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Canada Web Hosting Move From Home Office to Landmark Penthouse Web Host Directory
Canada Web Hosting (CWH), a Canadian-owned and operated leader in the field of managed web hosting services, is pleased to announce that it has moved its corporate head office in Kelowna to the Landmark Technology Centre, where it has taken over the top floor of Landmark IV.
Windows or Linux? Netfirms Delivers Both in an Integrated Web Hosting Platform Web Host Directory
Netfirms ( www.netfirms.com ), the leading web hosting provider for small to medium-sized businesses (SMB), announced today that it is the first to allow developers to use both Linux and Microsoft Windows-based web hosting platforms simultaneously to build feature rich, dynamic web sites and applications.
Reg Developer: Mono on the Mac: Time to Look Beyond Linux? Linux Today
"As you’ll no doubt be aware, the Mono Project is an ambitious, open-source initiative, largely coordinated by Novell.
Ballmer Dampens Wall Street's Vista Optimism TechNewsWorld.com
CEO Steve Ballmer has cautioned Wall Street that analysts' fiscal year 2008 expectations for Windows Vista sales may be too "optimistic" and "overly aggressive." Vista is more of an opportunity to sustain Windows revenue -- not necessarily grow it, Ballmer reportedly said Thursday during a meeting for financial analysts.
123Together.com Provides Windows SharePoint Services v2.0 and v3.0 PR Web
123Together.com announced today that new SharePoint users will have the option to use either SharePoint Services v2.0 or v3.0. One reason users would decide to use v2.0 would be to have access to the large number of application templates available in the older version of Windows SharePoint Services compared to the 10 available in version 3.0. Additionally, some of the v3.0 application templates
Canada Web Hosting Relocates Corporate HQ TopHosts.com
Kelowna, BC - February 13, 2007: Canada Web Hosting (CWH), a Canadian-owned and operated leader in the field of managed web hosting services, is pleased to announce that it has moved its corporate head office in Kelowna to the Landmark Technology Centre, where it has taken over the top floor of Landmark IV.
Microsoft Launches Hosting Exam Web Host Industry Review
February 12, 2007 -- The Web hosting industry has seen tremendous growth over the past few years as seen by the several publications dedicated to it, industry-specific conferences as well as attempts to organize an industry-wide association.
Malaysia Raids Retailers in Hunt for Pirated Vista TechNewsWorld.com
Malaysian authorities have begun raiding computer retail outlets offering pirated software amid concerns that illegal copies of Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows Vista, are already on sale. The strategy marks a shift from crackdowns over the past year that mainly targeted companies using unlicensed software.
EIRCA Offers H-Sphere Hosting Web Host Industry Review
February 14, 2007 -- Reseller hosting provider EIRCA Internet Solutions announced on Tuesday that it has introduced H-Sphere as its reseller hosting service.
Download these IBM resources today! Linux Today
Tutorial: Create a Web Storefront Using PHP and PayPal, Part 1 This series chronicles the building of a Web storefront in PHP using PHP Data Objects to access a Derby database.

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