

Libro IV: vv. 1-30 Didone
Libro IV: vv. 160-197 Il temporale fatale
Libro IV: vv. 296-392 L'ultimo colloquio
Libro IV: vv. 584-705 Morte di Didone


Didone, Mantegna
La morte di Didone, Guercino
La morte di Didone, Rubens
Didone ed Enea, Reni
Incontro di Venere ed Enea, Cortona
Didone abbandonata tra le ancelle e Africa, pittura pompeiana
Mercurio appare ad Enea, Romanelli
Enea e Didone durante la caccia, stoffa copta
Enea e Venere, Tiepolo
Villa di Low Ham
Didone mostra Cartagine ad Enea, Lorrain
I codici Vaticani latini
Didone ed Enea al mattino della caccia, Turner

Dido, Mantegna
Dido's Death, Guercino
Dido's Death, Rubens
Dido and Aeneas, Reni
Venus meets Aeneas, Cortona
Dido between her handmaids and Africa, Pompeian painting
Mercury appears to Aeneas, Romanelli
Aeneas and Dido during the hunting, coptic fabric
Aeneas and Venus, Tiepolo
Low Ham's Villa
Dido shows Cartage to Aeneas, Lorrain
The Latin Vatican Codes
Dido and Aeneas during hunting in the morning, Turner

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Low Ham's Villa

Low Ham's Villa

Low Ham's rooms

Low Ham's places

Great Britain - West Country

In Italy, The West Country is generally called, with one of those lucky metonymies, "Cornwall", from the name of the peninsula at its western spur. The area is not uniform and each county presents its own individual characteristics. In the villages in Somerset one can still find the same rural English atmosphere as in Jane Austen’s novels. The English call the southern coast of Devon "the English Riviera" because of its sweet landscape and the almost Mediterranean climate.
The small bays of Cornwall guarded by huge cliffs, are the perfect scenery for dramatic stories of love and death. But the West Country is also art in its higher expression, like the Exeter and Wells cathedrals. It has been an incessant source of literary inspiration, from the Breton cycle to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Dafne du Maurier. It is, especially today, an example of cultural and environmental patrimony to preserve.