Subject: Re:Accessing Other Fields - by: Marek Sandor
Hi again, if I understand you update table definition (by typing in query window, first letter must be Uppercase - mark for computed field) ensure your_table_name (Target_heart) crea
Subject: Re:Accessing Other Fields - by: Marek Sandor
Hi, this is just part of realy good manual searched for terms derived columns . I hope that it will help you. You can see also a lot of examples in Accounting application Derived Columns Wh
Subject: Re:Accessing Other Fields - by: ashaman
Sorry, I guess I was a bit vague. I'm looking for a way to take a few different fields from the table and put them into an equation to derive a value for a 4th field. For instance, let's say I have
Subject: Accessing Other Fields - by: ashaman
I'm new to Suneido, and am trying to understand the language. The manual is good for showing syntax, but sometimes it doesn't fill in the blanks for me. I created a table, and would like to have a c
MySQL, InterBase, FireBird, SQL Server: Prices and Licences
The price of InterBase is also interesting if you compare it with Microsoft's SQL Server and other closed-source databases, beacuse you decided you don't want to pick an open source database like FireBird.
Making an open source object database fly
David Johnson's hobby is flying, but his obsession is open source. In true geek fashion, he merged those passions to create a better membership management solution for the Buttonville Flying Club, which led to money-saving options for Vonage's Open Source Database Odyssey
In an interesting twist of irony, Oracle, which is taking aim at Linux leader Red Hat for being too expensive, is being undercut with an open source challenge to its namesake database
Blogging: The Not-So-New Trend
Because of the intrinsic database capabilities and open-ended user For the database, MT has better support - MySQL and Postgresql out of the box and Of course, the biggest disadvantage of MT is that it is not open source and
Open Java changes Everything
Now that the dust is beginning to settle on Sun’s Decision to open source Java , what does Remember that it took several years after the Netscape code was open source for by a core database (Oracle) or by leading a niche (SAP).
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unlike other open-source offerings, enterprisedb advanced server can run oracle database applications unchanged

PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database
Sophisticated open-source Object-Relational DBMS supporting almost all SQL construc, including subselec, actions, and user-defined types and
OSVDB: The Open Source Vulnerability Database
Searchable database of vulnerabilities. Offers data for download in XML format as well as via website. Details of how to submit new vulnerabilities,
Firebird Relational Database for the New Millenium
The Firebird Project today officially released the much-anticipated version 2.0 of i open source Firebird relational database software dg the opening
The Open Source Database Benchmark
A free, open source, performance benchmark for private testing of relational database systems. Tes are written in the C language using GNU tools.
Open Source Database Engines in Java
Axion is a small, fast, open source relational database system (RDBMS) db4o (database for objec) is the open source object database for Java.

The Open Source Database Benchmark
A free, open source, performance benchmark for private testing of relational database systems. Tests are written in the C language using GNU tools.
Open Source Database Engines in Java
Axion is a small, fast, open source relational database system (RDBMS) db4o (database for objects) is the open source object database for Java.
SAP DB - The FREE Enterprise Open Source Database
Skip Top Menu Navigation. The FREE Enterprise Open Source Database For topical information on the database system now called MaxDB, please refer to the
MySQL AB :: Developer Zone
NET 2005 and how to build a simple Database Application using VC# and MySQL 5. Read More » about his thoughts on open source and MySQL in particular,
Open Source Database Feature Comparison Matrix
Looking for a database? This handy database feature comparison matrix and glossary let you compare and contrast the supported features of four popular open
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One$DB: An Open Source Java Database
One$DB is an open source version of Daffodil DB an embeddable Java database for Java/non- Java applications, it is a JDBC 3.0 and SQL 99 compliant Cross
Sun floats open-source database idea | CNET
Sun floats open-source database idea | Such a move could trigger displeasure at Oracle but curry favor with open-source advocates. Image: A Sun database?

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