Recognising the practical need for the formation of a supra-national body for uniting the different groups of protozoologists of all countries in the world, the undersigned wish to present the following resolutions for adoption by the 2nd International Conference on Protozoology:

1. That an INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON PROTOZOOLOGY be formed before 1 January 1966 and that its membership meet annually, if possible, or at least once between International Conferences.

2. That such a COMMISSION work toward realisation of the following four objectives:

(a) To be active in planning future international Conferences: to decide on sites and dates; to collaborate with National Organising Committees at the appropriate time; to act as banker, for any funds available, in the interim between Conferences; and to fulfil any other obligations related to such Conferences.

(b) To study the question of the creation of an International Union, to draft the constitution for such an organisation, and to present it all groups for definitive decision before the 3rd International Conference of Protozoology.

(c) To explore means of establishing closer relationships with international biologica) or othcr organisations, such as IUBS, FAO, UNESCO, and WHO.

(d) To promote, entourage, and maintain co-operation among protozoologists of all countries by serving as a clearing house - probably by establishment of a number of special committees generally chaired by a member of the COMMISSION - for consideration of important matters of an international nature: such as worldwide register of protozoologists and of type-specimen and culture collections; study of the feasibility of centrally located bibliographic files and specimen-identification centres; endorsement of worldwide protozoological abstracting services; promotion of revisions, as needed, of systems of classification of Protozoa; strengthening the role of protozoology and the participation of protozoologists in the International Biological Programme.

2. That the composition of the COMMISSION be as follows:

(a) One representative from each duly constituted society, group, section or "associated society" of protozoologists which has a membership of 21-100 persons.

(b) Two representatives from any. group with a membership between 100 and 500; and three representatives from any group with a greater number.

(c) The President and Secretary of the immediate past International Conferente on Protozoology, as the representatives of their society; and the President and Secretary of the immediate future Conference. The President and the Secretary of the immediate future Conference shall serve as President and Secretary of the COMMISSION, as soon as their identity is known.


T.H. ABE                                  G.I. POLJANSKY                        J. WEISER

J.O. CORLISS                          P. de PUYTORAC                     A. ZUCKERMAN

P.C.C. GARNHAM                     Z. RAABE

K.G. GRELL                              B.R. SESHACHAR


* In the broadest sense; e.g., the autosynthetic flagellates are included.                                    5th August 1965.