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The Free No-Install FTP, FTPS, SFTP and WebDAV Client

AnyClient is a free platform independent file transfer application that supports all major file transfer protocols including FTP/S, SFTP and WebDAV/S. AnyClient is available both as a web based service requiring no software installation, and as a downloadable application that you can install locally.

Win FTP Server is a Professional Windows FTP Server featuring speed, reliability and customization. The server has Real-Time Information function, letting you monitor your FTP server in real time, keeping an eye on each user connected to the server and collecting detailed information about them. It offers Email Notification option and Event Manager dialog, allowing the program to respond to different events, such as file upload or download by sending a default notification email to the FTP administrator automatically. It includes a new set of advanced tools (IP watcher, Hit-O-Meter, Auto online update), script support to let users extend FTP Server by VBScript and Javascript, Virtual Directories for easy sharing files and directories, and ratio, disk quota system for controlling how much a user or a group uploads and downloads.

Cerberus FTP ServerTM provides industrial strength secure SSL/TLS encryption and powerful FTP server performance without sacrificing ease-of-use. Designed to use very little CPU and memory, Cerberus features a user-friendly interface that can be easily hidden or accessed from the system tray. The server is able to listen for connections on multiple interfaces (Multi-homed PCs), integrate with the Windows NT user database or Active Directory, run as an NT service, resume failed transfers, and offers an easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations. Connection limit, timeout, and IP access can be controlled by the administrator as well as a variety of other settings. In addition, Cerberus FTP Server offers statistics on connections as well as robust logging capabilities. The server adheres to RFC959 and RFC1123.

FileZilla is open source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License - 

Support is available through our forums, the wiki and the bug and feature request trackers.

In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section.

multilanguage - *****beautifull

Golden FTP Server is extremely easy to use personal FTP server for Windows and can be run by any person who has the most basic computer skills. The program loads automatically on Windows startup and you can identify the files you want to share with two mouse clicks via the dialog window that works in the same way as the standard Windows "Open File:" dialog or via the Windows Explorer context menu. Golden FTP Server features clean and easy to understand multi-lingual interface. Multi-threaded downloads and ability to resume aborted downloads are supported.

Core FTP Server is software for Windows that allows you to exchange files with others via networks and the internet.  The FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol) allows files to be moved across the internet and networks with relative ease, regardless of computer platform (Windows, Unix, Mac, etc).   The server program is setup on your computer and allows access by others to your files.  You control who accesses what files by setting up user accounts on the FTP server.
Users access your FTP server via a FTP client.   FTP clients allow users to access your server to exchange files (more commonly known as uploading and downloading).


freeFTPd is a FTP/FTPS/SFTP server that enables user to access remote files over TCP/IP network such as Internet. Unlike FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols provide security and strong encryption of data - great for insecure network.

Need to reliably transfer files, upload to websites, or download updates? FTPShell Client will get your work done faster and easier. FTPshell script now supports secure file transfers using SSL/TLS(FTPS) and SSH(SFTP).


Mit SmartFTP erhalten Webmaster ein gutes Tool um Daten auf dem eigenen Webserver hoch- bzw. herunter zu laden. Das Programm kommt mit einer hübschen, intuitiv zu bedienenden Oberfläche daher und dürfte somit vor allem bei Neulingen wenig Verwirrung stiften.

Da der Namenszustände freie ftp-Manager ein vollständig FREIER ftp-Klient für Windows ist. Es ist schneller und zuverlässiger ftp-und SFTP Klient, der Akten zu den ftp-Faltblättern leicht ansehen, herunterladen und laden darf. Freier ftp-Manager verwendet Entwicklungsauthentisierungstechniken und stellt die maximale mögliche Sicherheit für Ihre Datenübertragungen zur Verfügung. Freier ftp-Manager hat intuitive Schnittstelle und vorhandenes in populärsten Sprachen Dutzend.

language : D - IT - F - E - RU

RUFF - ftp

Mit Ruff-FTP erhält man ein FTP-Client im Windows-Explorer-Stil. Die Software kopiert Daten zwischen Servern im Netz und dem heimischen Pc mit dem so genannten File-Transfer-Protokoll.

Ruff-FTP verschiebt hoch- oder herunterzuladende Dateien per Drag&Drop von einem beliebigen Verzeichnis auf der eigenen Festplatte in einen entfernten Ordner oder umgekehrt. Selbst ganze Verzeichnisse samt Unterordnern überträgt die software eins zu eins. Abgebrochene Datenübertragungen setzt Ruff-FTP bei Bedarf zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt fort.

Ce dossier a pour but de vous faire découvrir un client FTP qui vous permet soit de récupérer des fichiers hébergés sur un serveur, soit, au contraire, d'envoyer vos propres fichiers sur un serveur public ou privé, par exemple dans le cas de la gestion de votre site web ou tout simplement pour du stockage (photos,...).


FTP Explorer

FTP Explorer estremamente semplice e funzionale è un ottimo client per il traferimento dei file con il protocolo ftp. - 

FTP Explorer  vi permette di trasferire file di ogni tipo grazie al protocollo ftp che è utilizzato quasi esclusivamente dai webmaster e dagli appassionati di internet che amano traferire una grande quantità di files.

language : IT

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