

Arriva 2.0.2
Zeus News - Foto di Henk L. Da un paio di giorni è disponibile la versione inglese della suite gratuita e libera . Ora i dizionari per il controllo ortografico sono già integrati senza ...
Indymedia Italia - La maggior parte di quelle 11 caratteristiche --- tutte tranne l' affettamento delle colonne centrali e l'acciaio fuso nelle fondamenta --- sono tali che le persone presenti in zona le avrebbero ...
iPod: si impara passeggiando
Kataweb - Per sentire le ultime sulle strategie imprenditoriali vincenti dell'industria hitech della Silicon Valley ci sono due modi: fare un salto fino in California, oppure collegarsi a internet e scaricare ...
Cresce il numero dei negozi online
Apoge Online - Cabla, Mondomac e Chessuniverse, sono soltanto alcuni degli store virtuali creati da MPC grazie all'integrazione delle soluzioni On Demand di RDS e al CRM di Salesforce Era inevitabile che il mondo ...
Rim BlackBerry 8700g
VNUnet - Research In Motion ha presentato anche in Italia l'ultimo nato della famiglia BlackBerry, il 8700g. BlackBerry è in realtà una completa soluzione wireless per l'accesso alla posta elettronica in ...
Adobe estende la disponibilità di Acrobat 7.0 Elements sul mercato ...
VNUnet - Insieme con gli altri componenti della linea di prodotti - Acrobat 7.0 Standard, Acrobat 7.0 Professional e Acrobat 3D - Acrobat 7.0 Elements sarà ora disponibile sul mercato italiano attraverso il ...
La distruzione del World Trade Center. Perchè la versione ufficiale ...
Uruk Net - In "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11" [La nuova Pearl Harbor: domande scomode sull'amministrazione Bush e l'11 Settembre"] (2004) ho riassunto dozzine ...
Dive into publishing with this desktop software (The Plain Dealer)
Desktop publishing software -- originally developed for design professionals -- is now mass-marketed to people from all backgrounds who want to publish information. Even so, the learning curve can be steep with this type of software....
Software Firms Getting Cozy (Investor's Business Daily via Yahoo! News)
The desktop software market is getting more competitive as companies invade one another's turf....
Google Acquires Web Word Processor Firm (ComputerWire via Yahoo! Australia & NZ News)
Google Inc has bought Upstartle LLC, a beta-stage Silicon Valley firm that was on course to release a word processing software service that can be used via the web....
Software delivers print stream transformation tools. (ThomasNet)
PCLTool SDK v8.10 offers compression capabilities of JBIG2 Raster PDFs and .Net DLLs for applications that require threadsafe and managed code. It creates smallest possible PDF documents from PCL print streams. Entire scanned image is treated as single raster object, and rest of page is treated as text. Software provides table for raster data of each character. Compression method stores raster ...
The Pirate Bay: Here to Stay? (Wired News)
The entertainment industry claims it has file-sharing sites on the run. But Sweden-based torrent tracker The Pirate Bay says it isn't going anywhere. And there's a national movement behind the site. By Ann Harrison....
News: Pre-Media: in Brief (RedNova)
By Anonymous Dev Zero G, the file transfer software firm, is offering products free of charge to students of print management....
Software converts PDF documents into common file formats. (ThomasNet)
In addition to exporting PDF files into Word/RTF, Excel, Text (ASCII), DXF, and XML, PdfGrabber v3.0 also allows content to be exported into PowerPoint and can convert PDF pages into images. Combining text recognition with Microsoft Office 2003, program facilitates export of text from scanned documents. PDF printer enables exported documents to be converted back into PDF format. PDF documents can ...
ScanR Turns Cell Phone Pics Into Usable Documents (
Are camera phones good scanners? ScanR believes so....
Supplements as printed in the North West Evening Mail on Thursday 9th March 2006 (North-West Evening Mail)
If you cannot view the document above you will need to download Acrobat Reader. This is free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files....
Nation's Large Corporations File Taxes Electronically (Kansas City InfoZine)
The Internal Revenue Service announced that more than 450 of the nation's largest corporations have electronically filed taxes in advance of the March 15 filing date....

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