[XR&CO'2005], Tue, 13 Nov 2007 05:01:25 GMT --> forza juve:
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Happy birthday
Forza Juve per sempre. A lot has happened since I was last online, and I promise, I go yarn when time show. But for now, school rules. However, I just had to come online briefly to make this post: Two years ago today I was bored at work
I want to toggle the order of my article slightly and put Juve
Greatest club in history of man kind Happy 109th Birthday Forza Juve per sempre. Sweet birthday present. Alex got a brace to make him the highest goal scorer in Juve history as we brushed Brescia aside earlier this evening.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala's Interview my take
Juve watch Today is Juve's birthday. 109 years. Juventus, we have been proud of you and we will always be proud of you. Greatest club in history of man kind Happy 109th Birthday Forza Juve per sempre. Sweet birthday present.
It's been two years
I am happy as can be here, and will continue dropping by. I feel obliged to mention the following who have made my stay here memorable. and remind them that through all its ups and downs, life is black and white. FORZA JUVE!!!
Forza Juve!!!
FORZA JUVE!!! Meanwhile check www.goalzz.com for all your football statistics. The site is hugely impressive. On a somber note, I took a test on Tickle.com and here is my result:. Cheta, you're more sinful than the average person.
Su Guido Rossi. Forza Juve.
Su Guido Rossi. Forza Juve. Leggi ancora
One of my favorite bands, and biggest musical influence, the amazing STAIND, and especially the singer, Aaron Lewis, the most talented, next to David from Disturbed. . . . . . Here's a bunch of S
Sweet Juve
They been trying to put you down time after time. You will be back on the top soon and we will be by your side all the way. Forza Juve, Merde Milan
Open Question: Who didn't have faith in Juventus?
Forza Juve!! http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx? type=worldFootballNews&storyID=2006-11-01T192555Z_01_L01616426_RTRIDST_0_SPORT- SOCCER-SERIEB-JUVENTUS.XML&WTmodLoc=SportsLanding-C4-Wfoot-2
for life - aint nothing changed. in solidarity, i've been wearing my juve jersey everyday since sunday and this will go on for a week. congratulations to all juventino around the world on our 29th! FORZA JUVE! they'll never stop us

<Juventus Blogger's Corner>
*R u b r i c h e* Raccolta di post riguardanti i bianconeri nella storia, by Massim. c a t e g o r i e critiche affettuose alla juve &middot; forza azzurri
Il PUMA segna sotto la Scirea e bacia la maglia e Totti si fa parare un cucchiaio da BUFFON vi prego non svegliatemi Per sempre forza magica Juve!
Quasi dimenticavo! Oggi allo stadio c&#39;era anche Gianluca Pessottograndi applausi per lui! Bentornato Pesso! SEMPRE FORZA JUVE!!!
Juventus - Songs
FORZA LA JUVE LA JUVE LA JUVE ALÈ [Let&#39;s go Juve, Juve, Juve] e forza juve ale&#39; e forza juve ale&#39; tutta la curva e&#39; insieme a te e forza juve ale&#39;
Sito Juventus
Ciao a tutti,io come tanti di voi ho sempre tifato per la juve,e sempre lo la sua prestigiossima carriera ne faccia parte.ora e per sempre forza juve!
Virgilio Community | Forum | Sport | Tutti allenatori: passione
forza juve. trematye stiamo ritornando buon compleannojuve Re: Re: Re: forza juve. juve naka kata, 03/11/06 11:28
Virgilio Community | Forum | Sport | Tutti allenatori: passione
forza juve. forz ajuve stiamo arrivando buon compleanno vecchia signora Re: Re: Re: Re: forza juve. juve naka kata, 03/11/06 11:54
°Juve nel cuore°
I Calciatori della Juventus - Juve: storia di un grande amore FORZA JUVENTUS! Credits. Template by GlitterMania Brushes by Celestial-star.net
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[XR&CO'2005], Tue, 13 Nov 2007 05:01:25 GMT -->