Guides : PENN AR BED

Rape Suspect Turns Himself In The Morning News
ROGERS -- A Rogers man turned himself in to police Thursday in connection with rape and residential burglary.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama: Bridge Over Battleground Selma Bayou Buzz
The battle between Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama this week is becoming down to who is more black. The scene of the battle is Selma Alabama where African Americans were beaten during the civil rights days over 40 years ago.

Rape Suspect Turns Himself In The Morning News
ROGERS -- A Rogers man turned himself in to police Thursday in connection with rape and residential burglary.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama: Bridge Over Battleground Selma Bayou Buzz
The battle between Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama this week is becoming down to who is more black. The scene of the battle is Selma Alabama where African Americans were beaten during the civil rights days over 40 years ago.penn+ar+bed: penn+ar+bed