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Can I download tabulatures without problems?

Answer It's allowed to take free all the guitar tabulatures and all the wav and mp3 files but for personal study only!!! It's not allowed to sell, to publish or to post to archives, without authorization, because them represents part of my job and of my personal experiences!!!

How to read the tabulatures?

Answer To read the tablatures look at tablature explanations.

What are arpeggio?

Answer Generally we speak about arpeggio in relation with a chord.We usually consider the arpeggio as a tecnique to play the notes of a chord one at a time, and we can arpeggio either with the right hand's fingers or with the pick. Besides an arpeggio can be played in harmonic or melodic way. In the first case we let picked notes free to play untill they stop to vibrate or are picked again, in the second case we have to hear notes of a chord playing one at a time, without notes picked before going on to play.

What's sweep picking?

Answer Sweep picking is the tecnique which consists in picking several notes on different strings keeping the same way of pick. Sweep picking is a particular application of the speed picking tecnique taken to the top levels by various guitarist (Frank Gambale). Speed picking is an alternative to the alternate picking, and it take aim to optimize the way of picking beetwwen various notes to obtain fast and cleaned solos.

How to play arpeggio applying the sweep picking tecnique?

Answer Some guitarist thaught to merge sweep picking and arpeggio in a tecnique able to greate incredible fast and cleaned solos. The idea is to exploit the sweep picking to perform arpeggio in melodic way. The tecnique to play arpeggio in sweep way requests unusual fingerings for the guitar, and it needs of much exercise over the fingerings and base positions before becomeing an effective expressive instrument in solos.

How to perform arpeggio in melodic way?

Answer To perform a good sweep you have to hear playing one single string at a time: in the desending movement pick a string and at the same time mute the one played before by the palm of the right hand; in the asending movement pick one string and while you're going to play the next one, lightly release the preceding one with the relative finger of the left hand to mute it.

Medical Advice

Answer Some arpeggio are almost impossible, I mean they force the fingers of the left hand to a widen untill the limits of the possibilities allowed by the tendons and skeleton articulations. In case you feel some troublesome pain in your forearm, wrist, hand or fingers, stop to play for a few and relax the limb; going on in spite of the pain, could cause tendinits.

My sweep aren't very smooth...

Answer Sweep picking isn't impossible to learn, but time and practice are necessary to master it. Try each exercise slowly assuring that all notes play well. Playing slowly is usefull either to take confidence with the widening of the left hand, or to keep the rhythm (try with groups of 3, 4, 6, 7 notes). Remember that who play slowly is not a baby, in fact this is one of the secrets to improve your ability, speed and control. When an exercise play well slowly is possible trying to quicken the performance. To improve the smothness is important to take care of the synchronism right-left: mute the string played previously before plaing the next one.

Free Free It's allowed to take free all files but for personal study only!!!
It's not allowed to sell, to publish or to post to archives the tabulatures, without authorization because them represents part of my job and of my personal experiences!!!