OLD NEWS ARCHIVE: latest news are available here.
3 oct. 01 Armyeditor 1.0.0 released: you can now edit the Conan armies.
29 sept. 01  Version 1.7.1 released
  • BUG: the "Random Enemy" option on Conan create a 0 moral enemy.
  • BUG: OW not working regardless of the Preferences
  • BUG: Samurai army stats not displayed in the Army Selection dialog.
  • BUG: Second Line attack preference (2/4pts) not working in certain cases..
23 sept. 01  Version 1.7.0  released: you need the new engine and the new graphic archive to play with Conan. The required files have been "consolidated" to include all the recent army additions (including the Diadochoi module): if you're using version 1.6.3 you don't need them.
  • The new Conan module is now available for download.
  • A new preference is available in the "Conan" section to use the Hoplites armies within the Conan module.
  • New preference: Special LI Mobility: LI can move on the second line. LI can gain a flanking position against MI, BI, HI, PH, CO, LG with a TQ check if the target unit has an adiacent empty area (like all mounted units).
  • Hotseat mode improved: you can now play in Hotseat starting a PBEM battle. At the end of your turn a new button will make possible to swap the active player without saveing/reloading the game.
  • Autosave is now working for all modules (Samurai and Conan)
  • PBEM is now possible for all modules (Samurai and Conan)
  • AI reviewed (mainly PH play)

The army editor will be soon updated to 1.0.0: you will be able to create both Hoplites and Conan armies. Expect soon an updated manual.

NOTE: being a "dot-zero" release expect early bugs and (possibly) some quick fix. 

23 august 01 The new army pack Diadochoi is now available: author is Michael Akinde. Unzip it on your Hoplites directory to use the six new armies. A Diadochoi.readme file is also in the army pack with more historical information about each army. A very good pack: thanks Michael.
18 july 01 Version 1.6.3 released
  • BI play can now be restricted (in the Field Restriction panel)
  • UI: some ambiguous messages fixed
  • BUG: when moving a unit if the terrain costs some COH the unit doesn't route even it COH >= TQ
  • Minor fixing and tuning in the engine.

This is probably the last release before my holidays (i'll be unavailable from july the 26th to august the 17th - no television, no mobile, no computer, just books, food, sleep and ... daughters and wife). 

The new version include a lot more of what's in the surface (even if you won't be able to access it ;)): i'm now working on a new module, Conan, that will add some different possibilities of gameplay. I will give more details on it after my holidays but if you're interested on what's look like you can have a look at this screenshot.

27 june 01 A new army pack for Alesia is now available: author is Bruno Cosenza. Unzip it on your Hoplites directory to use the two new armies and cards.
24 june 01 Version 1.6.2 released
  • PBEM: a report button is now available to access the last turn description
  • PBEM BUG: when you gain the initiative you cannot perform the second turn
  • BUG: routed unit receive an incorrect manoeuvre when routed in the enemy turn
  • BUG: CH are unable to gain a flank position with a FLANK card when attacking from a different zone.
  • Samurai BUG: desktop not correctly set when playing a Samurai game after loading an Hoplites saved game.
  • Samurai BUG: clan flag are not reset at the beginning of a new turn
  • UI: up to 4 special rules can now be correctly displayed in the main window
  • UI: Army selection dialog reviewed to allow more descriptive data
  • UI: you can delete the saved games by shift-clicking on them
  • UI: some typo fixed and messages reviewed to make it easier to understand.
  • README.TXT file revised
  • New preference: Descriptive UI. When this preference is selected some additional text is used to make the dialogs more "friendly" (eg. turns are not numbered but displayed as hours, the missile results are kept on a textual form). In the future releases this approach will be extended to more dialogs.

Please note that the old saved games (autosave and PBEM are NOT compatible with the new version).

22 june 01 A new army is available in the Armies page: author is E.C.Ostermeyer
12 june 01
  • Four new armies are available on the army pack 01 archive (author is Franco Gardella): unzip the archive in your Hoplites directory to access the new armies. (NOTE: Vikings use 4 special rules and the relative markers are incorrectly displayed in the main window. Version 1.6.2 will fix this problem)
  • Required files reviewed: the special cards now have on the bottom the name of the phase when the card  can be played. While not mandatory please download the new archive to keep your install up-to-date (the new required.zip archive include also the 4 new armies)
  • The army editor has been updated to 0.9.8:  you can now create a new leader for an army and add some "historical period" info. This information will be used in the future to filter the adversary.
3 june 01 Version 1.6.1 repackaged to solve the download problems. If you're using 1.6.0 You need now to get both the hoplites., and graphic archives. 
  • An new army is available in the new hoplites archive: Sumer, with a new CH card. The army is still in test but is nearly completed. If you have already 1.6.1 you can download the sumer.zip archive and unzip it on your Hoplites folder.
22 may Y1 Version 1.6.1 released (1.7.0 beta could be more appropriate).
  • BETA: after the AI turn the game is automatically saved (only for Hoplites). You can continue the last saved game by selecting the new Load (chest) button in the Game Selection form. Since this is the first release where a public load/save feature is implemented please expect some early bugs.
  • BETA: PBEM (only for Hoplites). In the game selection form you can click the  PBEM button (parchement) start a PBEM game. The player that starts the PBEM game has the initiative. At the end of the turn a "Save Game" button is displayed: by clicking on it you can access a dialog where you can specify the name of the game. The manual include the PBEM details.
    Using the PBEM mechanism you can also play in Hotseat Mode: the first player starts the game, play his turn, saves the game and leaves the current game. The second player can now Load the saved game and contiune the fight.
    Again, since this is the first release of PBEM please expect some early bugs: a lot of features are missing in this release, so if you think that something could be added to PBEM please send to me some feedback.
  • The sound module has been updated with some new sounds. A new sound engine has been included in the game engine, since the previous Microsoft DLL was causing some strange (?) problems.Let me know it you still are unable to hear the sounds.
  • The manual has been updated.
  • The Rally Form now display only the routed units.
  • UI: new splash screen
  • UI change: Game Type Form and Game Selection Form merged on a single form: you can now play a Hoplites game and then a Samurai one without restarting the program
  • UI: the game now "remembers" both the last Hoplites and Samurai battles.
  • Persia army type on armylist.dat fixed (the Persia Chariot army can now be open in the editor without any error message).
  • BUG: AI using Flank with Chariots without Flank Card 
  • BUG: CH cannot gain a Flank Advantage by attacking a different Zone
  • BUG: the rally form allow to rally a unit with manoeuvre > 0 when opened by clicking on the "routed" label.
28 apr Y1 Note: Hoplites has been reviewed (positively) on Vae Victis #38 by Fred Bey.

Version 1.6.0 released: if you have 1.5.4 you can download only the hoplites archive, otherwise all the archives (hoplites., required and graphic) must be dowloaded. 

  • SOUNDS module added: download the sound archive and unzip it on your Hoplites directory. Sounds are enabled with a new Dialogs/UI Preference
  • Field restrictions are not enforced on an army with MOBILITY.
  • AI Improvements: better analisys of enemy terrain before play.
  • Debriefing added at the end of each battle: you can now verify the units eliminated/routed and the turn when a unit has been played or routed.
  • New Preference Added: 2nd line attacks are worth 4 points (instead of the standard 2pt). This preference is intended to make "free" attacks more valuable.
  • BUG: units cannot be rallied if newly routed (this happened only for the human player, while the AI was following the correct procedure, so it was another useful bug).
  • BUG: flanking is possible only if the attacher can (teoretically) move on the area adjacent to the target. 
01 apr Y1 Version 1.5.4 released
  • New Major Rule Preference: Use Cavalry Pursuit. When this rule is active if a CAV unit routs another unit there is a chance that the attacking cavarly will pursuit the routed unit. If a cavalry unit pursuit an enemy it will destroy it in the 80% of the cases.
    Units in Pursuit are counsidered out of the battlefiled: they can be displayed in the Rally Phase by clicking in the new button in the lower left: a new dialog is then displayed.A label over the Player's second line stats will be displayed to show how many units are on pursuit for both players.
    A unit in Pursuit will get a variable (1-4) amount of Manoeuvre level: every turn this level is decremented and when is 0 (no marker in the card) you can select a unit and try to regroup it (using the leader initiative as percentage). If you're successful the unit goes in the "rallied" group (standard second line).
    The number of regroup attempts is equal to the Leader's command points: the same value is used for both Rally and Regroup operations.
  • New Rule Preference: Engaged Units cannot Missile Fire. While Engaged a missile capable unit cannot fire in the Missile Phase; the unit is not on a "No Missile" status: it's simply unable to use his missile capability while it stays near the enemy.
3 mar Y1 Version 1.5.3 released
  • Preference screen/management reviewed: the number of rules and play preferences is now too high to be managed on a simple list. In the long term the new tabbed dialog will include all the preference/setup data (terrain, deck)
  • The Field Restrictions are now managed on a new tab in the Preference dialog: You can specify what unit types can be played in the center and/or wings
  • New preference (Dialogs/UI) "Skip void phase": when it's selected 
    • the rally phase is skipped if no rallied or routed units are in the second line
    • the shock phase is skipped if no units can conduct a melee 
  • New preference: ALL units always perform OW.
  • Minor bug fixing (some messages)
  • Persia army revised - now includes the CAT HC needed to edit the Persia Cataphract army.
12 feb Y1 Version 1.5.2 released  
  • the "No combat on Setup" preference now is working also for the human player 99.99% of the cases.
  • some bugs related to the "discovering" of hidden units
  • minor fixes in the engine
  • Samurai charts updated
  • BUG (Samurai): wrong clan count on attack. 
  • The samurai module has been updated to include two new armies (Ishida - Sekigahara and Tokugawa - Sekigahara): these are intended to be used together since they both have AS capable of missile fire.
07 feb Y1 Version 1.5.1 released to fix the expected early bugs
  • Camels cannot attack a unit on a prohibited terrain
  • The preference "CAV always perform OW" now also includes Camels
  • BUG: hitting twice the enter key can cause an error or a double phase.
05 feb Y1 Version 1.5.0 released - i've updated the three main archives (hoplites., required and graphic) so you have to download the three of them.
  • New unit type: Camels. Camels are a special type of light mounted units. Like LC camels do not get a manoeuvre marker when played and can OW if attacked by foot unit and by HC. Camels are treated as LC for shock purposes: cavalry units attacked by a Camel have a -2 TQ modifier while cavalry attacking a Camel has a -1 TQ modifier.
  • Added a new army type, Middle East, used for a new army Midianites, with a main force of Camels.
  • Added a new Samurai terrain: Castle. You cannot shock attack from this terrain type. This characteristic could be added to other terrains: let me know what you think of it.
  • A new samurai army is available, Nagashino Castle, using the new terrain.
  • New Preference: "No combat on Setup"; when it's selected no missile combat is possible during the Setup turns. Since shock is never possible in the Setup you can now have an initial phase of the game with no interaction at all: the fight will start normally (and furiosly) at the end of the Setup turns. Prepare your first line and wait for the buccina signal! 
  • New Preference: "Fog of War": some of the terrains provide enough cover to hide the units (the help on-line on the card will display such a characteristic). A unit is "hidden" when is played on such a terrain and there are no adjacent enemy. (note: the AI doesn't consider the hidden units in his evaluation of the moves).
  • UI addiction: hidden units have a TQ printed with a green background
  • UI addition: a "no shock" label is shown to the right of the turn number when the shock is not possible due to the initiative or because of the setup phase.
  • Minor bugs & revisions: a small bug in the Initiative fixed, one SK card label revised.

The manual has been updated to include the new units and rules.

The army editor has been updated to 0.9.7 to take in account the news.

While the samurai module has been updated the relative archive has not been changed, so you can keep the old samurai.zip file.

23 jan Y1 The manual has been updated to include the latest rules and an exaustive list of the abbreviations used in the game.
15  jan Y1 Version 1.4.9 released to fix a damn bug with Samurai - if only play with Hoplites you don't need to upload the engine. :(
14  jan Y1 Version 1.4.8 released (only the engine hoplites.zip is needed).
  • BUG (another useful one): free flank attack from a different area because the flank marker is not checked.
  • A new army type Asia, to be used as a generic OOB for a lot of future armies.
  • A new very special army, Iphicrates: what's so special ? I want tell you right now - i suggest to play against Iphicrates and see what's happening. The first one that will email to me what's about this army will receive a special prize.

A new desktop  is also available, with a Roman Testudo in action

12 feb Y1 Version 1.5.2 released  
  • the "No combat on Setup" preference now is working also for the human player 99.99% of the cases.
  • some bugs related to the "discovering" of hidden units
  • minor fixes in the engine
  • Samurai charts updated
  • BUG (Samurai): wrong clan count on attack. 
  • The samurai module has been updated to include two new armies (Ishida - Sekigahara and Tokugawa - Sekigahara): these are intended to be used together since they both have AS capable of missile fire.
07 feb Y1 Version 1.5.1 released to fix the expected early bugs
  • Camels cannot attack a unit on a prohibited terrain
  • The preference "CAV always perform OW" now also includes Camels
  • BUG: hitting twice the enter key can cause an error or a double phase.
05 feb Y1 Version 1.5.0 released - i've updated the three main archives (hoplites., required and graphic) so you have to download the three of them.
  • New unit type: Camels. Camels are a special type of light mounted units. Like LC camels do not get a manoeuvre marker when played and can OW if attacked by foot unit and by HC. Camels are treated as LC for shock purposes: cavalry units attacked by a Camel have a -2 TQ modifier while cavalry attacking a Camel has a -1 TQ modifier.
  • Added a new army type, Middle East, used for a new army Midianites, with a main force of Camels.
  • Added a new Samurai terrain: Castle. You cannot shock attack from this terrain type. This characteristic could be added to other terrains: let me know what you think of it.
  • A new samurai army is available, Nagashino Castle, using the new terrain.
  • New Preference: "No combat on Setup"; when it's selected no missile combat is possible during the Setup turns. Since shock is never possible in the Setup you can now have an initial phase of the game with no interaction at all: the fight will start normally (and furiosly) at the end of the Setup turns. Prepare your first line and wait for the buccina signal! 
  • New Preference: "Fog of War": some of the terrains provide enough cover to hide the units (the help on-line on the card will display such a characteristic). A unit is "hidden" when is played on such a terrain and there are no adjacent enemy. (note: the AI doesn't consider the hidden units in his evaluation of the moves).
  • UI addiction: hidden units have a TQ printed with a green background
  • UI addition: a "no shock" label is shown to the right of the turn number when the shock is not possible due to the initiative or because of the setup phase.
  • Minor bugs & revisions: a small bug in the Initiative fixed, one SK card label revised.

The manual has been updated to include the new units and rules.

The army editor has been updated to 0.9.7 to take in account the news.

While the samurai module has been updated the relative archive has not been changed, so you can keep the old samurai.zip file.

23 jan Y1 The manual has been updated to include the latest rules and an exaustive list of the abbreviations used in the game.
15  jan Y1 Version 1.4.9 released to fix a damn bug with Samurai - if only play with Hoplites you don't need to upload the engine. :(
14  jan Y1 Version 1.4.8 released (only the engine hoplites.zip is needed).
  • BUG (another useful one): free flank attack from a different area because the flank marker is not checked.
  • A new army type Asia, to be used as a generic OOB for a lot of future armies.
  • A new very special army, Iphicrates: what's so special ? I want tell you right now - i suggest to play against Iphicrates and see what's happening. The first one that will email to me what's about this army will receive a special prize.

A new desktop  is also available, with a Roman Testudo in action

21 dec 2K Version 1.4.7 released: a new packaging has been created to facilitate the download operations. The game is now composed of three archives:
  1. the latest game engine hoplites.zip
  2. the army files required.zip
  3. the graphic support files (backgrounds) graphic.zip

I expect the graphic archive to be very static, while the other two will be updated at the release of the new versions; since you always need the latest game engine i've tried to make it as small as possible.

News on 1.4.7

  • A couple of new armies added: Corinth and Dionysius. Both are 1300 points armies based on the Tyrant period with a strong HI/PH core.
  • BUG: (a useful one indeed) you cannot declare an attack on a non-adiacent unit to trigger the OW
  • BUG: declaring 9 attacks doesn't crash the system any more
23 nov 2K Version 1.4.6 released
  • A new Special Rule added: Long Swords: when is active BI are considered Attacker Superior if one of the following cases apply to the defender
        1-  is on the extreme left or right area
        2 -  has two consecutive free areas on the left or right flank: in this case
              areas on a different zone count as two
  • A new army is available, Caratacus, using the Long Sword special rule (and of course a couple of new cards, now totalling 124).
  • The Sassaind army has been heavily updated to be more "historical"
  • The editor has been updated to 0.9.6.
  • Field restictions (act II): not yet available a specialized dialog but at least now you can specify exactly your preferred restrictions. Simply edit the tables.dat file and look for the section [Field Restrictions]: you will find two rows, labeled CENTRE and WINGS where you can specify the TYPES you dont' want to be playable 

I've been informed of some problems with my actual provider so i've created a mirror site to download the basic archives at geocities: 


I'll try to keep it updated.

13 nov 2K Version 1.4.5 released
  • The Combat Result Table is now available on the Chart dialog
  • The Field Restrictions now include also the HI on the wings. Note: I'm planning to include a full Restriction Window where You will be able to choose exactly which units are limited and where.  
  • BUG: runtime error after the AI rally with leader
  • BUG: field restrictions not enforced using a combined move
  • The manual has been updated: i've tried to clarify the combat process, especially for those not familiar with the GBoH system. And with the CRT now available you can now estimate a lot better your chances.
  • The editor has been updated to 0.9.5: not yet 100% stable but a little better. And You can now edit the army notes.
6 nov 2K A missing file in the hoplites game engine archive has been added. Without it the CHALLENGE card causes a runtime error. You can either download the updated engine, download the required files or simply right click on the characters.dat link and save it on you Hoplites directory.
5 nov 2K Version 1.4.4 released
  • Personal Combat added to the Samurai module (you have to dowload the new module to use this feature): a new special card CHALLENGE can be added to the army decks with the usual preference screen. By dropping this card on the field you can trigger a personal combat and win (or lose) a Bundori (severed head) worth 5 points. Combat is resolved with the GBoH Samurai rules.
  • minor UI update: You can now use the Enter key to close the windows and in the Y/N dialogs this key will choose the Yes option
  • the mordor army file has been updated to fix an error with the HI and some improvements has been done on the AI to fight against the DK.
  • on the Select Army dialog a new button is now available to show the army description (when available). I plan to add a short text for all the armies but for now only a few have been updated
  • A Samurai-specific Castle terrain has been added to the module: in this first release you can consider it as a japanese "camp" (not yet used in any army).
  • A new Samurai army (author is Berger) has been uploaded on the Armies Page.
24 oct 2K Two new armies (author is Stuart Bennington) have been uploaded and are available on the Armies Page.
21 oct 2K Do you think Elephants are too strong? This is Your release.

Version 1.4.3 released (only the game engine is needed)

  • Caltrops added:  this is as special card You can play on a enemy clear area (also including areas with EL on it!) to reveal the presence of the Caltrops. Any EL unit present or played later on this area will suffer a 4 hit damage.
  • New army: Ptolemy, using caltrops (Seleucid army type has also been revised)
  • New preference added - Balance: Elephant worth TQ value. If this preference is selected then each EL unit will worth the full TQ route points instead of the standard GBoH two points.
  • Samurai bug: the combined move (AS on TP or YU) wasn't checked for the clan limit
18 oct 2K The Samurai module has been updated to include a missing message file. This should solve the "Blank dialog" bug.

The Takeda Guns army has a couple of typo that cause a crash of the program. You can download the correct army file on the Hoplites directory while waiting for the next release.

14 oct 2k The Samurai module has been tested a lot, identifying and fixing the major bugs; i'm not sure it's completely solid so please send to me any occurrences of crashes. 
Some of the bugs where on the Hoplites module so even people not interested in Samurai should download the latest version.

Version 1.4.2 released (only the game engine is needed)

  • Samurai Artillery added (Ozutsu): the guns are very effective (from 1 to 3 hits) and are treated as AS when defending on shock combat to represent the inherent infantry escort.
  • Takeda Guns army added
  • BUG: defender superiority sometimes was not applied
  • BUG: AI cannot flank on river
  • BUG: TP/YU size never shown and AI cannot use them to attack
  • BUG: cohesion card is not counted for the clan limit
  • BUG: cohesion card doesn't count for the dinamic play/draw mechanism
  • BUG: rally card lost when used to rally a unit and the action is not possible due to the clan limits
  • BUG: cohesion hits must be added when a unit move on a terrain
  • Oda army image reference corrected.
02 oct 2k As foreseen some early bugs in the samurai module have been detected.

Version 1.4.1 relased (only the game engine is needed). If you don't have downloaded the Samurai module you can skip this version and stay on 1.4.0.

  • Fixed a bug in the Samurai module that caused some "Out of range.." crashes.
  • A new army, Ishida, has been added.

Full setup for version 1.4.0 is now available on the downloads page.

30 sept 2K

Major Milestone: version 1.4.0

The web site has been heavily updated: a new page has been added to access all the downloadable files

The Samurai module is available here: the module is optional so you can download it only if you're interested.

Version 1.4.0 released. Everything is changed so you have to download both the game engine and the required files.

Apart the Samurai module this version includes:

  • Improved AI play for PH/HI and CAV units
  • Revised graphics, with new optional desktops.
  • A new army type, Early Hoplite, with a new army Syracuse.
04 sept 2K Version 1.3.6 released
  • Bug fixed: when the Field Restriction Preference is selected you can use the CAV on your wings to attack the center if the corresponding zone is empty.
  • Bug fixed: after a double play you can click on the advance button without getting the wrong message about the need of drawing a card.
  • New preference: No combat dialogs; when this preference is on then you won't get any dialog after the missile/melee. 

As you can see this is mainly a bug-fixing release but since I hate to upload something that doesn't add anything new i've also prepared something special: it's an "army pack" called Mordor: unzip the archive file on your Hoplites directory and discover what's about.

14 july 2K Version 1.3.5 released
  • New rule added: Field Restriction. When this rule is active you can play CAV units only on the wings and PH on the center. This rule follows some discussion with the players about the "historical" possibility of having CAV on the center: you can now restrict the unit placement but keep in mind that some armies are mainly built on cavalry forces  (like Scythians for example) so this rule can make this armies unable to fight.
  • EL cannot OW when engaged: this should limit the EL mobilty after you choose to shock with them.
  • On-line help is now available for the preferences: right click on the preference label to access a short description
  • Bug fixed: the second line attacks statistic is now reset after each battle

You don't need to update the required files, simply donwload the Hoplites engine.

26 june 2K Version 1.3.4 released
  • SK can now be moved on the second line when not adiacent to cavalry regardless of any foot enemy. TO move on second line simply click on the selected SK and drag it to your hand. This is a rather important change and probably will open new tactics.
  • New army type: Parthia, with a new army Mithridates; it's a cavalry only army with Mobility, so watch your flanks.
  • New preference: Reaction Fire for ALL units capable or missile
  • New rule: Restricted CH melee. If this preference is selected then the chariots will be limited in their shock capability: the LCH won't be able to shock attack and the HCH cannot gain a flank with a FLANK card. I've discussed with some players about the "realism" of the chariots on Hoplites and i think that this restriction can be very effective especially on the early battles.
  • Revised Mobility: LC with mobility can OW another LC only if TQ >= attacker and LC is not engaged. You will badly need this to try to catch the parthian armies.
  • Bug fixing: draw/play mechanism, reserve play and other minor problems.

The required files have been updated but you don't need them if you're upgrading from 1.3.3. Expect the manual and the full setup version in the next days.

11 june 2K Version 1.3.3 released
  • New special card MISSILE SUPPLY; this card can be used in the missile phase to resupply mounted units or SK. Card added to the armies Persia, Scythians and Jugurtha. 
  • New unit type: Light Chariots LCH (ideas taken by the Qadesh scenario on Dave Townsend site). Starndard CH are considered Heavy chariots while CH[Lgt] are considered light. LCH got a -1 in the missile volley. In shock combat when attacking units except SK and CH they have a base value of 2 points lower than the HCH. When defending LCH got a base value of one point lower than the HCH (exception: attacks by SK or CH). HCH are considered AS against LCH (keep it in mind when playing against Hittites)
  • New army type: Early Egypt with a new army, Ramses, using the new LCH. Now you can play Quadesh.
  • You can now press "Y" or "N" in the dialogs where an answer is required

Time to update the required files: you need the latest version to play 1.3.3. An update manual  will be available in the next days.

30 may 2K Version 1.3.2. released: main focus on the deck structure and the first hand composition
  • The number of setup turns (base: 3) is now a preference that you can modify at the beginning of each new game
  • The hoplites.ini file is no more part of the distribution; this means that you won't lose any more your preferences.
  • The first hand is now created so that you will get at least 4 units and 2 of them will be choosen between SK, LI or LC with missile capability. I think that you can have a better start with this new setup.
  • New army: Hittite, with a strong chariot force (poor route level anyway since CH only contribute with 2 points). I've planned more armies of the ancient middle east to be used against Hittites on a more "competitive" play.
  • A new special card RESERVE is available; as default 1 reserve card is added to your deck You can double click on a RESERVE card in the DRAW phase to get two units from your deck (if available). This should help with the plaetora of special cards now on your decks.
  • A new preference dialog has been created to specify how many special cards must be added to your deck; you can control Initiative, COH and Reserve cards.
  • Bug fixing (as always)
    • GHOST bug: i've found another case of this damn error. Hope it's the last incarnation ot the little bastard 
    • terrain generators will keep track of blocking terrains when mixing with army terrains. 
    • One error on the shock table and one in the terrain table fixed.

Required files have been updated but you don't need them if you're updating from 1.3.X 

23 may 2K Version 1.3.1a released (new upload, some players got some strange error with the chart dialog)
  • MAJOR Bug fixed: COH cards do not count as play (no influence on the draw phase)
  • Shock and missile charts are now available from the main window by clicking the relative button
  • Revised armies: Jugurtha and Seleucids
  • New army: Antiochus, by Michael Akinde.
  • The army editor is now at ver 0.9.3

You don't need the new required files to update from 1.3.0.

17 may 2K Oops! In the last required file a card unit was missing so the Shytian army was incomplete. I've fixed the required files but to make your life easier you can simply download the missing card.
16 may 2K Version 1.3.0 relased - a lot is changed so the planned 1.2.4 became 1.3.0 the manual includes the new rules; since some internal structures have been reviewed   i won't be able to process the "old version" last_move.deck files: another reason to update!
  • New army type: Schytians, and a new army Scytians (the name is not very original). New cards have been added to represent this cavalry-based army.
  • New unit type: Cataphracted Elephants (same defense against Missile of the CAT Cavalry)
  • New missile type: Indian Archer (I), with base value of  8
  • Revised Indian army with CAT EL and new Indian Archer units.
  • Revised Spartan and Thebes army types.
  • Revised UI: confirmation dialog added when you dont' play any card, depletion shown in second line units.
  • Revised AI management of SK/LI when OW
  • Bug fixing - engagement
  • Revised COH costs for all armies; ALL armies have been revised
  • Rule update: at the beginning of each game two COH cards are added for free to each army (exception:  armies unable to use COH reduction like Gauls)
  • New rule preference: No shock attack for the first intitative. The winner of the initiative at the the start of every game won't be able to shock attack on the 4th turn.
  • New rule preference: Dynamic play/draw phase. After the 4th turn you can do one of the following actions
    • Play 2 cards (the second uit always get a manoeuvre marker) and do not draw
    • Play 1 card and make a draw (standard behaviour)
    • Do not play any card and make 2 draws (from either the deck or the 2nd line)

The army editor is now at ver 0.9.2 and the editor's manual has been updated also.

The required files have been revised for the new units and also new graphics has been added to the old cards.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

05 may 2K Version 1.2.3 relased
  • A "Battle Log" has been added: from the Game Selection window you can now look at your past victories and your defeats.
  • New army type: Aetolian League (very interesting to me since is a mix of a Roman Legion with standard greek units)
  • A new army, Pyrrias (Aetolian League, of course)
  • Heavily revised Egyptian army
  • Bug fixing (leader COH removal procedure and Bow vs Cataphract)

The manual has been updated to version 1.2.2 (Yes, the previous one)

01 may 2K Version 1.2.2 released
  • New unit type: LI armed with Axe
  • New Missile Type: BOW with base value 6
  • New unit type LI with Bow (celts)
  • New army Cimbri, using both new unit types
  • New preference: Leader can remove COH.. If this is turned On then you will able on the Draw phase to give a number of cohesion removal orders equals to the leader command points *2 without the need of having a COH card. This preference will probably create longer games so if You prefer a faster play do not check it.

Missile labels update: artillery now use a P (Projectile) marker, since the letter B is used to label the "modern" bow (C will be used in the future for the Composite bow). The "old style" bow of the antiquity is still labeled with an A.

The required files have been also updated: You need the latest ones to use version 1.2.2

16 apr 2K Version 1.2.1 released
  • New special rule: MOBILITY. This represents the special capabilities of armies like the numidians (or the mongols - in the future). Mobility gives an army the following capabilities:
    • LI do not get a monoeuvre marker when played
    • LC can OW other CAV (exception: vs NUM LC or enemy LC with MOBILITY)
    • LC or LN not adjacent to enemy CAV can be moved on the second line during the MOVE phase: to make this special move simply drag you unit and drop it on your hand.
  • New army type: Thebes (with the size 60 phalanx) with the new army Thebes.army
  • New army type: Numides with the new army Jugurtha (use the Mobility rule)
  • TQ check for German Cavalry revised 
  • AI improvements: Cavalry usage and draw.

The new army editor (ver 0.9.1) is needed to edit the new armies with the new rules.

The required files have been updated but you don't need them if you have installed version 1.2 since all the new files have been included in the base package.

The manual will be soon updated to reflect this changes.

04 apr 2K Version 1.2 released; this is a MAJOR update both in the surface and deep into the game (four new unit types, five new armies, a new terrain, tons of cards). 
Basically everything has been updated so You have to download all the files. The manual has been updated to reflect the changes:
  • Late roman army and cards added (new army: Julius Caesar)
  • Barbarian army and cards added (new army: Helvetii)
  • New unit types: Cohortes (Vet,Rec and Con) Barbarian Infantry, German Cavalry.
  • New terrain: CLIFF added (blocking as the river); You can use it in the new Terrain option Gorge.
  • Greek army revised: two armies available -  Leonidas (remember Thermopyliae?) and Sparta
  • New army: Maccebee (also available in the armies page); try to win against it with the Seleucids.
  • Special rules added: this represents some specific characteristics of an army. First rules added: Ferocity and Tribal Command.
  • Improved on-line help
  • More ...

The required files have been heavily updated: You need the latest ones to use version 1.2

The new army editor (ver 0.9) is needed to use the new rules.

19 mar 2K Version 1.1.6 released
  • Bug fixing (a couple of the damn "subscript out of range..." bugs)
19 mar 2K Version 1.1.5 released
  • Quick Help available on the cards: right click on a card to access the description of the unit type and/or usage
  • Bug fixing
7 mar 2K Version 1.1.4 released
  • Bug fixing

In the armies page You can find the new armies created by the Hoplites players 

27 feb 2K Version 1.1.3 released
  • AI management of mounted units revised
  • Bug fixing
26 feb 2K Version 1.1.2 released
  • A new defensive terrain: Mountain (PH/HI 1, INF: 0, all mounted units; NA)
  • A new army: Samnite Fort, using the Mountain
  • Bug fixing (major: SK on River, Initiative and Superiority)

Army editor ver 0.7.2 released

  • Mountain added to the list of terrains
  • New army type: Greek City (not yet used by any army)

To use the new Terrain and rules You must download the required files, also updated.

A link to the ConsimWorld Hoplites Forum has been added to the Links page.

22 feb 2K Version 1.1.1 released; i've reviewed some of the rules  (manual has been updated to reflect the changes):
  • A new Initiative System (see below)
  • An unit cannot attack an area if the area's terrain is not allowed to the unit (example: CAV vs unit in Camp)
  • Slope is not allowed to CH
  • Units of type LI/LP and MI do not get the manoeuvre marker when played on a Slope area (to represent the intertia)
  • Hannibal and Carthage Ambush armies revised
  • Some bug fixing

Army editor 0.7.1 released (manual updated)

  • New cost for slope/wood as defensive terrain

You should download the required files, but since the new/modified files are a few i've create an update to 1.1.1 file (simply unzip everyting on the hoplites directory) much more small.

The new Initiative system allows to have a more dynamic Initiative; the manual include all the details but the basics are simple: with a preference you can specify if the Initiative is fixed or it has to be determined each 3-5 turns. A new special card has been introduced to allow the player to get the Initiative: with a wise play and some chance You can now have to consecutive turns !!

16 feb 2K Version 1.1 released
  • Defensive Terrain Camp and Slope added (i'm verifying if the Slope terrain is really complete so stay tuned on it)
  • New armies: Roman Camp and Carthage Ambush added
  • Artillery units added
  • Bug fixing

The required files have been heavily updated: You need the latest ones to use version 1.1

A README.txt file has been added with troubleshooting tips, install procedure, main differences between the GBoH and Hoplites core rules, FAQ and more. Please read it at least once.

The manual has been updated to reflect the new rules.

Army editor ver 0.7 released (the editor manual has not been updated)

  • Defensive terrain management added
  • UI simplified
  • More stats on the army available
14 feb 2K Version 1.0.4 released
  • COH card play corrected
  • Computer usage of CAV vs CH corrected
  • Bug fixing
12 feb 2K Version 1.0.3 released
  • Some UI refinements
  • Bug fixing

Please note that also the required files have been updated and You need the latest version to make the 1.0.3 working at 100% 

9 feb 2K Version 1.0.2 released 
  • AI improvements 
  • Bug fixing
7 feb 2K Version 1.0.1 released
  • Bug fixes
  • Minor improvements

The upgrade from 1.0.0 is highly recommended.

31 Jan 2K Hoplites goes public !

Version 1.0.0 relased - first public release

  • New armies added
  • New unit - Samnite legion LG[HI]

Version 0.8.0 released

  • Terrains added
  • Preferences added
  • Some graphical changes
27 dec 1999 Army Editor version 0.6 released: this is a very recommended upgrade of the editor, much more stable and with some very useful additions (card preview, a simple manual)
18 dec 1999 Version 0.7.2 released
  • Reaction fire added
  • Elephants revised (archer screen, size in Shock)
  • Chariots revised (see modified entry in the manual)
  • Special case added to shock: LI/LP NO MISSILE vs CAV 
  • UI improvements
  • Attack statistics availables by clicking on the "Current Attack" label
  • some bugs with rampage fixed
09 dec 1999 Version 0.7.1 released 
  • Cataphract Cavalry added (see new entry in the revised manual)
  • UI changes of the Rally Form
  • some bugs fixed
29 nov 1999 TONS of news

Version 0.7.0 released (the manual has been revised too)
  • Chariots and Peltasts units added
  • More GBoH rules added (ex. Heavy infantry attacked only by LI doesn't go a pre-shock TQ check)

New armies and cards (Base Command units, Egypt and more), hence download the new required files.

The ArmyEditor is here! See the army page for details.

24 nov 1999 New cards added for the basic armies and new mercenary units (in the required files); the army editor will be available in the next days
31 oct 1999 Version 0.6.10 released (0.6.9 was an intermediate version)
  • AI Flanking capabilities revised (now smarter)
  • Immediate replay is now possible after each battle
  • Improved AI move
25 oct 1999

Version 0.6.8 released
  • OW revised
  • New army: Macedonia
22 oct 1999

Version 0.6.7 released
  • Some bugs eliminated, others included
  • New graphical design for the main windows