Region Liguria



I FORTI:  (The Strongholds)

     The Strongholds...to left in order, Diamante,Begato,Fratello Minore, and Sperone

To times (above all in winter) when the temperature is special rigid in Lombardy we bring ourselves to BOLZANETO (GE) for the wonderful "giro dei forti”, and the evocative scenery of the golfo of Genova, that it is admired from a position privileged, go through the well-known one “Bosco dell'avvocato” and then Begato Vecchio, the strongholds SPERONE, FRATELLO MINORE, PUIN and DIAMANTE with the its the 17 hairpin curves, and the old military roads astonish preserved.


THE FINALESE:                                                                                                                                         


Always in Liguria, another paradise for the mountain bike is represented from the Finalese and its "entroterra". 

Here we have 2 route in their type, the appearance is technical than qualitative, without to forget l’satisfaction that the visa of these transmits us wild closes of nature. 

-The Caprazoppa, with departure from Finalborgo and I return, passing for Borgio and then its Verezzi with your little church mail on the summit hence going around the same church plunges us in single track between olives and mediterranean blot, bordering subsequently the Rocce dell' Orera.

-Le Manie, The well-known altipiano of Finale Ligure, where from the high we distinguish Noli and all the more gulfs of the Liguria, binding route but generous “Cult” where now hundred of bikers in October they are given appointment for the mythical 24 hours of Finale.