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onClick open in original window: HELP!!
what should I put instead of onClick=window.open('http://www.microsoft.com/','') or make any changes anywhere else, so that the link I click on opens in the original window where I pressed the button to open the popup?
edit C++ window
Register the window class, if fail quit the program */ if(!RegisterClassEx(&wincl)) return 0; CW_USEDEFAULT, /* where the window ends up on the screen */ This function is called by the Windows function DispatchMessage( ) */
Canadian Tax Reporter with Window on Canadian Tax Library
This service includes the contents of Canadian Tax Reporter and Window on Canadian Tax Library. Window on Canadian Tax Here's a surefire way to strengthen your expertise and add value to the work you do for your clients.
Using window.status
Is there a way of testing the Window.status and if it has the word "Downloading" then move on. The only problem with this is if the mouse is still on the next or previous buttons and window.status changes.
Open Question: how do i change my display window on messenger.it
i have yahoo messenger,i need to know how to change display pics of my kids.i can select one,but will not know how to get another pic on my display window
Old Garage Window
Oddly I wasn't thinking about the connection to Veterans Day when I did this study this afternoon. When Larry pointed it out over in the smallstuff thread in oils I thought I might title it that, except that the patriot in me would
More window art
Friday a friend asked me to paint her some windows. This happens a lot. The difference in this instance, however, is that she not only wanted to go ahead and pay for them -- but she convinced me to get in the car right then to purchase
onClick open in original window: HELP!!
Forum: JavaScript programming Posted By: VatsaL Post Time: 11-12-2006 at 02:34 AM
Want to Jump From Project Window to File Explorer
It would be great if I could select a document in the Project Window and use a context menu item to go to its location in the File Explorer. That would be especially nice for portions of my project which correspond to portions of my
Randy: HTML - Opening Links In Separate Window Technology and Coding
And most of the popup blockers look for JS window generation. So goodness only knows how effective it might be. Let's just say it's not something I've looked at since all browsers still support target

Korea.net: The Republic of Korea's Official English Web Portal
Portal site run by governmental agency, Korea Information Service (KOIS). Web directory, news, and facts about the country.
window Object
Represents an open window in the browser. The following table lists the members exposed by the window object. Click a tab on the left to choose the type
Window - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sash windows may be fitted with simplex hinges which allow the window to This is the earlier form of sliding sash window, and is obviously also cheaper.
X Window System - Wikipedia
Server X (applicazione che interagisce con l'hardware grafico locale); Window Manager (applicazione che provvede alla grafica delle finestre: bordi,
Window Managers for X
A guide to window managers and desktops for the X Window System and Linux/UNIX.

Window - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sash windows may be fitted with simplex hinges which allow the window to This is the earlier form of sliding sash window, and is obviously also cheaper.
X Window System - Wikipedia
Server X (applicazione che interagisce con l'hardware grafico locale); Window Manager (applicazione che provvede alla grafica delle finestre: bordi,
Secret Window - Wikipedia
Egli rivendica la paternità di un racconto fatto pubblicare dallo stesso Rainey anni prima, chiamato appunto Secret Window. Allora per il povero Mort sono
Window Managers for X
A guide to window managers and desktops for the X Window System and Linux/UNIX.
X.Org Foundation
First Modular Source Code Roll-up Release of the X Window System The X Window System is released by the X.Org Foundation under the MIT ("X") License.
Welcome to GW Micro
Window-Eyes is the most reliable, stable, user-friendly screen reading software package Window-Eyes provides a quick way to skim through email messages,
Bluewin Startseite
Portal des großen schweizer Internet-Providers mit aktuellen Informationen und Services.
Window Object 1.0
This is the 05 April 2006 Working Draft of the Window Object, The Window Object 1.0 specification defines a subset of the features of the Window object,
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