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Frosh leads way for Chinle girls in 3A The Arizona Republic
A pack of talented Chinle runners led by super freshman Charnelle Curley gave their coach a dominating and tearful performance Saturday, winning the Class 3A girls cross country title Saturday at the Cave Creek Golf Course.
Casino Royale MI6
Defying the critics, Daniel Craig is easing into his role as 007, he tells Martyn Palmer on the set of Casino Royale The long, gruelling days of filming and even some of the stunts are getting easier for Daniel Craig, although you couldn’t possibly tell by looking at him.
From The Archives The Plain Dealer
As the 2001 NFL draft approached, LaDainian Tomlinson had Cleveland on his radar screen. “My agent was telling me that Cleveland was a team I could go to,’’ Tomlinson said on a conference call this week. “I was prepared for the situation. I knew they needed a running back badly.
Nightlife calendar Kansas City Star
MIKE AIKEN: 7-9 p.m. Mountain Music Shoppe. GWAR: 7:30 p.m. Beaumont Club. KILL POP, ACTORS & ACTRESSES, OLYMPIC SIZE: Brick.
In theaters Bradenton Herald
Borat HHH REVIEW ON 7E. Borat Sagdiyev, Kazakhstan's sixth most famous man and a leading journalist from the State run TV network, travels from his home in Kazakhstan to the U.S. to make a documentary. On his cross-country road-trip, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. (82 min.) Rated R.
On December 3, 2006 voters in Venezuela will again get to choose who'll lead them as President for the next six years.
Stage Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Stage listings are compiled by Deborah Giattina. Performance times may change; call venues to confirm. Reviewers are Robert Avila, Rita Felciano, Karen McKevitt, and Lara Shalson. See Picks for information on how to submit items to the listings.
John Whisler: Trio ready for Nov. 10 spotlight San Antonio Express News
For "Jesse" James Leija, all the elements were there for a major case of stage fright the first time he fought Azumah Nelson. Not only was it his first world title bout, it came against one of boxing's living legends.
Horseshoes, hand grenades, and baseballs Pleiad
Only the baseball Gods can tell whether the Detroit Tigers’ breakthrough season can be credited to strong pitching, a new manager, or good luck.
TV Q&A with Rob Owen Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
This week's TV Q&A responds to questions about HD cable channels, "This Old House" and "Heroes." As always, thanks for reading, and keep those questions coming.

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[XR&CO'2005], Tue, 13 Nov 2007 04:23:51 GMT -->