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Nortel Adds Partner Assurance Contract to its SMB Services Portfolio SYS-CON Media
Nortel(x) (NYSE/TSX: NT) has extended its already broad channel partner 'Assurance' services portfolio for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) with the addition of the small and medium business (SMB) Partner Assurance Contract (PAC). PAC has been developed and packaged specifically for the use of those partners in the SMB market.
Security Capital Assurance Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.02 Per Common Share PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Security Capital Assurance Ltd announced today that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend on October 31, 2006, of $0.02 per common share payable on December 29, 2006, to common shareholders of record on December 11, 2006.
ATK Reports Second Quarter Results SYS-CON Media
Alliant Techsystems reported today that earnings per share in the second quarter rose to $1.15. The second quarter results did not include a benefit for the R&D tax credit. ATK's prior EPS guidance of $1.17 included a benefit of five cents per share for the R&D tax credit. The company believes that the R&D tax credit will be extended retroactively prior to the end of its fiscal year.
Dresser, Inc. Announces New $935 Million Senior Secured Credit Facility, Purchase of Tendered 9 3/8% Senior Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
DALLAS----Dresser, Inc. announced today that it has entered into a new $935 million senior secured credit facility as of Oct. 31, 2006.
More Top Stories Business Insurance
PARIS—Paris-based credit insurance company Compagnie Française d’Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur is offering credit insurance to Russian companies for the first time.
B+H Ocean Carriers, Ltd. Announces Refinancings and Unaudited Results for the Nine Month and Third Quarterly Periods Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK----B+H Ocean Carriers Ltd. today announced that it had concluded an $8 million credit facility with Nordea Bank Norge ASA and a $12 million credit facility with DvB Bank. The $8 million facility was drawn down on September 7, 2006 and is secured by the Company's 50% interest in Nordan OBO II Inc.
RSA Solutions Enable Customers Worldwide to Leverage Information-Centric Security in Q3 2006 PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
RSA, The Security Division of EMC , today announced that more than 6,500 customers, including approximately 1,500 new customers, selected RSA for its identity assurance and access control, encryption and key management, compliance and security information management and fraud protection solutions in the third quarter of 2006.
Dollar Financial Corp. Announces the Completion of the Refinancing of Its Existing Credit Facilities and the Completion Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
BERWYN, Pa.----Dollar Financial Corp. , a leading international financial services company serving under-banked customers, today announced the completion of the refinancing of its existing credit facilities as it entered into a new $475.0 million credit facility and the completion of the previously announced cash tender offer and consent solicitation by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Dollar
Stantec Announces Net Income Increase of 27.9% in Third Quarter 2006 SYS-CON Media
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN); (NYSE: SXC)
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