Hai risposto in modo non corretto a.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You want to put every possible directory on a separate disk partition, for which of the following ones you can do this? + ( /boot ?, /home, /var, /srv, /tmp e /usr (ed eventualmente /opt) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - L'utente foo want to give the ownership of its file foobar to the user bar. Which command he can use? + ( chown bar foobar ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You create a symbolic link bar to the file foo in your home directory using the command: ln -s foo bar then you use the command: cp -d bar /tmp what will happen? +(-d copia il link simbolico invece del file da esso indicato) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Which of the following commands can be used to assure that a file foobar exists? + (touch) ?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Which is the major advantage of GRUB respect to LILO? + (grub e' fatto a stadi, puo leggere i principali filesystem, basta riconfigurarlo e non reistallarlo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - How can a sysadmin know which Debian package installed the file /etc/bash.bashrc ? + (dpkg -S ... ricerca i pacchetti che contengono un file) + (rpm -qf /path-file ) + (rpm -­qla | grep file ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You modified the init configuration file, and you want to make it reloaded. Which of the following command you can use? + (init con “q” indica ad init di riesaminare /etc/inittab) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Which of these options are included in the defaults option for the mount command? + (Use default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async) rw Mount the filesystem read-write suid Allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to take effect dev Interpret character or block special devices on the filesystem exec Permit execution of binaries auto Can be mounted with the -a option nouser Forbid an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the filesystem async All I/O to the filesystem should be done asynchronously ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Which of the following commands can be used to find the mount count for an ext3 filesystem? + (dumpe2fs -h /dev/hd...) + (tune2fs -l /dev/hd...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - What is the effect of the command cp `find . -size +20k` /tmp + ( copia i file > 20k in /tmp ) incluse sottodirectory, anche se non sono replicate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Which of the following statements describes this command? kill 9 12345 + (invia il segnale (15) SIGTERM ai processi indicati pid) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You were asked to install a new server splitting the directory tree into separate partitions to the maximum extent. For which of the following directories you can do this? + (una volta che si sono spostate su partizioni diverse: /home, /var, /srv, /tmp e /usr (ed eventualmente /opt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You need to remove the package foobar from an RPM distribution and you want to know if some other packages depend on it. What command you'll need to get this information? + ( rpm -qR lista dipendenze ) + ( dpkg -p pacchetto ) + ( apt-cache depends pacchetto ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Which of the following programs you can use to archive multiple files in a single file? + (tar ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~