need free host with PHP 5
Forum: Free hosting requests Posted By: chiamingen Post Time: November 24th, 2006 at 06:02
Free PHP hosting
A mate of mine has just set up a free PHP hosting website thing, I have set up a account there and stuff like that(even though I am a microsoft fanboy, I still want another tool in my belt), here it is
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forum: free hosting requests posted by: mehdirm666 post time: october 26th, 2006 at 23:20
Shared vs. Virtual, how many users can they handle a day?
I've got a site, that I'm promoting heavily and traffic is growing. I'm concerned that eventually I may have to switch to a virtual server but I wanted to know what traffic levels could be supported on the
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Hello, I'm the owner of and I'd love to have your thoughts on the site. Its a straight mediawiki install and so there's not a lot of configuration needed on it. I'd welcome any thoughts on how it could be
Lux Talk :: Gav abusing host controls in MD's room
While in MD's room tonight Gav seriuosly abused the hosting privaleges. Slippery Lizard: I have a host up, please join folks, I did not deserve to be booted about 50 risktaker: i think gav is abusing his host privilidges here
Starting a new hosting in 3-4 Days
Forum: Free hosting offers Posted By: ishant14 Post Time: November 24th, 2006 at 07:31
Any Free Posting for hosting Reseller out there??
Forum: Dedicated Server & Reseller Requests Posted By: ishant14 Post Time: November 24th, 2006 at 07:38
Back From The Brink
It seems that my hosting company silently upgraded both the PHP4 and PHP5 (although I only found a notice about the PHP5 upgrade. Else where on teh intawebs I found the the latest version of PHP5 has got short PHP tag disabled,
Free mysql+php hosting
Forum: Free Web Hosting Posted By: inportb Post Time: November 10th, 2006 at 12:44:08 am

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