roll your own linux firewall
over the years i have learned how to roll my own firewall script and call it from my firewall is only input based, instead of input and output based, all that necessary if you use good download practices on your linux server.
looking for a linux based firewall looking for a linux based firewall
ppc linux firewall?
but not smart enough to protect his windows install behind a firewall. he asked a firewall specific distro that with ppc support without much luck. so, i'd suggest avoiding linux in favor of openbsd and using the pfw package
fwknop-1.0 released: strongly authenticate to your closed linux
single packet authorization (spa) is basically port knocking on steroids, and fwknop is the best supported and feature-rich implementation available today. i never worry about zero-day vulnerabilities in my ssh daemon while i'm running
how to open a port on linux using iptables linux firewall is a pita
/sbin/iptables -l [root@s-sakai-1 etc]# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables # chuck ports -a rh-firewall-1-input -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8090 -j accept -a rh-firewall-1-input -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8092 -j
linux firewall with 2 wireless nics
Summary: linux firewall. if I could put both of them on the laptop and still use it as a linux if it is what are some security distros that one would recommend?
Linux powers flexible industrial firewall
Ads-tec GmbH is shipping a Linux-powered firewall device for industrial networking applications. The IF1000 Industrial Firewall implements an easy-to-use appliance that can either operate as a layer 2 filtering switch or as an IP router
Set Up Ubuntu-Server 6.10 As A Firewall/Gateway For Your Small
This tutorial shows how to set up a Ubuntu 6.10 server (Edgy Eft) as a firewall and gateway for small/medium networks. The article covers the installation/configuration of services such as Shorewall, NAT, caching nameserver, DHCP server
designing a linux firewall with iptables
while browsing the popular website digg this weekend i came across a post titled roll your own firewall which led to an article on several of the comments posted on digg pointed out how the author of the article liked to
how to test your linux-distro firewall
how to test your linux-distro firewall. recently, i wrote an article about how to scan your linux-distro for root kits. now that the machine is clean. i think, a good thing to do is to test my firewall.

IPCop Firewall
A secure Linux distribution managed through a web-interface. It turns an old PC into a firewall and VPN gateway. Features an Intrusion Detection System.
Projectfiles Firewall
Security resource and firewall software for Linux systems. Essays on security, forum, news and software support. (Bash) [Linux]
Corso - Linux Firewall con Iptables
Corso - Linux Firewall con Iptables. Corso intensivo e pratico su Linux usato in infrastrutture di rete eterogenee con funzioni di firewall e router.
Firestarter Linux Firewall
A graphical interfaced Open Source firewall for Linux.
netfilter/iptables project homepage - The project
Netfilter and iptables are building blocks of a framework inside the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel that enables packet filtering, network addresss [and port]

Corso - Linux Firewall con Iptables
Corso - Linux Firewall con Iptables. Corso intensivo e pratico su Linux usato in infrastrutture di rete eterogenee con funzioni di firewall e router.
Firestarter Linux Firewall
A graphical interfaced Open Source firewall for Linux.
netfilter/iptables project homepage - The project
Netfilter and iptables are building blocks of a framework inside the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel that enables packet filtering, network addresss [and port]
Linux Firewall ad opera d'arte Linux Firewalling Linux Firewall ad
Esempi di configurazioni di un firewall Linux con iptables LINK: SecurityFocus: IPTables Linux firewall with packet string-matching support
LinuxGuruz Netfilter IPTABLES Firewall Page
Linux Netfilter IPTABLES firewall page. Linux Firewall, Linux Firewall and NAT for DSL
Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2
Das Handbuch beschreibt detailliert den Aufbau von Linux Firewalls mit ipfwadm, ipchains und der SF Firewall. Zusätzlich eine Einführung zum Thema Firewall
Nextrem - SuSE Linux Firewall On CD 2
Sicurezza in ambito IT Quale elemento centrale di una politica di sicurezza in ambito IT professionale il SuSE Firewall on CD 2 controlla, monotorizza,
The Perfect Linux Firewall Part I -- IPCop | HowtoForge - Linux
and am happy to see it getting some coverage and exposure because it is a great GNU/Linux firewall. Everyone should check it out

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