From "Mrs. Dalloway"...

by Virginia Woolf


This passage is taken from one of the central sections in Mrs. Dalloway and shows the moment when Clarissa meets her old friend Peter at home...

"And how are you?" said Peter Walsh, positively trembling; taking both her hands; kissing both her hands. She's grown older, he thought, sitting down. I shan't tell her anything about it, he thought, for she's grown older. She's looking at me, he thought, a sudden embarrassment coming over him, though he had kissed her hands. Putting his hand into his pocket, he took out a
large pocket-knife and half opened the blade. Exactle the same, thought Clarissa; the same queer look; the same check suit; a little out of the straight his face is, a little thinner, dryer, perhaps, but he looks awfully well, and just the same. "How heavenly it is to see you again!" she exclaimed. He had his knife out. That's so like him, she thought.