outpost 4 forgets added rules.
yesterday i added rules for mirc to allow sending/receiving files, since they weren't there after reinstalling mirc (only the ident & mirc connection rules were added by today i fired up mirc, and i couldn't send/receive again,
irc chatroom for perplex city players
i can't get on to irc due to some uni firewall. anyone got any ideas to get on using chatzilla? i know port 7000 works for mirc but not for chatzilla
lan gaming dont work for me
run: [ctfmon.exe] c:\windows\system32\ctfmon.exe o4 - startup: mirc.lnk = c:\program files\mirc\mirc.exe o23 - service: kerio personal firewall 4 (kpf4) - kerio technologies - c:\program files\kerio\personal firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe
proxy/socks information :: how can socks used in mirc?!?
eg if i have sock let said ( and want to use it to connect to irc server ( ircfun.ix.net), how can i use command ( / ) to connect! ( i know how to use the firewall setting in mirc, but i want quick command to use it
bypassing firewall restrictions via ssh tunneling mirc and firefox
this a great security tutorial that shows how you can use a ssh connection and putty to bypass most firewall restrictions. irc traffic is often blocked in organizations and this tutorial shows how that can be bypassed using mirc as the
configuring za to allow mirc uploads
i am able to download files from other users when i am running mirc but am unable to upload a file. i suspect the problem may have something to do with the 2 way firewall protection that is a feature of za, but i may be wrong. in any
mirc fserv sysreset
i downloaded the firewall and installed it a couple of days a go but it seems i am doing something wrong. i can download files alright but nobody is able to get on to my fserv (i am using sysreset to put it up) i followed the following:
download anime and file using irc
now, we will download using xdcc bot. if windows firewall window pop-up, select “unblock” for mirc. the first step that you need to do after this is register your nickname. go to the status box. note: <> is not needed.
hijackthis - spyware, viruses, worms, trojans oh my! :: re: popups
c:\program files\sunbelt software\personal firewall\kpf4gui.exe c:\program files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe c:\program files\mirc\mirc.exe c:\progra~1\mozill~1\firefox.exe c:\dwin.exe
winssl + mirc and im problem
nice to have a product with antivirus and firewall together but the firewall 1) i am using winssl and mirc to be able to connect to linknet which is a my mirc connect to on port 1111 which is actually the winssl

Utenti: on line Home - Scripting - Forum - Staff - Contatti Script
Un firewall é un qualcosa (in questo caso un software, ma ne esistono anche Bene ora che lo avete installato andate e lanciate mirc per la vostra
mIRC Windows XP Personal Firewall HowTo
Personal Firewall for use with mIRC. Firewalls have always presented a problem for IRC clients, and the personal firewall included with Windows
mIRC and Firewalls - BarkerJr.Net
You may also need to open or forward ports in your firewall configuration, which will be discussed in Part 2. Get to the screen shown above in mIRC (ALT+O,
paFileDB 3.1
mIRC Firewall » mIRC Firewall « --Script Internazionali, Add-on mIRC, Programmi vari, IRC clients, Peer to Peer, Eggdrop &amp; Bnc, IPv6
IRC: Firewall Problem
Hi Gerard. The question is really, are you behind a firewall or not? Try disabling the firewall settings in mIRC. Do not use a SOCK4 or 5 proxy server or

mIRC and Firewalls - BarkerJr.Net
You may also need to open or forward ports in your firewall configuration, which will be discussed in Part 2. Get to the screen shown above in mIRC (ALT+O,
paFileDB 3.1
mIRC Firewall » mIRC Firewall « --Script Internazionali, Add-on mIRC, Programmi vari, IRC clients, Peer to Peer, Eggdrop &amp; Bnc, IPv6
paFileDB 3.1
mIRC Firewall. Descrizione:, Monitorizza le connessioni udp/tcp! Creatore:, Psyquake. Inserito:, 2:43 AM 9/27/03. Ultimo download:, 9:57 AM 11/14/06
IRC: Firewall Problem
Hi Gerard. The question is really, are you behind a firewall or not? Try disabling the firewall settings in mIRC. Do not use a SOCK4 or 5 proxy server or
Internet Relay Chat - Security Issues
Firewall FAQ: Technical discussion of problems involved with using IRC from behind a proxy, firewall, or NAT gateway. Includes links for specific fixes for
mIRC Firewall - mIRC Code Snippet - Hawkee.com
mIRC Code Snippets &gt; mIRC Firewall by QuickStep Just a basic easy firewall that asks for permission if a script wants to access the internet.
Using mIRC with
mIRC Options/Connect/Firewall, check Use SOCKS firewall, select Socks 5, set Hostname to &quot;localhost&quot;, set Port to 1080, check Initiate DCCs through firewall
Mondo IRC . net
21/10/2001, Firewall: descrizione e funzionalità, C4[I]n0 &amp; Darkness Mondo IRC non e&#39; collegato ai siti linkati e non e&#39; responsabile del loro contenuto

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