Database Developer: MySQL Ready for Prime Time
MySQL 5.0, the newest version, is a great leap forward. There have been enhancements to the tool sets, storage engines, types and metadata. MySQL 5.0 includes features enterprise developers have come to expect from commercial SQL products
SOA, Multi-tier Architectures and Logic in the Database
That means understanding today's model of applications as services and what role a database can play. If you understand SQL technology, you can adapt databases to application and service requirements by embedding logic in a database
Transaction Manager for ActiveRecord Framework - Local / Native
The client code still calls the traditional Commit, Rollback, and Dispose type methods that you would normally find when working with local database actions, but it is sheltered from all the connection and action management.
Microsoft SQL beats Oracle in security showdown
Litchfield ranked Microsoft SQL Server 2000 service pack 4 as the most secure database in the market, together with the PostgreSQL open source project. He ranked Oracle's 10g database at the bottom. "It will take me five minutes to find
MySQL, InterBase, FireBird, SQL Server: Prices and Licences
Some of the new features of this database are quite interesting. The price of InterBase is also interesting if you compare it with Microsoft's SQL Server and other closed-source databases, beacuse you decided you don't want to pick an
SugarCRM installation and SQL Authetication
You have to enable SQL authentication first. 2) Create a root user (sa). Give master privileges to sa first. Make it owner of master database, have him be sysadmin and etc. 3) Do not create a database (for SugarCRM in this case) yet.
Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously.
In SQL Server 2005, the database option AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC provides asynchronous statistics updating. When this option is set to ON, queries do not wait for the statistics to be updated before compiling.
Apex SQL Clean v2005.07
Apex SQL Clean tool looks for and deletes unreferenced and unused Database objects like tables, views and procedures. If database object bloat is the problem, Apex SQL Apex SQL Clean is the solution. Your database may have many stored
IBM DB2 Denial of Service Vulnerabilities Found
Secunia reports IBM DB2 version 8.x is vulnerable to two exploits that can be used to launch denial of service attacks. One threat is from unspecified errors during CONNECT/ATTACH processing. A second is related to an unspecified error
Code Red: database missing in action!
You just accidentally deleted some data in your database and suddenly all seems tools available to help as they aim to rescue your database from disaster. Anyone interested in purchasing the Red Gate Log Analysis tool, SQL Log

Guida linguaggio SQL | Guide Database |
Indice delle lezioni della Guida linguaggio SQL - Chi ha necessità di utilizzare database sul proprio server non può prescindere dalla conoscenza di SQL il
Guida T-SQL | Guide Database |
Indice delle lezioni della Guida T-SQL - La guida è indicata per chi conosce già il linguaggio SQL in generale, e per chi vuole approfondire il linguaggio
Appunti sui database Relazionali e sul linguaggio SQL
queste sono una serie di note da me utilizzate per tenere un corso all' ERLUG su SQL e sui database.
Database - Guida di
Appunti sui DataBase Relazionali e sul linguaggio SQL: Basati sul documento "Introduction to Structured Query Language ver. 4.71" di James Hoffmann
Hosting Solutions - database hosting
Le nostre soluzioni hosting con supporto per database SQL sono stati disegnati per offrire le più avanzate caratteristiche di cui Micorosft SQL Server

Guida T-SQL | Guide Database |
Indice delle lezioni della Guida T-SQL - La guida è indicata per chi conosce già il linguaggio SQL in generale, e per chi vuole approfondire il linguaggio
Hosting Solutions - database hosting
Le nostre soluzioni hosting con supporto per database SQL sono stati disegnati per offrire le più avanzate caratteristiche di cui Micorosft SQL Server
Problema Database SQL - Mambo - A PHP & MySQL Content Management
Problema Database SQL supporto installazione locale/remoto.
Database e SQL -
Questa sezione di è dedicata ai database ed al linguaggio SQL.
SQL Injection Guide Manuali e Tutorial :: Creative Web
Per Sql-Injection si intendono comunemente tutti quegli attacchi ad un'applicazione, solitamente Web, in cui il programma esegue query su di un database SQL
Scheda corso OverNet Education
Updating your Database Administration Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Eseguire la manutenzione di database SQL Server 2005.
MOC2733 - Updating your Database Administration Skills to
MOC2072 Administering a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Obbligatorio: -Eseguire la manutenzione di database SQL Server 2005.
Stringa di connessione a database SQL Server | | The
"Driver={SQL Server}; Server=nomeserver; Database=nomedatabase; Uid=admin; Pwd=password;" "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=nomeserver; Database=nomedatabase;

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