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by Marco Tamanti & Francesco Geri.

Download classes: Interpreter.zip (178 KB)

Scheme (lisp) interpreter and prolog interpreter, realized in java (jdk 1.2) language.

You must have jdk 1.2 or jre 1.2.

You can run windows standalone application by typing in a Dos windows the command:
java Interpreter.Main

If you have on your hard disk sush a tree:

		--- jdk1.2
		--- classes
			--- Interpreter
you can use from within classes directory the command:
..\jdk1.2\bin\java Interpreter.Main

I suggest not to set the variable CLASSPATH.

You can run Dos version of prolog or lisp interpreters using Prolog.class or Lisp.class instead of Main.class.

If you want to run the applet you need a browser that supports java 1.2. The only one I'm sure it does is Netscape 6: Interpreter Applet

You can find a Relation (Italian) about the project.
You can download the documentation at docs.zip (495 KB, Italian)

To easy run java classes you can download   JTama  
