A collection of downloads

A little collection of PSPICE sources for circuit simulations.

Here some example of DEEDS files. DEEDS is the IDE used at DIBE for didactical digital circuitry simulation.

Here an example of complete code for DMC-8 processor. DMC-8 is a virtual processor of DEEDS environment.

This is a library written in ANSI C. Integration, zeros search, min/max and other tools are provided. Library and header.

A J2ME example program  ( MIDP 1.0 compliant ). Source and .jad and .jar

A Java example program. (Read the article)                                            

MySQLConnectus project (no more under development)


MySQLConnectus is a simple graphical client for MySQL dbms. You can browse dbs, do query and modification. The sources are all 100% Java 1.5 compatible. Also a classification tool is available in which SVM, Bayesian, Perceptron algorithms are implemented. A log file is used and query caching is provided by a LRU policy of query results. Configuration file is used and localization files are called  "messages_XX_YY.properties" where XX e YY are localization codes. At the start the program will capture the localization of your OS and will try using the right localization, if not present default UK/USA file will be used. For plug-in development you have to use beanshell scripting language, you're invited to contribute in plug-in development!



File name Version Release date O.S. Documentation Installer
MySQLConnectusXLinux.zip 0.3 09/2004 Linux yes no
MySQLConnectus 0.3.exe 0.3 09/2004 Windows yes yes
MySQLConnectus 0.3.3.exe 0.3.3 16/10/2004 Windows yes yes
MySQLConnectus 0.3.4.exe 0.3.4 26/02/2005 Windows yes yes
MySQLConnectus 0.3.5.rar 0.3.5alfa 26/02/2005 Windows no no
MySQLConnectus 0.4.0.exe 0.4.0 Release candidate 27/03/2005 Windows yes yes
MySQLConnectus0.4.0RC-i586.bin 0.4.0 Release candidate 27/03/2005 Linux yes no
MySQLConnectus0.4.5 0.4.5 beta 08/05/2006 Windows yes yes


put these files on plug-in folder

File name Version Release Date Documentation
Connection.bsh 0.1 27/03/2005 no
Base.bsh 0.1 08/06/2006 yes
ClassificationBatch.bsh 0.1 08/06/2006 no


put these files on localization folder

File name Version Release Date
messages.properties 0.1.3(UK/USA default file) 08/05/2006
messages_it_IT.properties 0.1.3 ita translation 08/05/2006
messages_mo.properties 0.1 moldavian translation 27/03/2005
messages_ru.properties 0.1 rumenian translation 27/03/2005