Notes of Cartography

1) Historical signs

Earth is as ancient as the cartographic science, they think that an inhabitant of Asia Small named Aristagora around the 500 a.c. has introduced a geographical paper drawn on bronze tablets to the Spartanis and with that has incited them to the war against the Persia of Dario I. Of the Cartography were founders Eratostene, that measured for first the terrestrial ray and an arc of meridian and the   messinese Dicearco 300 a.c., this last tried of to measure the dimensions of the Earth perhaps before Eratostene (in the number of February 1998 of the National Geographic Magazine pagg. 8 and 9 there are a photo of the well of Assuan where Eratostene is thought that it tried his/her theses during the solstice in summer) .Dicearco divided the known space with a kind of grid anticipating the meridians and the parallels; the word meridian derives from the Latin " meridies ", two points that have the same time to midday are found on the same meridian.  Ipparco (190 - 125 a.cs.) that surely the biggest astronomer of the Greek age, criticized the paper of Eratostene because of the lack of precise references and determined the position of numerous places with measurements of longitude gotten after repeated observations astronomiche.  The beginning of the Roman conquests and the relief of the busy territories to fiscal purpose   brought to the big cartographic work begun by Caesar and concluded from August (44 - 19 a.cs.). Marinus of Tiro (110 d.c.) on the bases of the job of Ipparco   introduced for first the measure of the longitude and the latitude in degrees of arc rather than in stadi.Tolomeo, lived between the 90 d.c. and 170 d.c. , conditioned from the work of Marinus of Tiro ,   invented the first Cartographic Projections ; he introduced two Projections that although as conic were not considered such. In the Middle Ages the Cartography was all to base of respects, the study  and the search  had buried inside the monasteries, where only few monks could have entered. In this period they are the Arabs to guard the tradition Tolemaica studying and redelivering  to the West as beginning of a new period of Cartographic rebirth. In the XIII century ; with the development  use of the compass a new cartography borns, that nautical, that uses the portolanis, maps built with observations of angles and distances, maps that assumed an inestimable value. In the XV and in the XVI century, also with the advent of the press and the marinate enterprises , there was a cartographic revolution due to the enormous diffusion of the map .  The abandon of Mediterranean Sea , the extraordinary oceanic enterprises, the need to know the position in sea, brought to the construction of the first geodetic tools. From this moment in then the Projections  are developed used today still and that we will see following exposed with a trace of their more famous


Tolomeo Fig. A                     Ortelius Fig. B


2) The Shape of the Earth

The first humans believed that the earth around them was flat (there is someone that believes today still that the Earth doesn't nearly have a spherical form). The idea of the sphericity came to the philosophers of the era pre-Christian that they set each other to reason on this problem; 500 years or more before the birth of Christ the theory of the spherical Earth was formed. The sphericity of the Earth had generally recognized from the second century A.D. If we remove the irregularities of the terrestrial crust, the form of the Earth is been able approssimare to a sphere. The form assumed by our planet, that wheel around its polar axis in the space, is the result of the interaction of the centrifugal strength of rotation, of the strength of attraction gravitational newtonian and of the variations of density of the rocks that constitute it. The tectonics has produced irregularity of the terrestrial crust very light in comparison to the equatorial ray; you are enough to think that on a world map of the ray of 25 cm. the Everest mountain would be tall as soon as 0.032 cm.

3) The Geoid

The geoid is the shape that would assume the level of the sea undisturbed crossing the continents. The geoid is a equipotenzial surface in which the tangent plan in every point is perpendicular that is to the direction of the thread to lead in that point to the vertical passing for that point. This surface has influenced from the variations of density of the Earth and it is generally lifted above the continents to kneel on the oceans. The irregularities of the geoid are equal to around 60 m.  The geodesy has a fundamental part in the determination of the precise shape of the Earth.

Geoide.bmp (307794 byte) Fig. 1

4) The Spheroid

The spheroid is the geometric shaape of the Earth. The Earth is squeezing to the poles. The difference between the equatorial and polar ray is equal to around 21.5 km. and it depends on the Spherois that  is considered. For precise mapping of large areas, such as topographic mapping, a regular geometric figure must be used. This is an ellipsoid of revolution, that is a figure produced by an ellipse rotated around its minor axis.The Program Atlas.exe downloadable from the site uses the Spheroid of Clarke 1866 that has the following parameters:

a = equatorial Ray = 6378206 m.  s b = polar Ray = 6356584 m.    1/f = 294.98

If we consider the sphere of equal area-----> RSphere = 6370997 m.

f = (a-b)/a

In the underlying figure we have let coincide the vertical v with the normal n,
really if the Spheroid is considered
it would be had to consider the normal , if it considers the Geoid the  vertical

   fi is the latitude of the point   P
lambda is the longitude di  P

Elliss.bmp (228834 byte)Fig. 2


5) The Cartographic Projections

The alone true representation of the Earth free from distorsions is the globe. The procedure through which has passed by the spherical surface of the Earth to a bidimensional surface is called Projection. This can be completed through direct geometric Projection or through the use of mathematical formulas that modifying reads proiettive to them they arrive to you determine conditions. Reports that tie a point on the map with a point on the Spheroid or on the equivalent sphere are called Equations of the Map; these can be directed or inverse. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line; on the sphere it would be impossible to connect 2 points with a straight line to have the shortest distance. On the earth the shortest distance between 2 points is the arc that unites the 2 points gotten by the intersection of the sphere with the passing plan for the 2 points and for the center of the earth (arc of great circle). This line is always called Ortodromica and ransom the meridians under different angles. Any great circle ransom the Earth in manner that for half it is found in a hemisphere and for the other half in the opposite hemisphere. The line that cuts the meridians under the same angle is called Lossodromica the length of the Lossodromica is major than to the corresponding Ortodromica, however it has the advantage to be the easiest run from to follow. Tracing a right line between two points on a map of Mercatore we have the rout from to follow after the opportune corrections to the declination of the compass.

6)  Coordinate Systems

System of reference for Plain Rectangular Coordinate

All the points have reported to a system of axes perpendicular among them

Vertical Axis = Ordinate Axis
Horizontal Axis = Abscissa Axis

The intersection point  of these axes is called Origin.
The position of any point on the plane with reference to the point of origin may then be stated
by indicating the distance from each axis to the point, measured in each case parallel to the other axis.


x = distance of the point from the ordinate axis
y = distance of the point from the abscissas axis

System of reference for Rectangular Geodetic Coordinate

All the points have reported to a system in which the origin is always in
O. This time the position of a point P  is defined by the abscissa, that is her geodetic one for perpendicular P to the passing meridian for O  (P P') and from the ordinate that it is the arc of inclusive meridian between O and the point P' previously described.

System of reference for Plain Polar Coordinate

All the points have reported to a system constituted by a point
P that is called pole and from a vertical semiasse that is directed toward the tall (generally the Magnetic or Geographical North) from P. La position of a point S  is defined through the distance of the point by the pole P and from the angle (azimuth (PS)) that the axis vertical form rotating in hourly sense up to be added to the direction considered PS. S (PS,(PS)).

System of reference for Polar Geodetic Coordinate

All the points have reported to a system constituted by a point
P that is called pole and from the passing meridian for P. La position of a point S is defined through the distance s = arc of geodetic PS and from the angle (azimuth (PS)) that passing meridian for P forms rotating in hourly sense up to be added to the direction considered PS. S(PS,(PS))

System of reference for Geographical Ellissoidical Coordinate

The position of the points is individualized making reference to a system of lines in which 2 are fixed of reference from there. The parallels are the lines gotten through the intersection of parallel plans to the equator with the ellipsoid while the meridians are being the lines of intersection of the arcs of maximum circle with the ellipsoid. The lines of reference are the equator and the meridian in Greenwich. The position of a punto 
P is defined through the Longitude (angle diedro that the containing plan the meridian in Greenwich forms with the containing plan the meridian of the punto  P ) (lambda) and the  Latitude (angle that the normal  to the ellipsoid passing per  P forms with the equatorial plan ) ( fi ) Fig.2.
Equator = Place of the points with Latitude 0°.0000
Meridian = Place of the points with constant Longitude.
The situated points in the northern hemisphere have Latitude positive North from 0°.0000 to 90°.0000 (Pole North). The situated points in the southern hemisphere have Latitude South from 0°.0000 to -90°.0000 (Pole South). The situated points to East of the meridian in Greenwich they have values of Longitude from 0°.0000 to 180°.0000 while the the meridian in Greenwich based situated points are having values of Longitude from 0°.0000 to -180°.0000.

7) Properties of the  Projections

It's inevitable that there are errors of distorsion in the passage from a spherical surface to a plain in every Projection. Every Projection distorts one , two , three and at times the whole following ownerships. Shape, Area, Distance and Direction.


Any map preserves the form of big areas, but a conforming Projection maintains the forms in small and you locate areas . This Projection is accompanied by the exact transformation of the angles around the points. Necessary condition is that the parallels and the meridians are met perpendicularly as on the globe. This ownership is exploited in the realization of the nautical papers. True-shape is often defined even if the quality of the form has limited.


It shows the areas of all the zones on the map in the scale of rappresentation . Preserv the areas means to transform in inaccurate manner the angles around the points therefore exclusion of the ownership previously described. This ownership is very important in the cadastral maps in which the revenue taxes the ownerships in base to their surface.


Any map can represent the correct distance between 2 points, but only from one or to the maximum one from 2 points to every other point. Usually the equidistance is long the equator, along the meridian belonging to the center of Projection or along one or two standard parallels or standard meridians.


It shows the correct direction (azimuth) between two points; the line that unites the two points ransom the meridians under the same angle " Lossodromic Line " . However on a spherical surface the shortest distance between two points is a long great circle which the azimuths constantly change. All the meridians are maximum circles while the equator is being the only parallel that is a great circle.

8) Classification of the Projections

A method to classify the Projections is that to gather them in the type of surface in which the graticule has been projected. 

The principal Projections are: 


A plan is tangent to the globe, the point of contact it is the center of Projection. If a source of light inside the globe projects the light on the plan, the result it will be an azimuthal Projection. The choice of the Center of Projection determines the aspect of the Projection. In the Polar Aspect the center of Projection is the pole, in the Equatorial Aspect the center of Projection is a point on the equator, in the Oblique Aspect the center of Projection is an any other point.

The principal Azimuthal Projections are: 

Azimuthal Equidistant : It's probable  that this Projection has been used for the first one  by the Egyptians for the representation of the stellar maps. This Projection is not neither conforming neither equivalent. The parallels are generally complex curves, only in the polar aspect they are circles. The equator is a right line in the equatorial aspect, the greatest part of the meridians they are curved complex, they make exception the meridians in the polar aspect and the central meridian that are right lines. The distances measured by the center of Projection are true; the distances that are not measured along the rays from the center are not correct. The only point without distorsions is the center of Projection. With this Projection it is possible to represent all the Earth. The pole of the center of Projection is a point, while the other pole is being a circle with double ray of that equatorial.      

Equidistant Azimuthal Projection

Gnomonica : The point of view V is in the center of the globe O, all the meridians and the equator are right lines, all the parallels except, the equator and the poles are, ellipsis, parables or exaggeration. This Projection is not neither conforming neither equivalent, less than a hemisphere can be seen. Only to the center of Projection C there are not distorsions, the distorsions increase as that it gets further there from the center of Projection.

AziGno.bmp (255894 byte)Fig.3

Gnomonic Projection Aspect Equatorial and Oblique

Stereografica :Il point of view V and from the opposite part to the center of Projection C . It 's used for representing the zones nearby the polar regions . The Projection is conforming . All the meridians in the polar vision and the equator in the equatorial vision are straight lines. All the other meridians and parallels are arcs of circle. The directions from the center of Projection are true ( except on that oblique ellipsoidal and equatorial ). The scale increases as that it gets further there from the center of Projection.

AziSte.bmp (255894 byte)Fig.4

Proiezione Stereografica Aspetto Equatoriale

AziStePo.bmp (255894 byte)Fig.5

Orthographic : The point of view is to the infinity V, it is visible only a hemisphere. The Projection is not neither conforming neither equivalent. The greatest distorsions are to the edges of the hemisphere. Any distorsion next to the center of Projection C . The directions from the center are true. The factor of radial scale decreases to increase some distance from the center to him.

AziOrt.bmp (255894 byte)Fig.6

Azimuthal Equivalent of Lambert : This Projection was introduced by Johann Heinrich Lambert in 1772. It's  also known as Equivalent Zenith Projection. The Projection of the not perspective azimuthal type is equivalent. Only the center of Projection is free from distorsions, but the distorsions have moderated in an area of 90° around this point. The scale is true only in the center of Projection, it increases in tangential manner and it decreases radially from the center of Projection. The Projection is not neither conforming neither equidistante.With this Projection it's possible to see the whole globe. You frequently use in the representation of the polar regions. 

Equivalent Azimuthal Projection of Lambert Oblique Aspect

Lambert ( 1728/1777) Fig. C

Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777) it was born 26/08/1728 in Alsazia today's Switzerland. It was done alone, considering that it abandoned the school to the 12 year-old age to help his father that was a tailor. During this period he read books of mathematics, astronomy and physics exclusively, but he didn't return to school anymore. To the 20 year-old age it was already master of those disciplines from him you prefer and he/she spoke 5 languages fluently (German, French, Italian, Latin, and Greek) .Nel 1761 he became a member of the academy of Fredrick the Great  to Berlin. It began to work for him in 1764. After one year Fredrick put him in the Directive Committee of the Academy next to two famous mathematical as Leonhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange. While it was being to the service of Fredrick Lambert it showed that the constant ¶ was irrational and developed the hyperbolic function in trigonometry. during this period was created the Cartographic Projections her most famous of which (Lambert Conformal Conic) was used for the representation of Russia and the Mediterranean. Johann Heinrich Lambert died of respiratory illness 25/09/1777. Although many remembers him for his Projections it was more than a cartographer considering that it devoted the greatest part of his life to  study about parallel disciplines.


The graticule is projected on a cylinder ; the Projection has directed if the cylinder is tangent to the equator, it's inverse if it's tangent to a meridian, it's secant if it's tangent to a different parallel from the equator, it's oblique if the directrixes of the cylinder are not perpendicular or parallel to the polar axis . The point of view is in the center of the globe. Meridians and parallels are right lines. In this Projection  the expansions increases as that it gets further there from the equator; really for this the Projection is used for representing the zones around the equator. 

CilSec.bmp (190566 byte)Fig.7

The principal Cylindrical Projections are: 

Miller : Osborn Maitland MIller introduced this Projection in 1942. The cylinder is tangent to the sphere along the equator. This Projection has meridians and right parallels, perpendicular therefore among them, but the right lines don't have constant azimuth. The length of the meridians is equal to 0.73 times around that of the equator. The parallels have spaced otherwise, the distance among them increases toward the poles, however this distance is always small of that of the direct Projection of Mercatore; in this manner the poles can be represented. The Projection of Miller is not neither equivalent neither equidistant, neither conforming neither perspective. The scale is true only along the equator. The distorsions become unacceptable to the poles. This Projection avoids the exaggerations of scale of the Projection of Mercatore.  

Mercatore : Drawn by Gerardo Mercatore in the 1569 , this Projection has meridians and right parallels , the scale is true along the parallel of tangency. This Projection is used for the navigation in how much all the right lines on the map have constant azimuth. To preserve the Conformality of the map the parallels increased the distance from the equator. because of the big deformations it has rarely extended over 80°.0000 of latitude North or South.

CilDir.bmp (191134 byte)Fig.8

Mercatore Fig. D

Gerardo Mercatore (1512-1594) it was born to Rupelmunde in the Flanders (Belgium) 05/03/1512 his name was Gerhard de Kramer. He devoted his life to the Cartography although was also scientist and extraordinary engraver. Child of a cobbler frequented the university of Louvain where he studied philosophy and humanism. He was graduated in 1532 and he immediately was embarked for looking for the tests of the word of the Bible in antithesis with the opinions of Aristotle. It didn't reach to any conclusion, it acquired the passion instead for the Geography. In 1535 a laboratory of cartography opened and in 1537 it realized hist map an equivalent Projection of Palestine. The Projection of Mercatore of the world had realized in 1538 and for that time it was a big conquest. It was approached to the tied up problems to the navigation creating a Projection where the right lines compensate the variations and the magnetic deviations. These lines are known as lossodromic . In 1540 it realized and a map of the Flanders to which paid attention the Cardinal of Grandeville engraved (Charles' IV Primo Ministro) that the realization of a world map commissioned him for the Emperor that realized in 1541. In 1544 it escaped for miracle from the death when was imprisoned for 7 months with the accusation of heresy from the Regina of Hungary that was contrary to the Protestant reform. The greatest part of the men and the women considered to be heretical Lutheran  had put to death. Mercatore abandoned religious ideas as soon as he was released. In the 1552 was named Cosmografo from Charles V. In the years following Mercatore realized numerous maps, a lot of of which were not published never. In 1594 he died to Antwerp a city of the Flanders. Although many his jobs are gone forgotten or lost, his Projection more famous it is still the standard for the navigation.

Oblique Mercators Hotine To and B : Oblique Projection. It was used to the beginning for cartograf the regions that had an oblique development in comparison to the meridians and to the parallels, then it was used before the Space Oblique Mercator for mapping the Landsats. The Projection is conforming. The parallels are curved complex. The meridians are curved complex except the two meridians that are to the sides that are right lines. The scale extends to the endless one to 90°.0000 from the central line. The Hotine A uses 2 points that belong to the central line, the first point fixes the point of contact while the second is giving the direction. The Hotine B uses a central point of contact and an Azimuth to give the rotation to the cylinder of tangency; Azimuth = 0°.0000 crossbeam cylindrical Projection; Azimuth = 90°.00000 direct cylindrical Projection. The distances are true along the maximum circle of tangency.

CilObl.bmp (303854 byte) Fig.9

Cassini : This projection is the transverse aspect of the Plate Carrée projection, developed by César François Cassini de Thury (1714-84). It is still used for the topographic mapping of a few countries. Central Meridian is a straight line (includes meridian opposite the central meridian in one continuous line). Other Meridians are straight lines if 90º from central meridian, complex curves concave toward the central meridian otherwise. Parallels are complex curves concave toward the nearest pole. Poles are points along the central meridian. Symmetry is about any straight meridian or the Equator. This is a projection onto a cylinder tangent at the central meridian. Distortion of both shape and area are functions of distance from the central meridian. Scale is true along the central meridian and along any straight line perpendicular to the central meridian (i.e., it is equidistant). For cylindrical projections, only one standard parallel is specified. The other standard parallel is the same latitude with the opposite sign. For this projection, the standard parallel of the base projection is by definition fixed at 0º.

Equirectangular : Equivalent Projection. In the classical version the meridians are straight lines equally  spaced , while the parallels are being straight lines otherwise spaced more you bring closer to the poles that cut the meridians with the correct angle. The scale is true along the equator or long 2 equidistant parallels from the equator. In the trasverse version, the central meridian and the equator are straight lines, while the other parallels and meridians are being curved complex. 

U.T.M. : The Universal Trasverse Mercator Projection divides the world in the ample vertical zones 6° and ample horizontal bands 8°. The Projection has its center in the central meridian of the considered zone . The zones are extended by 80° Latitude South to 84° Latitude North. The conventional abscissa of the central meridian has generally fixed in 500 km, for the hemisphere North the ordinate has fixed to 0.00 km while for the hemisphere South the ordinate has fixed to 10000 km 

CilInv.bmp (165414 byte)Fig.10


The Projection PseudoCilindrical recalls the Cylindrical Projections but in this case while the parallels are being right the meridians they are curved. 

The principal Projections Pseudocilindrical are: 

Robinson : This Projection was introduced by Arthur H. Robinson in 1963 and has also called The Orthophanic Projection , that means right appearing. The central meridian is a line right long 0.51 times the equator, while the other meridians are resembling to arcs concave elliptical toward the central meridian. The parallels are perpendicular right lines to the central meridian; they have spaced equally up to 38° of latitude, over this limit the distances decrease. The poles are lines long 0.53 times the equator.  The scale is true solo along the 38° parallel and is constant along any parallel or between every couple of equidistant parallels from the equator. The distorsions have limited within 45° from the center and along the equator. This Projection is not equivalent, neither conforming, neither equidistant, it is therefore a Projection that extends to have contained deformations. It is a good Projection for the representation of the world. Was the Rand McNally Publishing Company that commissioned to Robinson its realization. It's surely the better Projection for the representation of the world as dimension and form. In the 1988 the National Geographic Society replaced the Projection with which had represented the world for 65 years with the Projection of Robinson.  The characteristic of this Projection is the use of charts of coordinates rather than mathematical formulas of Projection of the graticule

 Robinson Fig. E

Mollweide : This equivalent Projection (introduced by Karl Mollweide in 1805)  is used for the representation of the world. The central meridian is right and perpendicular to the equator. The first one is half the second. The 90th meridians are arcs of circle while the other is being arcs of ellipsis that connect the two poles. The parallels are right but otherwise spaced. The scale is true only along the parallels 40°44 's N and 40°44 's S.  

Karl Brandan Mollweide (1774-1825) it was born 03/02/1774 to Lipsia. After a precocious infancy it was graduated to the University of Halle and it was teacher to the Franckesche Stiftung. During this period it created his Projection. In 1811 Stiftung left for the University of astronomy of Lipsia where teacher was named head and he occupied the desk of mathematics. It was an authority for the mathematical sciences and it developed trigonometry. 

Sinusoidal : This Projection had developed in the sixteenth century and used by Cassini in 1570 and from Jodocus Hondius in the atlas of Mercatore before the seventeenth century. It's currently the oldest Projection pseudocilindrical in use, it takes the name of Sanson-Flamsteed or Equivalent Projection of Mercatore. it's an equivalent Projection with right parallels equally spaced they intersect the central meridian, long half the equator, with the correct angle (parallel perpendicular to the central meridian), the other meridians are curved sinusoidalis equally spaced that they are met to the poles; they are concave toward the central meridian. The poles are points. The Projection is symmetrical in comparison to the central meridian and to the equator. The scale is true only on the central meridian and the parallels, the distorsions they begin to increase next to the external meridians to the tall latitudes. This Projection has a fictitious because fixed standard parallel to the latitude of 0°.0000. Often used for the representation of states with vertical rather than horizontal development (Chile). Projection used since half the sixteenth century 

Wagner IV : This Projection had introduced from Karlheinz Wagner in 1932. The central meridian is long half the equator. The other meridians are parts of ellipsis, concave toward the central meridian, equally you space. The meridians with longitude 103°55 ' East and West are arcs of circle. The parallels are right lines otherwise spaced perpendicular to the central meridian. The distance between the parallels increases approaching each other to the equator. The poles are lines long half the equator. You Projection is equivalent. The scale is true solo along the parallel 42°59 ' and it is constant along any parallel and between every couple of equidistant parallels from the equator. You distorsions are not so extreme toward the external meridians to the tall latitudes, but there are a considerable distorsion of the polar regions. The distorsions are annulled in the two points where the parallels 42°59 ' they meet the central meridian. This Projection is not neither conforming neither equidistant.


In a Conic Projection the grid is projected on a tangent or secant cone to the globe along a small circle (usually a parallel of middle latitude in comparison to the zone from to represent). In the normal version the parallels are projected to form arcs of circle, while the meridians are being projected as right lines that are radiated to intervals uniforms of angle from the apex of the flattened cone. The conic Projections are not very you use in the maps. The secant case that produces two standard parallels is used more frequently with the conic Projections. The scale of the map distorts the distances quickly for all the points that I am estranged by the standard parallels. Because of this problem the conic Projections are used for representing zones that are developed along the parallels, the United States of America they are frequently represented with conic Projections. 

ConTan.bmp (191134 byte)Fig.11

ConSec.bmp (191134 byte)Fig.12

The principal Conic Projections are: 

Albers : This Projection had introduced from Heinrich Christian Albers in 1805.  it is an equivalent Projection that distorts scale and distance except along the standard parallels, the scale is constant along any parallel. The parallels are arcs of circle concentric otherwise spaced, the space between the parallels decreases as that we estrange from the central latitudes. The meridians are rays of the same circle equally spaced, they cut the parallels with the correct angle, the angle between the meridians it is small of that true. The poles are arcs of circle. This Projection is used for representing regions that are developed long east-west ( United States of America ). For the Projection of the United States the standard parallels of 29°30'00" and 45°30'00" are used. You Projection is not neither conforming neither equidistant. The classical parallels are 15° and 75°

Albers Projection

Bonne : This projection dates in a rudimentary form back to Claudius Ptolemy (about A.D. 100). It was further developed by Bernardus Sylvanus in 1511. It derives its name from its considerable use by Rigobert Bonne, especially in 1752. The Central Meridian is a straight line. Meridians are complex curves connecting points equally spaced along each parallel and concave toward the Central Meridian. Parallels are concentric circular arcs spaced at true distances along the central meridian. Poles are points. The symmetry is about the Central Meridian.This is an equal-area projection. The curvature of the standard parallel is identical to that on a cone tangent at that latitude. The central meridian and the central parallel are free of distortion. This projection is not conformal.This projection has one standard parallel, which is 30° N by default. It has two interesting limiting forms. If a pole is employed as the standard parallel, a Werner projection results; if the Equator is used, a Sinusoidal projection results.

Bonne Projection

Lambert Conformal Conic : This Projection was introduced by Johann Heinrich Lambert in 1772, is known also as the Projection Conic Ortomorfic. It's a conforming Projection that distorts the area and the form as that we estrange from the standard parallels, the distorsions are constant along any other parallel . The scale  is constant along any parallel and it is her same one in every direction toward point any. The parallels are concentric arcs of circle otherwise spaced, more brought closer next to the center of the Projection. The meridians are rays of the same circle equally spaced, that cut the parallels with the correct angle, the angle between the meridians it is small of that real. For the Projection of the United States the standard parallels of 33°00'00" and 45°00'00" are used. The Projection is not neither equivalent neither equidistant.

Policonic : Developed in 1820 from Ferdinando Hassler, this Projection has founded on an endless number of tangent cones to an endless number of parallels . The central meridian is right while the other meridians are being curved complex. The parallels are arcs of circle non concentric. All the meridians are concave toward the central meridian. The parallels cut the central meridian to equal intervals, these intervals they increase as that we estrange from the central meridian. The scale is true solo along every parallel and solo along the central meridian. 

Policonic Projection


The modified Projections are all those Projections that don't revert completely in one of the cases previously examined. 

Hammer : This Projection had introduced from H. H. Ernst von Hammer in 1892. This Projection is equivalent, the only point free from distorsions is the center of Projection. It has less angular distorsions in the most external meridians next to the poles, in comparison to the Projections pseudocilindrical . The central meridian is a line right long half the equator; the other meridians are curved complex equally you space along the equator and concave toward the central meridian. The equator is right, while the other parallels are being curved complex equally you space along the central and concave meridian toward the nearest pole. This Projection is an equivalent Projection to edge ellittical. It's a change of the Azimuthal Projection of Lambert inspired by the Projection of Aitoff. 

General Vertical Near/Side Perspective : This Projection ( known from the Greek and from
the Egyptians around 2000 years ago ) it's a Projection of the type Perspective Azimuthal Scenografich, only that the point of view V is not from the opposite part of the center of Projection C , but from the same part. The Projections previously azimuthal sights are of the particular perspective Projections. The distance between the point of view V and the center of Projection C is the height of the point of view above of the surface terrestrial HAboveS. it is often used for showing the planet as seen by the space. The meridian and the parallel of the center of Projection are straight lines. The other meridians and parallels are arcs of circle and ellipsis, but you/they can be also parables and exaggeration. The Projection is not neither conforming neither equivalent. The greatest distorsions are to the limits of the zone of Projection.  

GenVer.bmp (322374 byte)Fig.13

Van der Grinten : This Projection had introduced from Alphons J. Van der Grinten in 1898. it is a Projection that can have classified as policonic. The central meridian is a right line while the other meridians are being arcs of circle spaced equally along the equator and concave toward the central meridian. The equator is a right line, while the other parallels are being arcs of circle concave toward the nearest pole. The Projection is not neither conforming neither equivalent. The world is contained in a circle. The scale is true solo along the equator and increases quickly as that we get further of it. The distorsion of area they are extreme next to the poles. 


The interrupted Projections are used for representing the world and to minimize the distorsions. 

Goode's Homolosine : J.P.Goode studied this Projection composite Pseudocilindrical of the Equivalent type (Equal Area). The parallels are perpendicular parallel and right lines to the central meridians. They have spaced equally between the latitudes 40° 44' N and S. Per great values of latitude the parallels extend to draw near hand to hand that the poles are approached. Between the latitudes 40° 44 ' N and S, the meridians are curved sinusoidalis equally you space, otherwise they are arcs ellittici, concave toward the central meridian. The meridians have turned slightly toward the suitable latitudes. The six central meridians are right lines that have a value 0.22 times that of the equator. The northern hemisphere has two central meridians to -100° and 30° degrees of longitude. The southern hemisphere has the central meridians to the longitude of -160°, -60°, 20° and 140° degrees. The center of the map is to 0° degrees of longitude and 0° degrees of latitude. In the northern hemisphere, the interruption is set to -40° degrees of longitude. In the southern hemisphere the interruptions are mails to -100°, -20° and 80° degrees of longitude. The meridian -180° degrees it represents the edge of the Projection. Between the given latitudes, the scale is true along every latitude and along the central meridian. Over these latitudes, the scale is identical for the latitude of opposite sign. The Poles are points. 

Mollweide : It's a Projection Pseudocilindrical of the Equivalent type (Equal Area). The Parallels are right lines otherwise spaced more outdistanced near the equator and perpendicular to the central meridian. The Meridians are arcs spaced semielliptical equally that they are intersected to the poles and they turn concavity toward the central meridian. There are six central meridians that are right lines from the poles to the Equator. The northern hemisphere has the central meridians to the longitudes of 60°, -170° and -30° degrees. The southern hemisphere has the central meridians to the longitudes of 90°, -140° and -20° degrees. The center of the map is set to the longitude -160° and to the latitude 0° degrees. In the northern hemisphere the interruptions are mails to the meridians 110° and -100° degrees. In the southern hemisphere the interruptions are mails to the meridians 140° and -70° degrees. The meridian 20° degrees it represents the edges of the Projection. The scale is true along the latitudes 40° degs 44 ' min N and S and it is constant along any gives latitude. It is her same one for the latitude of opposite sign. The Poles are points. The central meridians and the equator are elements of symmetry.


Map Projection Overview / Peter H. Dana Department of Geography
The University of Texas at Austin.

"Map Projections - A Working Manual" by John P. Snyder
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395
United States Government Printing Office, Washington: 1987

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