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Writing Software Patterns
Updated web site: A while ago I started to put together a little article to describe why I write patterns and pass on my opinions to others about what makes good patterns. I didn't finish it at the time, but recently I dusted it off and
Credit Doctor Credit Repair Software Demo
Award-winning Credit Repair Software Kit will fix Bad Reports, Boost your FICO Score, Generate Letters etc
Cooking Software
The world around us is technologically advanced. In every direction that we look it seems that technology is being used for some household task or other. This is also true with cooking. Now you may ask how technology can be used in
Why is the Mozilla Firefox web browsing software application so
Fantastic features As far as the features offered by web browsing software applications are concerned, the Firefox web browsing software application is far ahead of all competition. Today, the scenario is such that the competitors of
osCommerce and WebCart two very different shopping cart software
When it comes to selecting shopping cart software, many people tend to choose osCommerce because it's free. However, what many newbies don't realize that although osCommerce may be free it offers virtually no technical phone or email
Oracle Software Security Assurance update
Because software engineering is a complex discipline, the absence of security flaws in released software cannot be fully guaranteed. More than a marketing gesture, Oracle Software Security Assurance is evidence of Oracle’s
Software Suite Aims to Speed Linux Phone Development
The products in the suite include RealNetworks’ mobile multimedia software, Opera Software ASA’s mobile phone browser, MontaVista Software’s operating system and Mimer Information Technology’s SQL database management product. Read More.
LinuxBIOS - A truly GPLed Free Software BIOS 22 Nov 2006
LinuxBIOS is a project which aims to replace the normal BIOS found on PCs, Alphas, and other machines with a Linux kernel that can boot Linux from a cold start.Recently it made news with Google deciding to sponsor the LinuxBIOS project.
OSX adware, Software Hooligans and AV for Paper?
I hadn’t heard of the Anti-Hooligan Software Alliance until today. Great idea of course, but a strange choice of name, especially to those of us who’re fans of the comedian Bill Hicks. (I’d link but I can’t find anything without a great
Software Sales/ Business Development Mgr - TECHNOLOGY SALES
Business Development Manager (Software Sales Professional) required by leading software house providing a number of propositions to the market place. These include Software Development Tools, Web Analytics, Consulting Services

SWZ - Software Zone Italia
Software Zone Italia News ed approfondimenti sul mondo del software.
Software Gratis e Tecnologia - Tutto Gratis
Tutti i programmi e software gratis da scaricare per pc, mac, palmari e cellulari: antivirus gratis, utility gratis, sfondi gratis, driver gratis e tanto
Associazione Software Libero
Ha come obiettivi la diffusione del software libero in Italia ed una corretta informazione sull'argomento. Storia, progetti, eventi in programma.
Tucows Downloads - Download Freeware and Shareware Software
Download freeware, shareware, and demos. Maintains over 45000 software titles that are tested, rated, reviewed and ready to download.
Cos'è il Software Libero? - Progetto GNU - Free Software
Tradotto originariamente da Dino Distefano Modifiche successive di Francesco Potortì Alessandro Rubini Paola Blason e Giorgio V. Felchero.

Associazione Software Libero
Ha come obiettivi la diffusione del software libero in Italia ed una corretta informazione sull'argomento. Storia, progetti, eventi in programma.
Tucows Downloads - Download Freeware and Shareware Software
Download freeware, shareware, and demos. Maintains over 45000 software titles that are tested, rated, reviewed and ready to download.
Cos'è il Software Libero? - Progetto GNU - Free Software
Tradotto originariamente da Dino Distefano Modifiche successive di Francesco Potortì Alessandro Rubini Paola Blason e Giorgio V. Felchero.
Software - Centinaia di programmi da scaricare gratis
Il sito consente di visualizzare una descrizione italiana ed eseguire il download gratuitamente degli oltre 400 software recensiti e suddivisi per
Tutto Gratis - Giochi, Software, Musica, Foto, Video, Gratis!
Tutto Gratis, guida alle migliori risorse gratis della rete: software, giochi, video, musica, internet, immagini, sms, antivirus e tanto altro ancora,
Software Freeware Italiano - Vetrina di programmatori e programmi
Freeware Italiano, una grande vetrina di programmi e programmatori italiani. Programmi e servizio per i programmatori sono gratuiti.
Apple - Software
FileMaker. Il software database più venduto e più facile da utilizzare. FileMaker Server. Software per la gestione efficiente di databse condivisi.
Software libero - Wikipedia
Dal punto di visto dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non
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