mIRC 6.21
mIRC is a shareware IRC client for Windows. mIRC is a highly configurable IRC client with all the goodies other clients on UNIX, Macintosh and even on windows offer, combined with a clean user interface. mIRC offers full color text
mIRC 6.21 Released
mIRC 6.21 was released today and is available for download from various locations. From the announcement, "As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of The mIRC installer has improved a lot! The installer now offers several
mIRC 6.21 released
[From Eric Mann] mIRC version 6.21 has been released Thursday November 23rd, 2006. As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of the issues reported The mIRC installer has improved a lot! The installer now offers several
mIRC 6.21 has been released!
As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of the issues reported since the last release. A lot of time was spent tweaking features and fixing bugs. We worked on the installer, logfile handling, script error handling,
MIRC v6.21 with KeyMaker
Appz group DVT released a new version of probably the most known IRC client mIRC. This legend of the internet relay chat still provides the easiest and best user interface, at least I have never switched to anything else.
mIRC v6.21
mIRC is a highly configurable IRC client with all the goodies other clients on UNIX, Macintosh and even Windows, combined with a nice and clean user interface. mIRC offers full color text lines, DCC File Send and Get capabilities,
mIRC Power Pack 8.00 RC9
mIRC Power Pack (MPP) is a powerful script for mIRC designed specifically for It includes 3 Control Panels (F1 thru F3) offering over 105 shortcuts to different mIRC and Windows tools, including 14 different benchmark utilities.
how to use the commands of mirc with MIRANDA-IM?
I use this method into my conventionally mirc script, but i preferred continuing using the miranda ) Example: If i try digit /SAY on the message box, the return of miranda is "Unknown command: SAY". how to resolve this problem ?
mIRC Power Pack 8.00 RC9 in Beta News
rippinchikkin, Sun 19-Nov-2006 22:51:11 (0 Replies
mirc now has a ‘check for timed out connections’ option in connect/options dialog. when this is set mirc pings the server every so often if it lots of ssl things have improved and mirc now also supports ssl connections for sockets

L'installazione di mIRC in inglese
Spesso gli unici problemi si presentano nell'installazione del mIRC e nel primo Per avere accesso ad IRC serve un piccolo programma come il mIRC,
L'installation de mIRC en Français
Explications sur l'installation et la mise en marche du logiciel mIRC.
mIRC en Español
Página web Oficial de mIRC en Español. Traducción al Español de las páginas del mejor cliente de IRC, el mIRC.
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Consente di scaricare gratuitamente diversi mirc script italiani e stranieri. Inoltre è presente una lista di ci, reti e diverse guide online.
mIRC : Leggi le Opinioni e compara i prezzi
Leggi le Opinioni e confronta i prezzi di mIRC. Il sistema proposto da mIRC è sempre in continuo aggiornamento;i ci che si possono scegliere sono

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Consente di scaricare gratuitamente diversi mirc script italiani e stranieri. Inoltre è presente una lista di canali, reti e diverse guide online.
mIRC : Leggi le Opinioni e compara i prezzi
Leggi le Opinioni e confronta i prezzi di mIRC. Il sistema proposto da mIRC è sempre in continuo aggiornamento;i canali che si possono scegliere sono
IRC « WordPress Codex
Once configured and installed, point it to irc.freenode.net and connect. Activate Chatzilla and click on the URL irc://freenode/wordpress to take you
irc « WordPress Codex
This page seeks to be a quick rundown of what IRC is, and how to log in to Activate Chatzilla and click on the URL irc://freenode/wordpress to take you
mirc.com : comparativas, precios y compras online
Lee opiniones de consumidores y compara precios de mirc.com.
logiciels windows MIRC CHAT IRC www.mirc.com
Retrouvez logiciels windows MIRC CHAT IRC dans notre Annuaire informatique dans la rubrique logiciels windows.
mirc.com : Read reviews and compare prices at Ciao.co.uk
Read reviews and compare prices for mirc.com. mIRC is a fairly small, lightweight and highly versatile IRC client. IRC in this instance stands for
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