Nice Semi Marathon etc.
She Who Must Be Obeyed gave me this toy for Christmas and we are using it to help us log times and distances in preparation for the Semi-marathon de Nice at the end of April. I've actually run the thing three times before with times of
ING Georgia Half Marathon
The run down Edgewood Avenue was very nice. I had missed this section on my practice run. It was a mile to a mile and a half of the sweetest downhill. Kelly was really pushing us hard. I was trying to stay up with her,
What’s up with that!
But, I just love it when Spike runs a Star Trek:TNG marathon. Especially when they do it in order, first episode to last. I am not big on the original series but I like them too. I never got into DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise though.
COLUMN: 'Cinema Pixeldiso' – High Score
['Cinema Pixeldiso' is a semi-regular column by Matt 'Fort90' Hawkins that takes a look at movies that are either directly based upon or are related to video games, with a focus on the obscure and the misunderstood.
JT's Socks
It's such a nice feeling to be able to cover your boy's feet. That's right -- JT's socks are finally done! I had a couple of semi-marathon knitting sessions throughout last week to sit down and get through the heel and up the calf on
Alpharetta Ga. Marathon: State #9
Fiesta de Albequerque Marathon '06 (At 5000 feet above sea level. Otherwise flat.) 6. City of Trees Marathon '06 (Boise, ID; At 2900 feet above sea level. Semi-significant in mile 21.) 7. Marine Corps Marathon '04 (First five miles had
classic paintings and blue elephants - Paris, France
A semi marathon happened to be in town on march 11th. The first chance to try out the Canon EOS my colleague kindly lent me. Those lame enough to abstain the running / jogging chilled out, sunbathing in a cafe.
A Perfect Triathlete Proposal of Marriage, that is
Naturally, I look like crap. I semi-successfully attempt to sleep for the 2 hour ride. Upon arrival, I meet another very nice woman with an awesomely wacky wooly hat, whose brother is doing the marathon, and who is as clueless as I am
COLUMN: ‘Cinema Pixeldiso’ – High Score
They were never intended to withstand marathon sessions to begin with, so to ask of it over two decades later is a tall order. As the obligatory Twin Galaxies rep (the folks that oversee all the records of gaming’s past) that appears in
Semi marathon de Nice 2007'Incontournable
semi+marathon+nice: semi marathon nice 2007 | | semi marathon nice 2007 | | semi+marathon+nice