Vincenzo Pocci


Vincenzo Pocci
,  physicist, guitarist and musicologist, was born in Velletri (Rome, Italy).

He went on to earn a masters degree in Physics at the University of Rome, and became involved in the world of teaching and in nuclear research.

Scholar and editor, has published articles and books on the guitar history and repertoire.

As the author of the 20th- and 21th-century guitar music catalogue he maintains a computerized database of solo guitar compositions and instrumental/vocal ensembles which include the guitar, from which the
Pocci Catalog - the guide to the  guitarist’s modern and contemporary repertoire (worldwide known) is taken.

Vincenzo Pocci owns a wide guitar music library, that included printed music, manuscripts and copies of manuscripts. (A wide selection of digital scores from this library can be downloaded from the cloud  Digital music library)

In 1999 he was awarded the "Golden Guitar" for musicological research.

Vicchio (Firenze), Italia


Vincenzo Pocci
, fisico, musicologo e chitarrista, è nato a Velletri (Roma).

Si è laureato in Fisica all'Università di Roma. Ricercatore in Fisica Nucleare ha compiuto studi nel campo delle particelle elementari.

Musicologo ed editore, ha pubblicato articoli e libri sulla storia della chitarra e del repertorio.

Autore del catalogo della musica per chitarra dal 1900 ad oggi, ha creato una banca-dati delle opere per chitarra solista e per formazioni strumentali e vocali comprendenti chitarra, che viene aggiornata costantemente. L'intero contenuto della banca-dati è riprodotto nel Pocci Catalog -  the guide to the guitarist's modern and contemporary repertoire.

Pocci ha la disponibilità di una vasta collezione di musica per chitarra che comprende edizioni di musica stampata, manoscritti e copie di manoscritti. (Un'ampia selezione di musiche di questa libreria può essere scaricata in digitale dalla Digital music library sul cloud

Nel 1999 gli è stato assegnato il premio "Chitarra d'oro" per la ricerca musicologica.

Pocci Catalog
the guide to the guitarist's modern and contemporary repertoire

Pocci Catalog - the guide to the guitarist's modern and contemporary repertoire provides the most complete catalogue of the music for guitar solo and ensemble composed since 1900. 

The guide contains:

  • references of thousands of authors and compositions arranged by author and by performance medium (guitar solo, guitar ensemble, ensembles with guitar, guitar and orchestra, voice and guitar);
  • address of publishers, distributors, periodicals and musical information centres;
  • anthologies, albums and collections of guitar music.

free download in PDF format from the Box Cloud folder "Pocci Catalog"

free access to the Database onLine click here (powered by vpmusicmedia)

Critic's Comments about the guide to the guitarist's modern and contemporary repertoire

"...De toutes les listes de musique pour guitare que j'ai jamais vues, celle-ci est de loin la plus complète, et la plus facile à utiliser......Un grand Bravo pour Vincenzo Pocci."
[... Among all the lists of guitar music that I've ever seen, the present one is far the most complete, and the easiest to use......A great Bravo to Vincenzo Pocci.]

Mary Criswick - Les Cahiers de la Guitare

"...Siamo di fronte al risultato di un genuino lavoro ricognitivo paziente ed appassionato di un estimatore della chitarra che, non dedicandosene professionalmente, ha comunque inteso rendere a questo strumento il proprio tributo..."
[We enjoied the result of this genuine and patient work by a true keen guitar lover who, though not being a professional, whished to devote to this instrument his own tribute ...]

Leonardo Laddaga - Seicorde

"...In committing himself to this never-ending task of research and revision, Pocci has produced a reference work which everyone associated with the guitar should own."

Paul Fowles - Classical Guitar

"...What a magnificent accomplishment! What a tribute to all of the dedicated masters of the guitar listed here - world famous names who have hundreds of pieces, youngsters justly proud of having written one or two. Hundreds of composers, thousands of works - what a joy for generations of listeners to come. Bravo, Prof Pocci..."

Harry Hewitt - Penn Sounds

"...A Pocci, appassionato estimatore della chitarra, non possono che andare i nostri più sinceri ringraziamenti."
[...To Pocci, impassioned guitar lover, I wish to send our most sincere thanks.]

Gianluca Marino - Guitart

"...E' fuori di dubbio - e perciò scrivo queste righe - che uno strumento come il catalogo Pocci risulta di grandissima utilità a tutti coloro che, in un modo o nell'altro, hanno a che fare con la chitarra e con il suo repertorio..."
[...No doubt - and therefore I write these lines - that such an instrument as the "Pocci catalog" is greatly useful to all whom, in a way or another, care of the guitar and its repertoire...]

Angelo Gilardino - Suonare

"… This truly substantial tome (which makes no claim to be ‘complete’) is thus a most valuable tool for anyone in the classical guitar world..."

Chris Kilvington - Classical Guitar

"… Tale catalogo… è di fatto diventato uno strumento insostituibile per chiunque voglia addentrarsi in una indagine – per diletto, per studio o per lavoro – nello sterminato repertorio chitarristico del ventesimo secolo…"
[… Such catalogue… it is become an irreplaceable instrument for anyone that wants penetrate in an inquiry – for delight, for study or for work – in the exterminated guitar repertoire of the twentieth century …]

Marco Riboni – Il Fronimo

Digital Music Libray

Tha library includes guitar printed music sheets and books, manuscripts and copies of manuscripts.

The collection is currently being digitized in the form of pdf files.

Links to the ' cloud' folders are found below: the digitized works are grouped by author's name.

To access and download the digitized files the registration to is NOT REQUIRED.

 A              D       E-F            H-I       J-K-L       M-N       O-P-Q          S       T-U-V       W-X-Y-Z       Antologies/Books

or alternatively

you can browse the complete archive of digital files in a single folder