Così Linux si fa strada in Palm e Google
Apoge Online - Talvolta il ricorso o il contributo all'open source in aziende di grande risonanza merita una certa attenzione. Non tanto per fare i soliti, grossi nomi quanto soprattutto per confermare il successo ...
The latest news & announcements about Linux based embedded applications ... (Linux Devices)
The latest news & announcements about Linux based embedded applications Keywords: Match: Sort by: Mar. 06, 2006 - AOL is offering a developer kit for writing software that interoperates with AIM's (AOL Instant Messenger) 60 million-strong userbase....
The Best New World Markets for Selling (Sales and Marketing Management)
While comfortably managing its North American and Western European customers, the U.K.-based staff of NetSuite, a San Mateo, California-based maker of customer relationship management (CRM) software, began to get a series of requests from unexpected places. Leads began streaming in from Singapore....
Turn your blog into a book (The Charlotte Observer)
Though not all blogs may aspire to literary permanence, they can achieve it through the new BookSmart software from Blurb, a publish-your-own-book service. The application, which is expected to be available free later this month at, features a "Slurper" tool that automatically downloads and reformats the contents of a Web log into a book that bloggers and their admirers can purchase ...
Debt Valley Days (BusinessWeek)
With shares lagging, techdom is making a lot more use of that old-school financial tool, the bond market ...
People on the move (San Jose Mercury News)
Changes at Sumtotal Systems; Far East National Bank; Satori Labs; Intelasys; Depomed; DFS Commercial...
A Whole New Motorola V3 Razor : Little Changes Makes The Old V3 into Something Better (PR Web)
Despite the Motorola V3 Razor being so popular, it was also known to be fragile. In order to preserve such a fragile phone is to take precaution and to get the most protective care possible. understands the cellular needs of their customers. Since the Motorola V3 Razor came out, it was understood by that the users needed protection. [PRWEB Mar 9, 2006]...
CeBIT 2006: audio interview with Wayne Ma - president of E-TEN (MS Mobiles)
E-TEN is a company located in Taiwan, that is producing Pocket PC phones since 5 years, is very focused on Pocket PC phones and treats them as their core business, and thus is one of the most competent companies in area of Windows Mobile phones!...
A Whole New Motorola V3 Razor : Little Changes Makes The Old V3 into Something Better (PR Web via Yahoo! News)
New York, NY (PRWEB) March 9, 2006 -- The Motorola V3 Razor has been a popular phone because it was first in its class to be slim yet stylish with it multi functional features....
Motorola in Plantation and Local High School Students to Compete in FIRST Robotics Competition Regionals and (SYS-CON Media)
Motorola in Plantation has once again teamed up with students from Dillard and Taravella High Schools to compete in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science of Technology) Robotics Competition. FIRST is a not-for-profit organization founded to inspire young people's interest and participation in science and technology. The FIRST Robotics Competition program teams high school students ...
The 20 Hottest Cities for Selling (Sales and Marketing Management)
Although the largest revenue producers in the city remain Big Oil, the Houston area (which also includes such towns as Sugar Land, Baytown, Katy, and Galveston) is enjoying growth in diverse markets....

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