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State Agency Clamps Down On Mom's E-Mails With Soldier Son NBC 30 Connecticut
A state worker has run up against the government's computer-use policy in trying to exchange e-mails with her son, who is serving with the military in Afghanistan.
Try these tips to get your parents online USA Today
The computer has become an important social hub. We use it to keep friends and family updated via e-mail. But if your mom and dad don't have a computer, they're left out. With some time and patience, though, you can get them online.
The Sentinel The Sentinel
Leon Geoffrey would rather not plug himself into the 21st century. The 89-year-old South Middleton Township man has no computer, Internet service or access to e-mail.
Making Yahoo work better with e-mail San Francisco Chronicle
Q: Whenever I try to e-mail from a Web site -- by clicking the "Contact us" link, for example -- Windows opens a blank Outlook e-mail message form. This is frustrating because I don't use Outlook for e-mail. I use Yahoo's Web-based e-mail. Is there a way to
Tender: Coventry: computer and related services PublicTechnology.net
NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Learning and Skills Council, Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Contact: Peter Robertson, Attn: Peter Robertson, UK-Coventry CV1 2WT. Tel. 02476 823740. E-mail: Peter.Robertson@lsc.gov.uk . Internet address(es) : General address of the contracting authority: www.lsc.gov.uk . Address of the buyer profile: www.lsc.gov.uk . Further information can be obtained at:
Brunel University Launches World's First 3D - Computer Based Pain Visualisation Tool Medical News Today
Brunel University researchers have developed a computer-based, rotating, three-dimensional (3D) solution for pain visualisation. The tool allows patients to accurately identify where they are experiencing pain, what type, and the depth of discomfort and affords physicians greater insight and understanding of pain 'journeys'. [click link for full article]
An e-mailing fax machine Baltimore Sun
So many of today's communication electronic devices are acquiring the ability to connect to the Internet.
I-Team: Internet is paradise for identity thieves San Antonio Express News
The Internet has made most of our lives easier, but unfortunately, it has also made it much easier for thieves.
Do research before trying Internet phone service The Wichita Eagle
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers a different way to make and receive telephone calls -- using a broadband Internet connection rather than a conventional phone line. VoIP converts a phone call into a digital signal that travels through the Internet to the person on the other end.
College eyes Guinness the e-learning way Sify News
To enter Guinness Book of World records in e-learning, a local college on Thursday organised the 'largest computer class' with online participation of more than a dozen countries.

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Computer e Internet - Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers is a new way to find and share information. You can ask questions on any topic, get answers from real people, and share your insights and
VIRGILIO Community - Xoom Siti Personali
Mozilla does it Comunità virtuale per la traduzione e la localizzazione italiana di Mozilla, web browser di pensiero open source Computer e Internet
La Girandola Il portale dei bambini - Directory
Come si naviga in internet? Come è fatto il computer? Tutto quello che vorresti sapere è in questa sezione. Internet per i bambini
Libero - Community Magazine - Computer e Internet
Digiland è la community del portale Libero: Chat, Cupido, Messaggeria, Forum, Sondaggi, Tribu, Crea il tuo Sito e molto altro

VIRGILIO Community - Xoom Siti Personali
Mozilla does it Comunità virtuale per la traduzione e la localizzazione italiana di Mozilla, web browser di pensiero open source Computer e Internet
La Girandola Il portale dei bambini - Directory
Come si naviga in internet? Come è fatto il computer? Tutto quello che vorresti sapere è in questa sezione. Internet per i bambini
Libero - Community Magazine - Computer e Internet
Digiland è la community del portale Libero: Chat, Cupido, Messaggeria, Forum, Sondaggi, Tribu, Crea il tuo Sito e molto altro
Lycos: La tua guida personale su Internet > Computer e Internet
Se siete alle prime armi nell´uso dei personal computer e di Internet, questo sito potrebbe esservi utile. Beta - La rivista ipertestuale tecnica,
Lycos: La tua guida personale su Internet > Attualità e Notizie
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Ecco le migliori risorse e agenzie specializzate nella creazione di pagine e siti per la sensibilizzazione dei ragazzi ad un uso più sicuro di Internet.
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