Riprendiamo alcune notizie diffuse da Duncan Cochrane - membro del Comitato I.C.F. di Canoa Polo e "Coordinator Referee Training and Accreditation", che trovate totalmente riportate nel seguito di questo articolo.


Merita particolare evidenza la notizia che sul Sito dell'I.C.F. è ora disponibile un pacchetto formativo per gli Arbitri di Canoa Polo. E' costituito da diapositive, filmati e quiz e consente di cimentarsi nella valutazione di numerose situazioni regolamentari.

Per ogni caso vengono poi fornite le corrette interpretazioni e le motivazioni che le hanno determinate.

Sembra davvero fatto molto bene e sicuramente di grande utilità per i nostri colleghi che hanno bisogno di migliorare le proprie conoscenze dei regolamenti.


Da segnalare anche l'opportunità che viene offerta dall'I.C.F. alle Federazioni Nazionali di inviare ai Campionati del Mondo, che si terranno quest'anno in Polonia, alcuni Arbitri Internazionali (da scegliere ovviamente fra quelli esclusi dalla convocazione ufficiale) che potranno arbitrare gli incontri insieme ai Referee convocati dall'I.C.F., seguire gli altri incontri e partecipare alle riunioni e poter così migliorare le proprie capacità e competenze, presenziando al top del calendario 2012.

Si parla tanto di formazione e di crescita del livello del nostro settore arbitrale di Canoa Polo e riteniamo che questa sarebbe davvero una ghiotta occasione per dimostrare questo reale interesse, eventualmente proponendo altri nuovi colleghi per l'acquisizione dei primi livelli di abilitazione internazionale.


Cosa faranno la  Federazione e la nostra D.A.C. ?




11 gennaio 2012



Rule changes/ Suggestions

It is that time again where I ask for feedback on any rule issues or changes needed to make the rules clearer for both officials and players, and to cover any unusual situations that have occurred.  This year in particular has seen the introduction of the shot clock (which has been EXTREMELY well received) so I expect there are several minor changes, adjustments or additions to the rules required before the 2013 World Games. Some clarifications have already been made after many experiences in Europe last year and these will be used in Poland this year.


If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback on any of the rules, or have encountered an unusual situation or problem please let me know ASAP. I have to finalise rules changes and clarifications prior to an ICF meeting in February.


ICF Canoe Polo Referee training package 

The online referees course is now on the ICF website and is being extremely well used. It has made the education of new referee’s much simpler and more streamlined. At some stage I hope to have it translated into the main ICF languages but at this stage both time and money have not allowed this to progress.


As always I am still requesting video clips or pictures we can use in the online course- so if you have some footage please send it to me.


Accreditation/ Training 

This year we are hoping to run accreditation and updating during at least one of the ECA cup events. This will be decided at our ICF meeting in February. There will be NO accreditation or training offered at the world Championships in Poland.


World Championships in Poland 

Once again a group of Referees will be invited to Poland with their expenses paid for by the competing teams. Only those referees invited by the ICF Committee will be used during the championships  If you would like to be considered for a position in Poland please contact me by January 31st. All referee can have NO other role with a team as either a player, referee or team official of any sort.


It will be a condition of Poland that all referee’s must stay together in the accommodation provided by our Polish hosts- this worked extremely well in Milan for those in the referee accommodation and provided a great opportunity for the sharing of experiences and team building and is a vital part of moving forward at major events.


There is an opportunity for 8 referees seeking development to attend the World Championships in Poland at their own expense to gain further experience and to spread the load of refereeing across a larger number of individuals. These individuals must be ICF qualified and their attendance will have no impact on the total budget of team levies. Attendance by a referee in a development position WILL NOT excuse their own country from paying the team levy. National Federations may nominate suitably qualified and experienced individuals for these development positions to me via email by January 31st


World Games 2013 

During the Poland World championships a list of suitably qualified and experienced referee’s will be invited to the 2013 World Games in Cali, Columbia. These positions are currently the pinnacle of refereeing in our chosen sport and it will be a fantastic event to be part of as all who were in Taiwan in 2009 will know.


 As always please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions and here’s to a successful 2013 for you all.


Duncan Cochrane

ICF Canoe Polo Committee

Coordinator Referee Training and Accreditation