* Ignore User - Modification for SMF *
* version 1.3 beta *
* © 2006, Rudolf Martincsek *
Extended documentation will be provided with the final release. In the mean time you can ask for support or give your feedback on the official thread over the official SMF support forum. Below you can see the documentation of the previous release. There are many changes, the whole mod was


Ignore user 1.3 - september 2006
!!! DRAFT !!!
+ Setting to allow usage for forum management
+ Setting to allow members to ignore forum management
+ Ability to set restrict usage for additional groups
+ Ability to set protect additional groups from being ignored
+ Profile summary shows how many members are ignoring the viewed member
+ Profile -> Ignore user options area shows the list of members that are ignoring the viewed member
+ Setting to allow non-administrative members to view the 'ignored_by' list
+ Ignored members' posts are hidden in the topic summary while posting. + Rewrote and optimized the whole 'engine'!

Ignore user 1.2 - december 2005
+ Ignores poster info

Ignore user 1.2 - october 2005
+ Admin option to allow/disallow ignoring administrators and moderators

Ignore user 1.1 - august 2005
+ Settings panel added for managing the ignore list in "Profile->Ignore User options" (!)
+ Buttons added for links (+4 images) (!)
+ Language file added (!)
+ Template file added
+ Fixed bugs in the 'ignore' system
+ Fixed errors in the table creation procedure
+ Optimized some code and the installation
+ Cleaned up files

Ignore user 1.0 - august 2005
+ First release