on board                                                 i nostri amici sono tutti a bordo

Many more of them live next door                                             molti più di loro vivono alla porta accanto

And the band begins to play                                                       e la banda comincia a suonare

We all live in our yellow submarine,                                          it.

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

As we live a life of ease                                                             Poichè facciamo una vita agiata

Everyone of us has all we need                                                  ognuno di noi ha ciò di cui ha bisogno

Sky of blue and sea of green                                                      cielo azzurro e mare verde

In our yellow submarine.                                                            nel nostro sottomarino giallo






Only A Northern Song (Harrison)                      Solo una canzone del nord


If you're listening to this song                                                     se ascolti questa canzone

You may think the chords are going wrong                                puoi pensare che gli accordi siano sbagliati

But they're not;                                                                           ma non lo sono

We just wrote it like that.                                                            li abbiamo scritti così apposta

It doesn't really matter what chords I play                                  non importa che accordi suoni

What words I say or time of day it is                                           che parole canti o che tempo o giorno sia

As it's only a Northern song                                                        perchè è solo una canzone del nord

It doesn't really matter what clothes I wear                                non importa che abiti mi metta

Or how I fare or if my hair is brown                                            o come mi vadano le cose o se i miei capelli sono marroni

When it's only a Northern song.                                                  visto che è solo una canzone del nord

When you're listening late at night                                             Quando ascoltate tardi la notte

You may think the band are not quite right                                potete pensare che il gruppo non suoni bene

But they are, they just play it like that                                        ma va bene, la suonano così apposta

It doesn't really matter what chords I play                                  Rit.

What words I say or time of day it is

As it's only a Northern song.

It doesn't really matter what clothes I wear

Or how I fare or if my hair is brown

When it's only a Northern song.

If you think the harmony                                                             Se pensate che l’armonia

Is a little dark and out of key                                                      sia un cupa e fuori tono

You're correct, there's nobody there.                                          Avete ragione, li non c’è nessuno

It doesn't really matter what chords I play                                  Non importa che accordi suoni

What words I say or time of day it is                                           che parole dica che tempo e giorno sia

And I told you there's no one there.                                           E ti ho detto che non c’è nessuno là...





All Together Now (Lennon/McCartney)          Tutti assieme ora


One, two, three, four                                                                  1,2,3,4

Can I have a little more?                                                            Posso averne ancora un pochetino?

five, six, seven eight nine ten I love you.                                   5,6,7,8,9,10 ti amo

A, B, C, D                                                                                    a,b,c,d

Can I bring my friend to tea?                                                      Posso portare i miei amici per il tè?

E, F, G H I J I love you.                                                               E,f,g,h,i,j, ti amo

Sail the ship, Chop the tree                                                        Naviga la nave taglia l’albero

Skip the rope, Look at me                                                          Salta la corda

All together now....                                                                     Tutti assieme ora

Black, white, green, red                                                             Nero bianco verde rosso

Can I take my friend to bed?                                                      Posso portare il mio amico a letto?

Pink, brown, yellow orange blue I love you                               Rosa marrone giallo arancio blu ti amo

Sail the ship, Jump the tree                                                       Naviga la barca, salta l’albero

Skip the rope, Look at me                                                          Salta la corda Guardami

All together now....                                                                     Tutti assiemi ora...





Hey Bulldog (Lennon/McCartney)                      Hey Bulldog


Sheepdog                                                                                   Cane rana

Standing in the rain,                                                                   fermo nella pioggia

Bullfrog                                                                                       Rana toro

Doing it again                                                                             lo fa di nuovo

Some think that happinness                                                       Un certo genere di felicità

is measured out in years                                                            si misura in anni

You don't know what it's like                                                      non sai com’è

to listen to your fears                                                                  ascoltare le tue paure

Child-like                                                                                    infantile

No one understands,                                                                   nessuno capisce

Jack knife                                                                                   coltellaccio

In your sweaty hands,                                                                 nelle tue mani sudate

Some think that happiness                                                         un certo genere di felicità

is measured out in miles                                                            si misura in miglia

What makes you think                                                                ciò che ti fa pensare

you're something special when you smile                                  che sei speciale quando sorridi

You can talk to me,                                                                     puoi parlare con me

if you're lonely you can talk to me                                             se sei solo puoi parlare con me

Big man                                                                                      Grande uomo

Walking in the park                                                                    che cammina nel parco

Whigwam                                                                                   wigwam

Frightened of the dark                                                                spaventato dal buio

Some think that happiness                                                         Alcuni pensano che la felicità

is measured out in you                                                               si misuri  in te

You think you know me                                                              pensi di conoscermi

but you haven't got a clue                                                          ma non hai un indizio

You can talk to me,                                                                     puoi parlare con me

if you're lonely you can talk to me                                             se ti senti solo puoi parlare con me





It's All Too Much (Harrison)                                   E’ troppo


It's all too much, It's all too much                                               E’ troppo, è troppo

When I look into your eyes,                                                        quando guardo nei tuoi occhi

your love is there for me                                                            il tuo amore è li per me

And the more I go inside,                                                           e più vado dentro

the more there is to see                                                              più c’è da vedere

It's all too much for me to take                                                   è troppo per me da prendere

The love that's shining all around you                                        l’amore che brilla intorno a te

Everywhere, it's what you make                                                 dovunque, è quello che fai

For us to take, it's all too much                                                   per noi da prendere, è troppo

Floating down the stream of time,                                              abbandonarsi alla corrente del tempo

of life to life with me                                                                  da vita a vita con me

Makes no difference where you are                                           non fa differenza dove sei

or where you'd like to be                                                            o dove vorresti essere

It's all too much for me to take                                                   Rit.

The love that's shining all around here                  

All the world's a birthday cake,                                                  Il mondo è una torta di compleanno

So take a piece but not too much                                               prendine un pezzo ma non troppo

Set me on a silver sun,                                                               mettimi su di un sole argentato

for I know that I'm free                                                               che capisca che sono libero

Show me that I'm everywhere,                                                   mostrami che sono dovunque

and get me home for tea                                                            e riportami a casa per il the

It's all to much for me to see                                                      Rit.

A love that's shining all around here

The more I am, the less I know                                                  Più che sono, meno che so

And what I do is all too much                                                     e ciò che faccio è troppo

It's all too much for me to take                                                   Rit.    





All You Need Is Love (Lennon/McCartney)     Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore


Love, Love, Love.                                                                       Amore, amore, amore           

There's nothing you can do                                                        non c’è niente che puoi fare

that can't be done.                                                                      Che non possa essere fatto

Nothing you can sing                                                                  niente che tu possa cantare

that can't be sung.                                                                      Che non possa essere cantato

Nothing you can say                                                                   niente che puoi dire

but you can learn how to play the game.                                   ma puoi imparare a stare al gioco

It's easy.                                                                                      È facile

Nothing you can make                                                                niente che puoi fare

that can't be made.                                                                     che non possa essere fatto

No one you can save                                                                  nessuno che puoi salvare

that can't be saved.                                                                    che non possa essere salvato

Nothing you can do                                                                    niente che tu possa fare

but you can learn how to be you in time.                                   Ma puoi imparare a essere puntuale

It's easy.                                                                                      È facile

All you need is love.                                                                   Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore

All you need is love.

All you need is love, love.                                

Love is all you need.                                                                  L’amore è tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno

Nothing you can know that isn't known.                                     Niente che tu possa sapere che non sia saputo

Nothing you can see that isn't shown                                         niente che tu possa vedere che non sia mostrato

Nowhere you can be                                                                  nessun luogo dove puoi essere

that isn't where you're meant to be.                                           Che non sia dove intendevi essere

It's easy.                                                                                      È facile
