LG develops notebook with built-in HSDPA modem EETimes
South Korea's LG Electronics is marketing a notebook PC with a built-in high-speed downlink packet access modem. The computer supports data transfer as fast as 3.6 Mbits/second for high-speed wireless Internet services.
Facing FiOS, Comcast Boosts Cable Modem Speeds Light Reading
Comcast's service outages are particularly painful in the Garden State, where the MSO is busy battling Verizon's FiOS fiber-to-the-home deployment. In an effort to win the hearts of its New Jersey customers, Comcast boosted cable modem speeds in October, as explained in this letter shared by a Comcast subscriber.
Kerry Sieh: Natural Disasters: What We Know vs. What We Do Caltech Today
10/18/2006 [ 56k modem ] [ broadband ] [ cable/DSL ] 59 minutes In a recent Watson Lecture, Kerry Sieh, Caltech's Sharp Professor of Geology, discussed catastrophic natural events in Western Sumatra, Iran, and New Orleans that provide important illustrations of the disparity between what Earth scientists know about natural hazards and what has been done to mitigate those hazards' effects.
News: Boot Camp update fixes USB modem, idle sleep bugs MacCentral Online
Apple's latest beta for Boot Camp -- its software to let Windows run on Intel Macs -- features improved wireless networking, fixes to idle sleep bugs and a fix that enables Apple's USB Modem to work.
FCC Endorses Broadband over Powerline TechWeb via Yahoo! News
The Federal Communications Commission on Friday gave a big boost to Broadband over Powerline, classifying the technology as an "information service."
News: Pulse makes BlackBerry work as modem via Bluetooth MacCentral Online
A developer is working on a $50 utility that enables RIM's BlackBerry device to work as a wireless dial-up modem via Bluetooth.
Growth Questions for Qualcomm BusinessWeek
The wireless communications company had a solid third quarter, but uncertainty about a key customer clouds the outlook
FCC Endorses Broadband Over Powerline InformationWeek
The Federal Communications Commission eased the way to rapid broadband-over-powerline development by classifying BPL as an "information service," placing it on equal regulatory footing with cable modems and DSL.
Boot Camp update fixes USB modem, idle sleep bugs Macworld.com via Yahoo! News
Apple has posted another update to Boot Camp, it software that lets Intel-based Macs run Windows XP using a separate partition on their hard disk. offered as a 143MB download, the new Boot Camp beta is available for download from Apple’s Web site.
WLOX.com Video Player Troubleshooting Tips and Links To Updates WLOX-TV Biloxi
1. What do you recommend for me to view video? For Video Player's best performance, use Windows 2000 or above, Microsoft's IE 5.0 or above and Windows Media Player 9.
Benvenuti nella sezione di aiutamici dedicata al modem, l'accessorio Il modo migliore per "configurare" il modem e per cercare di accelerare la
Internet 2000: Internet da zero (03 di 05)
Il modem è infatti un apparecchio che codifica e trasforma (modula) dati binari, Il modem PC Card è una piccola scheda portatile (le sue dimensioni sono
Libero - Assistenza - ADSL - Guide d'installazione modem
Tutte le guide per modem e router oltre alle istruzioni per configurare Libero ADSL. Nelle singole guide trovi anche manuali scaricabili, consigli, driver,
The Linux Modem-HOWTO
4.1 Il modem converte da digitale ad analogico (e viceversa); 4.2 Cos'è una porta 16.1 Il mio modem è fisicamente al suo posto ma non può essere trovato
Modem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The most familiar example is a voiceband modem that turns the digital '1s and Because the modem could not dial the phone, the acoustic coupler remained
Internet 2000: Internet da zero (03 di 05)
Il modem è infatti un apparecchio che codifica e trasforma (modula) dati binari, Il modem PC Card è una piccola scheda portatile (le sue dimensioni sono
Libero - Assistenza - ADSL - Guide d'installazione modem
Tutte le guide per modem e router oltre alle istruzioni per configurare Libero ADSL. Nelle singole guide trovi anche manuali scaricabili, consigli, driver,
The Linux Modem-HOWTO
4.1 Il modem converte da digitale ad analogico (e viceversa); 4.2 Cos'è una porta 16.1 Il mio modem è fisicamente al suo posto ma non può essere trovato
Modem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The most familiar example is a voiceband modem that turns the digital '1s and Because the modem could not dial the phone, the acoustic coupler remained
Aiutamici: Test velocità modem
Consente di calcolare la velocità di download scaricando un'immagine.
Modemsite.com: 56k Modem Drivers, Information and Troubleshooting
A reliable source of 56k modem information, troubleshooting, and modem driver downloads.
Howstuffworks "How Modems Work"
Most of the world still uses a standard modem to connect to the Internet. Learn how they are able to transmit so much data over a normal voice connection!
PCalMeglio.com - Rockwell / Conexant Modem - Driver aggiornati per
Se dopo l'installazione dei driver, il modem HSF non funzionasse a dovere L'unico modo di far funzionare il modem HSF perfettamente, con riconoscimento