Alphonse Group - Seychelles

(Click thumbnails to enlarge)
Bigeye Trevally (15k) Bigeye Trevally (20k) Bluestriped Snapper (34k)
Crinoid (31k) Crinoid (43k) Gorgonia (37k)
Yellow-edged Moray (37k) Giant Pufferfish (26k) Nurse Shark (36k)
Oriental Sweetlips (35k) Potato Cod (33k) Silver Sweetlips (26k)
Cube Boxfish (37k) Longnose Unicornfish (40k) White Remora (21k)
Doublebar Goatfish (20k) Doublebar Goatfish (18k) Bullhead Cod (33k)

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