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Get Your Motor Running Creative Loafing Charlotte
Friday, May 18 By LYNN FARRIS.For the next two weeks Charlotte will be a hotbed for all things NASCAR. From film screenings to Speed Street, a variety of events along with some intense racing will take front and center ya know we weren't called NASCAR Valley for nothing. The action cranked up Wednesday night when the NASCAR NEXTEL Pit Crew Challenge took place at Bobcats Arena. New to this
College hoops needs to put student back in student-athlete Fernandina Beach News-Leader
The NCAA released its annual Academic Progress Rate report last week and things reportedly aren't looking so rosy for college basketball.
Museum and Gallery Listings New York Times
Selective listings from art critics of The New York Times.
Reformers' plans could fall victim to allure of the Elysée Financial Times
Shortly before his election victory in 1995, Jacques Chirac attacked the "monarchical drift" of the presidency under François Mitterrand, his Socialist adversary.
Elysée’s lure may hinder reforms Financial Times
Shortly before his election victory in 1995, Jacques Chirac attacked the “monarchical drift” of the presidency under François Mitterrand, his long-time Socialist adversary.
IBM's catches air, touts Top Ten list Ars Technica
IBM claims that their "airgap" technique will speed chips at the 32nm node, resulting in lower power and better performance. Read More Forward
When my father was 7, he contracted polio. In a few days he lost all feeling in his legs. He was confined to bed for six months. His second grade teacher came to visit, bringing a record of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and a hardcover of “Alice in Wonderland.”
Cricket World Cup dragged on for seven weeks, then officials botched rules to avoid one more day's play The Scotsman: Sport
THE 2007 World Cup craved a memorable conclusion, to salvage a desultory seven weeks overshadowed by shock and tragedy. Instead, the bizarre and embarrassing culmination to its showpiece final was the anti-spectacle it largely deserved.
Alfred Hitchcock’s America American Heritage
It was all in the English director’s mind, of course. But what he thought about this country was passionate, scary, fond, funny, and profound. Heavy rain, poor visibility.
Letters to the Editor Martha's Vineyard Times
I couldn't help but notice those colorful Living Local signs that have sprung up all over the Island during the last week promoting our local economy. I was curious where on the Island the organizers of this event purchased the signs.
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Son spectacle est un cocktail survitaminé de situations cocasses et de personnages tous plus déjantés les uns que les autres.
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