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Apple's new calling, I'm getting that nagging feeling again!
In contrast since the initial Treo 650 release with problems all over, whining Palm TX which my girl has, buggy slow LifeDrive my brother brought, and my early Sony CLIE with problems that I don’t recall now.
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Un Palm dispose de son propre système d'exploitation (Palm OS), également utilisé par d'autres fabricants sous licence (Handspring Visor, Sony Clié, etc) et grand concurrent du Windows CE de Microsoft password / mot de passe Code privé
Apple's new calling, I'm too getting that nagging feeling again!
No offense tough in contrast since the initial Treo 650 release with problems all over, whining Palm TX which my girl has, sludgy LifeDrive my brother had, and my early CLIE (SONY) with problems that I don’t recall were all released
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