Jesse Tobias

Full name: Jesse Alejandro Tobias Junior.
Day of birth: April 1st 1972.
He joined Mother Tongue in 1990. The original line up was David Gould (Davo) on bass, Christian Leibfried on guitar, Jesse Tobias on guitar, and Geoff Haba on drums.
Curiosity: The first bass Davo ever played was Eric Avery's from Jane's Addiction.
In 1991 Jesse left for the Red Hot Chili Peppers
On thursday 18th july 2002 Jesse has been nominated for an emmy, as co-music director for the 'buffy, the musical' episode!
Splendid is the musical love-child of Angie Hart and Jesse Tobias (actually married).
In the meantime, Jesse is touring with Vanessa Carlton.

To Alanis Morissette, guitarists Jessie Tobias and Nick Lashley were more than hired guns-they're close family.


appears also on
Casa de Tambores
2000  The Orchard 
Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue
1995 Sony/550 Music 
Buffy the episode
Jesse appears as co-music director
Have You Got A Name For It
USA release
never released
Have You Got A Name For It
Australian release
Less Than Zero
1st australian single
Come Clean
2nd australian single

© :: 2002