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Durante il gioco tenere premuto L1 + R1 + R2 e premere START per vedere il menù della pausa . Scegliere Display Password e premere : SINISTRA, CERCHIO, QUADRATO, DESTRA, X mentre si vede la password. Apparira  CHEATS e potrete avere invulnerabilità, denaro ecc..

livello password
modalità Evolved
The Guns of Navaho HHQQQ4
The Spiders Lair HUQQQI
The Seven Samurai HDQQQS
the Rabbit Warren HLQQQZ
The Birds IQQQHZ
I'll Be you Friend IVQQUZ
Supply Run IAQQGZ
Napalm Sunday IGQHGZ
The Wall of Death ILQHLZ
dam it Janet JUQFLZ
take the Tower JDQ6LZ
Aerial Supremacy JCH6LZ
Operation Donut JKU6LZ
End 2 Robots KVG6LZ
End 2 Symmetrics K8GLLZ
modalità Survivor
The Great Escape DTSQSB
Hide and Seek DUSQSI
Let's Get Technicalò DBSQSS
Kamikaze Squad DJSQSZ
Phoenix River ESSQGZ
mpending Annihilation ETSQUZ
Charlie Don't Surf EOSQHZ
This Ain't Avalon EJSHJZ
Robots Must Die FGSUJZ
Heavy Weapons Operation FISGJZ
First To The Middle F3SLJZ
Con Air/Special Delivery FNGLJZ
Strike Three GSULJZ
Death to the Freaks G1HLJZ
modalità Series 9
Driving Miss Daisy L41Q14
Gopher Hunt LI1Q1I
Divide and Conquer LQ1Q1Q
Highway to Hell M11Q4Z
Bridges of Mad Son County MB1QIZ
Ring A Rosie MP1QQZ
Checkpoint Charlie LZ1Q1Z
Grapes of Wrath M91QZZ
The Glue Lagoon MZ1HZZ
Mutants Off-Line N41UZZ
Walls of  Jerry Co NN1GZZ
Islands in the Stream NF1LZZ
River Runs Through It N94LZZ
Ground To Air 01ILZZ
Survivors Go Home OJQLZZ Benvenuti nella nuova dimensione dei videogames!

Realizzato da:

Reziel Tecnology

Versione 5.0