


Musician, writer, historian, researcher, Italian pioneer of the digitalization of historical multimedial material, Vincent "Enzo" Romano assembles, from 1990 up to today, the most complete Italian private digital archive related to the American History, from the end of XIX Century to 1970, and other "different" Collections regarding European historical events.
In October 2005, through the Project "ROMANO-ARCHIVES Special Collections Department", Vincent Romano keeps distributing on line for the first time digital copies of historical documents belonging to some important Collections, taking the challenge to make even the most hidden and controversial documents regarding the Contemporary History easily findable and available, in a way capable to rise a wide range of interest and curiosity in the international public of the Web.


Visit the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' Unknown WW2 in Color website:


Visit the
main YouTube Channel:


Visit also
(our Second YouTube Channel):


Don't forget to visit the
YouTube Channel, with over 1,000 exclusive historical videos already uploaded!


Almost all the digital copies of the films are good quality Hi-Res editable videos.
Thousands of hours of footage from the Collections are available in different format, size and definition. We can suggest you the right one for the use you have in mind.
PRIVATE USE: School projects, home TV vision (DVD-Divx player), PC, iPod.
WE LICENSE FOOTAGE (perfect screeners and Hi-Res Dv NTSC or PAL format available) from our Collections for: use in movies or TV programs, documentary productions, TV commercials, multimedial creations on CD or DVD, web sites, marketing/ad campaigns, electronic kiosks, trade shows, seminars, cultural events, museums, expositions... and more.
Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.
ROMANO-ARCHIVES has over 100,000 extremely rare historical stock footage clips and complete films unavailable elsewhere (mostly not yet listed on line on our websites) that we can search upon request.

ROMANO-ARCHIVES has provided material for: Italian and International Broadcasters, Independent Production Companies, Business and Corporate Clients, Multimedia Markets, Museums and Expositions.
Since 2007 three of our videos are on permanent exhibit in New York City at The National Sports Museum. In 2009 ROMANO-ARCHIVES has provided a part of the Dada and Futurist films that were screened during the exhibition PRIMA DURANTE DOPO IL CINEMA FUTURISTA (BEFORE DURING AFTER THE FUTURIST CINEMA), performed from 15 to 23 October 2009 at La Galleria L'Agostiniana in Rome, Italy in the event "Risonanze del Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma" ("Resonances of the Rome International Film Festival"). In 2011 ROMANO-ARCHIVES signed the first contracts as footage provider with the Historic Channel of the Italian State Television RAI TV - RAI 3 La Grande Storia and with the German State Television ZDF. Also in 2011 an Austrian documentary on Hanna Reitsch, containing our exclusive material, was distributed worldwide obtaining a great public and critic success! (
In 2012 we started a new collaboration with the BBC. In January 2013 the BBC aired worldwide, at prime time, a documentary on Malta in WW2
realized with a large contribution of our material. (
Unlike other archives that simply act as footage resellers, ROMANO-ARCHIVES maintains an incomparable library of mostly unpublished historical footage offered at highly competitive rates. We also offer major discounts for clients with significant or ongoing footage needs.
We know our material really well so can save you time by pre-selecting or suggesting the right sort of footage for your show or project. We license our material on a non-exclusive basis and our charges are based on the license parameters required.
ROMANO-ARCHIVES has over 100,000 extremely rare historical stock footage clips and complete films, unavailable elsewhere (mostly not yet listed on line on our websites), that we can search upon request.

The list of the available videos is constantly in progress; the links to the new videos added to our YouTube Channels are constantly updated.
Are you looking for a particoular historical footage and you can't find it here?! Please, ask for it: we may have it in the part of our Archives not listed yet.

For any inquiry feel free to contact
Vincent Romano.




We recently acquired the complete film of the 1946 Malmedy Trial, including the executions of the condamned.
We also finally acquired the complete amateur film of the "Entertete Kunst" exibition in 1937 Nazi Germany.
Both films have been added to our
Germany 1919-1947 page.

The following new titles have been added to our Silent Films Collection:
La secta de los Misteriosos (Alberto Marro, 1916)
La fille de l'eau (Jean Renoir, 1925)
Frank Capra - The Strong Man (1926)
Pauvre mère (1906)
Il fuoco (la favilla - la vampa - la cenere) (1916)
Mater Dolorosa (1917)
The Ace of Hearts (Wallace Worsley, 1921)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (F.W. Murnau, 1927)
La bohème (King Vidor, 1926)
Le miracle des loups (1924)
Die Unehelichen - Children of No Importance (1926)
Le Noël du poilu (1915)
In Old Arizona (1928)
The Penalty (1920)
Molière (1909)
Safety Last! (1923)
Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness (Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1927)
Show People (King Vidor, 1928)
Harry Edwards - Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1926)
Le mystère des roches de Kador (Léonce Perret, 1912)
Terje Vigen (Victor Sjöström, 1917)
Die Börsenkönigin (Edmund Edel, 1918)
Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru (Victor Sjöström, 1918)

Fantômas (Louis Feuillade, 1913-1914)
01. Fantomas: A l'ombre de la guillotine (1913)
02. Fantomas: Juve contre Fantomas (1913)
03. Fantomas: La mort qui tue (1913)
04. Fantomas contre Fantomas (1914)
05. Fantomas: Le faux magistrat (1914)

Les vampires (Louis Feuillade, 1915)
01. La cabeza cortada
02. El anillo que mata
03. El criptograma rojo
04. El espectro
05. La evasión del muerto
06. Los ojos que hipnotizan
07. Satanás
08. El maestro del trueno
09. El hombre de los venenos
10. Boda sangrienta


The following new titles have been added to our Silent Films Collection:

Le songe d'un garçon de café (1910) Émile Cohl,
The Last Warning (1929) Paul Leni
Fantomas (1913) Complete-Series - 5 Episodes
O Fauno das Montanhas (1926)
The strong man (1926) Harry Langdon
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1926) Harry Langdon
The Docks of New York (1928) Josef von Sternberg
The Last Command (1928)
Underworld (1927)
True Heart Susie (1919) D. W. Griffith
Drifters (1929) John Grierson
The Heart of Humanity (1918)
The Wrecker (1929)
Sherlock Jr. (1924) Buster Keaton - Restored Version
Entr'acte (1924) René Clair - Restored Version
Romola (1924) Henry King
The Original Movie (1922) Tony Sarg
L'inhumaine (1924) Marcel L'Herbier
Eldorado (1921) Marcel L'Herbier
Ballet mécanique (1924) Fernand Léger - Restored Version
Un chien andalou (1929) Luis Buñuel
Underground (1928)
His Regeneration (1915)
Noah's Ark (1928)
Cabiria (1914)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) - Restored Version
Der neue Schreibtisch (1913)
Rapsodia satanica (1920)
Eroticon (1929)
Devushka s korobkoy (1927)


Next year. on June 6, 2014, will occur the 70th anniversary of the D-day, the invasion of Normandy by the Allies in World War 2.
We recently terminated a long research of rare filmed material on the D-day. The material surfaced, mainly official and amateur color films, is outstanding, rarely seen footage in great quality with a total duration exceeding 6 hours.
The complete list of this new material, with descriptions and shot list is already available for licensing purposes.
Inquires are welcomed!

The following new titles have been added to our Silent Films Collection:

A Girl in Every Port 1928
Mandrágora (Alraune) 1928
The Thief of Bagdad 1924
Queen Kelly 1929
The Battle of the Sexes 1928
The Lost World 1925
Seventh Heaven 1927
Menilmontant 1924-25 - Dimitri Kirsanoff

Better Movies
Our Gang Silent Comedy Series by Hal Roach

Mary, Queen of Tots
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

Ask Grandma
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

One Wild Ride
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

Circus Fever
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

The Love Bug
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series..

Official Officers
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

Dog Days
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

Shootin' Injuns
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

The Big Town
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.

Your Own Back Yard
Hal Roach's Our Gang silent comedy series.


The following new titles have been added to our Silent Films Collection:

The Scheming Gamblers Paradise (Melies,1906)
Baryshnya i khuligan (Yevgeni Slavinsky & Vladimir Mayakovsky, 1918)ì
Cabiria (Giovanni Pastrone, 1914)
Die Spinnen (Fritz Lang, 1919-1920)
Hell's Hinges (Charles Swickard, 1916)
Himmelskibet (Holger-Madsen, 1918)
Intolerance (David W. Griffith, 1916)
L'inferno (Various Directors, 1911)
Quo Vadis? (Enrico Guazzoni, 1913)
Snow White (Searle Dawley, 1916)
Menilmontant (Dimitri Kirsanoff, 1924-25)
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (Fred Niblo, 1925)
Blade af Satans Bog (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1921)
Cirano di Bergerac (Augusto Genina, 1925)
Coeur Fidèle (Jean Epstein, 1923)
College (James W. Horne, 1927)
Das Indische Grabmal: Der Tiger von Eschnapur (Joe May, 1921)
Das Indische Grabmal: Die Sendung des Yoghi (Joe May, 1921)
Das Wachsfigurenkabinett (Paul Leni & Leo Birinsky, 1924)
Das Wandernde Bild (Fritz Lang, 1920)
Desert Nights (William Nigh, 1929)
Die Freudlose Gasse (Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1925)
Die Sklavenkönigin (Michael Curtiz, 1924)
Anemic Cinema (Marcel Duchamp, 1926)
El Sexto Sentido (Nemesio M. Sobrevila & Eusebio Fernández Ardavín, 1929)
Eternal Love (Ernst Lubitsch, 1929)
Frau im Mond (Fritz Lang, 1929)
Foolish Wives (Erich von Stroheim, 1922)
"Return to Reason" (Man Ray 1923)
Go West (Buster Keaton, 1925)
He Who Gets Slapped (Victor Sjöström, 1924)
Herr Tartüff (F.W. Murnau, 1925)
Körkarlen (Victor Sjöström, 1922)
L'Atlantide (Jacques Feyder, 1921)
La revue des revues (Joe Francis, 1927)
Laugh, Clown, Laugh (Herbert Brenon, 1928)
Moulin Rouge (Ewald André Dupont, 1928)
Napoléon (Abel Gance, 1927)
Noidan kirot (Teuvo Puro, 1927)
Polizeibericht Uberfall (Erno Metzner, 1928)
Oktyabr (Sergei M. Eisenstein & Grigori Aleksandrov, 1928)
Orlacs Hände (Robert Wiene, 1924)
Orphans of the Storm (David W. Griffth, 1921)
Po Zakonu (Lev Kuleshov, 1926)
Robin Hood (Allan Dwan, 1922)
Sally of the Sawdust (David W. Griffith, 1925)
The Chechahcos (Lewis H. Moomaw, 1924)
The Crowd (King Vidor, 1928)
The Gold Rush (Charles Chaplin, 1925)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Wallace Worsley, 1923)
The Kid (Charles Chaplin, 1921)
The Last Warning (Paul Leni, 1929)
The Lost World (Harry O. Hoyt, 1925)
The Man Who Laughs (Paul Leni, 1928)
The Mark of Zorro (Fred Niblo, 1920)
The Monster (Roland West, 1925)
The Phantom of the Opera (Rupert Julian, 1925)
The Racket (Lewis Milestone, 1928)
The Saphead (Herbert Blaché & Winchell Smith, 1920)
The Ten Commandments (Cecil B. DeMille, 1923)
The Thief of Bagdad (Raoul Walsh, 1924)
The Wind (Victor Sjöström, 1928)
Three Ages (Buster Keaton & Eddie Cline, 1923)
The Cat and the Canary (Paul Leni, 1927)
The Viking (Roy William Neill, 1928)
Verdens undergang (August Blom, 1920)
Way Down East (David W. Griffith, 1920)
Welcome Danger (Clyde Bruckman & Malcolm St. Clair, 1929)
West of Zanzibar (Tod Browning, 1928)
Within Our Gates (Oscar Micheaux, 1920)
Wunder der Schöpfung (Hanns Walter Kornblum, 1925)
Nani ga kanojo o sô saseta ka (Shigeyoshi Suzuki, 1930)
Tonka Sibenice (Karl Anton, 1930)
Zemlya (Aleksandr Dovzhenko, 1930)
Tabu: A Story of the South Seas (F.W. Murnau & Robert J. Flaherty, 1931)
Modern Times (Charles Chaplin, 1936)


The 2013 version of our "Unknow WW2 in Color" website is already on line!
We removed the dead links and added all the latest videos posted on our YouTube Channel


A new Outstanding Audio Collection is now available on CDs!

Collection of Hitler Speeches (By or About), German Radio Broadcasts and German Historical Speeches (1900-1945)
498 Audio files (MP3). Total run time over 50 hours!
3 CD Set.
The Collection is also available as Zip (1,7 GB) to be downloaded via

The complete list of the files is available at the bottom of our "Germany 1919-1947" Collection page. ".
Contact Vincent Romano to order the Audio Collection.

(Translated with Google Translator):
Eine neue Herausragende Audio Collection ist ab sofort auf CDs!
Sammlung von Hitler-Reden (von oder über), Deutsche Radiosendungen und Deutsche Historische Reden (1900-1945)
498 Audio-Dateien (MP3). Insgesamt Laufzeit über 50 Stunden!
3 CD Set. Die Sammlung ist auch als Zip (1,7 GB), um über
Die komplette Liste der dateien finden sie am ende unserer "Deutschland 1919-1947" Kollektion zu sehen.
Kontakt Vincent Romano, um die Audio Kollektion zu bestellen.

42 new titles have been added to our Silent Films Collection: :

-01 Frank Borzage - Lazybones (1925)
-02 Frank Borzage - The River (1929)
-03 Germaine Dulac - La souriante Madame Beudet (1923)
-04 A Dash Throught the Clouds (1912)
-05 Anemic Cinema (1926)
-06 Barney Oldfield's Race for a Life (1913)
-07 Buster Keaton - Battling Butler (1926)
-08 Carl Theodor Dreyer - Du skal aere din hustru (1925)
-09 D W Griffith's - The Sealed Room (1909)
-10 Fatty and Mabel Adrift (1916)
-11 Fatty and Mabel's Married Life (1915)
-12 Hello Mabel (1914)
-13 Mabel's Strategem (1912)
-14 Mabel Fatty and the Law (1915)
-15 Joe May - Asphalt (1929)
-16 Julien Duvivier - Maman Colibri (1929)
-17 Le Retour a la Raison (1923)
-18 Malombra - Carmine Gallone (1917)
-19 Mauritz Stiller - Herr Arnes Pengar (1919)
-20 Paul Fejos - Lonesome (1928)
-21 The Gusher (1913)
-22 The Unknown (1922)
-23 The Docks of New York (1928)
-24 The Last Command (1928)
-25 Underworld (1927)
-26 Yevgeni Bauer - Posle smerti / After Death (1915)
-27 Yevgeni Bauer - Twilight of a Woman's Soul (1913)
-28 Yevgeni Bauer - Umirayushchii lebed/ The Dying Swan (1917)

New Films with Max Linder:
Max wants a divorce 1917
Note: Re-translated into English from a surviving print with French intertitles.
One exciting night (Une nuit agitee), 1912
Max speaks English (L'anglais tel que Max le parle), 1913
Max, the Heartbreaker (Max entre deux feux), 1917
Max takes a bath (Max prend un bain), 1910
Max and Dog Dick (Max et son chien Dick), 1912
Max is stuck up (Max ne se mariera pas), 1910
Max sets the fashion (Max lance la mode), 1912
Max Linder in: His first cigar (Le premier cigare d'un collegien), 1908
Max and his Mother-in-law (Max et sa belle-mere), 1914
Max Linder in: The Torn Trousers (Mon pantalon est decousu), 1908
Max Linder in: Romeo turns bandit (Romeo se fait bandit), 1909
Max Linder in: A Farm-house Romance (Idylle a la ferme), 1912


88 titles of new available Silent Films added on February-10-2012:

La Roue - Abel Gance (1923)
Anita Garibaldi - Mario Caserini (1910)
Cabiria - Giovanni Pastrone (1914)
Cajus Julius Caesar - Enrico Guazzoni (1914)
Michael - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1924)
Cenere - Febo Mari, Arturo Ambrosio (1916)
Blind Husbands - Erich von Stroheim (1919)
Gli Ultimi Giorni di Pompei - Eleuterio Rodolfi, Mario Caserini (1913)
La revue des revues - Joe Francis (1927)
Underworld - Josef von Sternberg (1927)
The Last Command - Josef von Sternberg (1928)
L'Inferno - Giuseppe de Liguoro, Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan (1911)
La caduta di Troia - Giovanni Pastrone, Luigi Romano Borgnetto (1911)
La Guerra e il Sogno di Moni - Giovanni Pastrone, Segundo de Chomón (1916)
Lupu Pick - Scherben (1921)
Ma l'amor mio non muore - Mario Caserini (1913)
Maciste - Luigi Romano Borgnetto, Vincenzo Denizot (1915)
Herr Arnes Pengar - Mauritz Stiller (1919)
Erotikon - Mauritz Stiller (1920)
Polizeibericht Uberfall (1928)
Rapsodia Satanica - Nino Oxilia (1915)
Romeo e Giulietta - Ugo Falena (1912)
Stachka - Sergei M. Eisenstein (1924)
Kurutta ippêji - Teinosuke Kinugasa (1926)
Tigre Reale - Giovanni Pastrone (1916)
Konets Sankt-Peterburga - Vsevolod Pudovkin (1927)
Papirosnitsa ot Mosselproma - Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky (1924)

And this outstanding Collection of Segundo de Chomon's films:
Ah! La Barbe (1905)
Barcelone et son Parc (1911)
Barcelone, parc au cr‚puscule (1904)
Burgos (1911)
Cauchemar et Doux reves (1908)
Création de la Serpentine (1908)
Danse des Ouled-Naid (1902)
Electric Hotel (1908)
En Avant la Musique (1907)
Gérone, La Venise Espagnole (1912)
L'abeille et la Rose (1908)
L'Antique Tolede (Espagne) (1912)
L'antre de la sorciere (1906)
L'Araigne D'ór (1909)
L'aspirateur (1908)

L'Hotel Hante (1909)
L'insaisissable Pickpocket (1908)
L'Iris fantastique (1912)
L'Obsession de l'or (1906)
L'ape du spirite (1910)
L'étang Enchant‚ (1907)
La belle au bois dormant (1908)
La Boite a Cigars (1907)
La Fée des Roches Noires (1907)
La Fée printemps (1902)
La Grenouille (1908)
La leçon de Musique (1909)
La Légende du Fant“me (1908)
La maison Ensorcel‚e (1907)
La pied du Mouton (1907)
La Table Magique (1905)
Le bailleur (1907)
Le charmeur (1906)
Le Courant El‚ctrique (1906)
Le jugement de Paris (1902)
Le Miroir Magique (1908)
Le Petit Poucet (1909)
Le Reve des Marmitons (1908)
Le Roi des Dollars (1905)
Le Sculpteur Express (1907)
Le Sorcier Arabe (1906)
Le Spectre Rouge (1907)
Le theatre eletrique de Bob (1909)

Le troubadour (1906)
Le Voleur Invisible (1909)
Les Cent Trucs (1906)
Les Dés Magiques (1908)
Les Glasses Merveilleuses (1907)
Les Lunatiques (1908)
Les Oeufs de Paques (1907)
Les Ombres Chinoises (1908)
Les Papillons Japonais (1908)
Les Tulipes (1907)
Les Verres enchantés (1907)
Los heroes del sitio de Zaragoza (1905)
Louie Fuller (1902)
Marriage du roi d'Espagne (1906)
Metempsycose (1907)
Metamorphoses (1912)
Pickpocket ne Craint pas les entraves (1909)
Plongeur Fantastique (1905)
Reception de S.M. Alphonse XIII en Barcelone (1904)
Roses Magiques (1906)
Sculpteur Moderne (1908)
Souperstition Andalouse (1912)
Symphonie Bizarre (1909)
The Secret Suitcase -fragment- (1908)
Transformations Élastiques (1908)
Une Excursion Incoherante (1909)
Une nuit‚ pouvantable (1905)
Voyage au planete Jupiter (1909)


16 new movies have been added to the Silent Films page:

The Devil in a Convent (1899)
From IMDB: The Devil in a convent was directed by Georges Melies and released in 1899. In it the Devil appears in a convent and after a short masquerade as a priest he proceeds to wreak havoc until he is finally defeated by the forces of good. You can find out more about The Devil in a Convent at A Passion for Horror

Assorted Silent Comedy Shorts 1

Assorted Silent Comedy Shorts 2

Assorted Silent Comedy Shorts 3

Le Voyage dans la lune - Georges Méliès
HD version of ''Le Voyage dans la lune''. It includes the celebration scene omitted in many versions.

Stella Maris 1918
From IMDB: Stella Maris is a beautiful, crippled girl, who is cared for by a rich family. They shield her from the harsh realities of the world, so that she has no idea of the cruel things that some people do. Unity Blake is a poor orphan all too familiar with the harsh realities of the real world. These two young women both fall in love with John, love which is complicated by the fact that he is still married to (though separated from) a bad wife...

Cabiria (1914) - Giovanni Pastrone
Silent (No soundtrack) From the Wikipedia entry for "Cabiria": Cabiria is a 1914 silent movie from the early years of Italy's movie industry, directed by Giovanni Pastrone (1883-1959). The movie is set in ancient Sicily and Carthage during the period of the Second Punic War (218-202 BC). It follows a melodramatic main plot about an abducted little girl, Cabiria, and features an eruption of Mt. Etna, heinous religious rituals in Carthage, the alpine trek of Hannibal, Archimedes' etc.

Our Gang Silent The fourth Alarm 1926

Our Gang Silent Dog Heaven

The Conquering Power - Rex Ingram
From the Wikipedia entry for "The Conquering Power": "The Conquering Power is a silent film made in 1921, directed by Rex Ingram and starring Rudolph Valentino, Alice Terry, and Ralph Lewis. It was based on the novel Eugénie Grandet by Honoré de Balzac." Original text can be found at

Tol'able David - Henry King
Silent (no soundtrack) From the Wikipedia entry for "Tol'able David": "Tol'able David is a 1921 American silent film based on the Joseph Hergesheimer short story. It was adapted to the screen by Edmund Goulding and directed by Henry King for Inspiration Pictures. A major box office success, the acclaimed film was voted a Photoplay Magazine 1921 "medal of honor" and is seen by critics and viewers as one of the classics of silent film...

Our Gang Silent Boys will be Joys
From IMDB: The gang has big plans to create an amusement park of their own, but when a surveyor shows up, he lets them know that the property has been sold to build a factory. The Rascals go to talk to the owner of the property and discover that he is a big kid himself. After listening to them, he walks out of a board meeting to help them set up their amusement park. His disgruntled board of directors follows with plans to vote him out of position, but they actually ...

Our Gang silent High Society 1924
From IMDB: Plot: Mickey lives with his Uncle Pat, and they frequently have corned beef for dinner. The gang meanwhile steals fruit from the local merchant by using a funnel and a drainpipe. The police officer who catches them wants to teach them a lesson, and then goes to get corned beef dinner with Pat. Mickey is soon adopted by his Aunt Kate to make him into a little gentleman...

Our Gang Silent Young Sherlocks 1922

The Wizard Of Oz 1925 - Larry Semon
With Oliver Hardy.

Silks and Saddles - John K Wells (1921)
Directed and Produced by John K Wells
Written by John Cosgrove and John K Wells
CAST Agnes Vernon - Bobbie Morton (as Brownie Vernon) Robert MacKinnon - Richard Morton Jr John Cosgrove - Dennis O'Hara John Faulkner - Richard Morton Sr Tal Ordell - Phillip Droone Evelyn Johnson - Myra Fane Raymond Lawrence - Jeffrey Manners Gerald Harcourt - Toby Makin Tommy Denman - Dingo Kennaquhair.

196 new films have been added to the Copyright-Free Movies!/Feature Films page:

Since Pearl Harbor - War Activities Committee of the Motion Pictures Industry
From IMDb: Documentary short from 1943 that details the wartime activities of the American Red Cross, thus far. Produced by Paramount / The March of Time for the War Activities Committee of the Motion Pictures Industry.

It's Your War Too - US War Department
From IMDb: Documentary short about the Women's Army Corps (WACS) and their role in winning the war. Includes animation from the Walt Disney Studios.

Food And Magic - U.S. Office of War Information
WW2 propaganda short.

Radio Ranch - Nat Levine
(AKA Men with Steel Faces.)

Monsoon - Peter R. Van Duinen
AKA Isle of Forgotten Sins. The owner of a seedy dive and brothel (Gale Sondergaard) on a South Seas island meets two treasure hunters (John Carradine and Sidney Toler) looking for a sunken ship with a $3-million cargo of gold. She persuades them to let her in on the deal. Complications ensue because of intrigue, double-crosses and an approaching violent monsoon.

Life Returns - Lou L. Ostrow
From IMDb: A doctor (Onslow Stevens) who has spent his career working on ways to revive the dead sees his chance to prove his theory by performing his procedures on a recently deceased dog.

Too Many Women - Bernard B. Ray
From IMDb: Richard Sutton (Neil Hamilton) and Linda Pearson (Barbara Read) are secretly engaged but unable to marry because of financial problems. Crooked promoter Gibbons (Pat Gleason) offers Richard a deal but, in order to get rid of him, Richard says a rich uncle in Brazil has died and left him a fortune.

Three Husbands - Isadore Goldsmith
From IMDb: After suffering a fatal heart attack, confirmed bachelor Emlyn Williams (as Maxwell "Max" Bard) gives heavenly greeters his last wish - he would like to observe events on Earth for the next twenty-four hours. And, with good reason. Mr. Williams has left not only a will, but also letters to "Three Husbands" admitting affairs with each of their three wives. The three men are poker playing pals Shepperd Strudwick (as Arthur Evans), Robert Karnes (as Kenneth Whittaker), and Howard Da Silva.

When a Man's a Man - Sol Lesser, John Zanft
From IMDb: The story is about a man named Larry (George O'Brien) who is a drifter. He is traveling by train and at a stop goes to a Rodeo. He sees these guys riding a wild horse and he wants to see if he can do it. Well he falls off and to top it all off, misses his train. So he decides to stay behind and work on ranch.

How I Won The War (the educational edition) - (1967)
From IMDb: How I Won the War is a black comedy film directed by Richard Lester, released in 1967. The film stars Michael Crawford as bungling British Army Officer Lieutenant Earnest Goodbody, with John Lennon (Musketeer Gripweed), Jack MacGowran (Musketeer Juniper), Roy Kinnear (Musketeer Clapper) and Lee Montague (Sergeant Transom) as soldiers under his command...

Borrowed Wives

Sexton Blake and the Hooded Terror - George King
Sexton Blake and Tinker foil criminal plot connected with the Tongs, and master-minded by "famous stamp collector" and millionaire.

Gangs of New York
From IMDb: An imprisoned mob boss controls his organization by means of a shortwave receiver in his cell and a bribed prison guard.

AUSSER ATEM: Auf der Flucht (1959)

Anatomy Of A Murder (1959)

LA HABANERA: Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzaehlt (1937)

Tokyo File 212 - George P. Breakston, Dorrell McGowan
From IMDb; A Communist spy ring in Japan is hard at work trying to sabotage the American war effort during the Korean War, using kidnapping, murder and a disturbed former kamikaze pilot. A U.S. secret agent, posing as a reporter, is dispatched to Tokyo to put a stop to these nefarious activities. Also see Executive Producer was Melvin Belli.

DAS KROKODIL UND SEIN NILPFERD: Amuesante Abenteuer-Komoedie (1979)

Vintage Stripper
Unknown girl stripping.

FUENF TAGE - FUENF NAECHTE: Nachkriegsdrama aus dem zerstoerten Dresden (1960)

Bullet Scars
With Regis Toomey.

VERRAETER: Der Spionagethriller

Inspector Hornleigh Goes to It - Edward Black

Billy the Kid in Santa Fe
With Bob Steele, Al St. John, Rex Lease and Dave O'Brien.

Toil On Faint Not - Anthony J. Langford

WIR FAHREN IN DIE STADT: Kriegsdrama aus dem besetzten Jugoslawien (1966)

"Occult Forces" (1943) -- Frrench "Vichy Propaganda" Anti-Freemasonry Film.

KANDERBEG: Ritter der Berge (1953)

APPARTEMENTZAUBER: Schlagerfilm aus der Vor-Beatles-Zeit (1963)

SCHWARZWALDMAEDEL: Erster deutscher Farbfilm nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
German Color Film on WW2.

Winslow of the Navy
Episodes 7-12.

EINER SPINNT IMMER: Possenspiel mit Witz und Humor (1971)

Uitvaart Prins Hendrik op 11 juli 1934 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about life in 1930ies' Holland.

Uitvaart Koningin Moeder Emma 27 maart 1934 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.
Waterkamp voor meisjes 1934 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Bombardement Rotterdam 14 mei 1940 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Rotterdam ruimt puin 1940 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Hollandse soldaten 1940 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Mobilisatieliedjes - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Intocht Duitsers 1940 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Geen benzine 1940 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Gas is niet duur - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Het leven in Nederland 1940 - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Duitse Invasie Nederland - Oud met Claud 78rpm schellakplaten 1907-1957
Dutch documentary about the German occupation in WW2.

Homicidal trailer - William Castle

Attitudes and Adolescents

Social Sex Attitudes in Adolescents 1953
Crawley Films

His Girl Friday - 1940 - Howard Hawks
Starring Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell and Ralph Bellamy.

Zotz! trailer - William Castle

The Tingler trailer - William Castle

The Old Dark House trailer - William Castle

Strait-Jacket trailer - William Castle

Mr. Sardonicus trailer - William Castle

13 Frightened Girls! trailer - William Castle
(aka The Candy Web) .

One Body Too Many - William H. Pine & William C. Thomas
With Jack Haley, Bela Lugosi, Jean Parker and Lyle Talbot.

WER KENNT SIE NICHT: Die Tante Trude aus Buxtehue (1971)

Vintage Stripper
June Palmer in the shower box.

VON BERUF PLAYBOY: Aber kein Mann zum Heiraten (1959)

Spook Show ep 14
Clips, commercials, trailers and various tunes.

It's in the Air - Basil Dean and Jack Kitchin
From Wikipedia: George Brown (George Formby) is rejected by the Home Guard, and in doing so sees his potential to join the Royal Air Force. His dreams could soon come true as he realizes that in fact his friend has left behind some very important papers. He dons a his Royal Air Force uniform and delivers the papers when he is mistaken for a dispatch driver from head office. He soon becomes the butt of jokes from his sergeant which ends him staying on definitely at the air base...

The Chamber - Yo Han Kim
With Aishling Doherty and Jay Amari

Suddenly - Robert Bassler
With Frank Sinatra; Sterling Hayden; James Gleason; Nancy Gates.

Blood and Roses (Et mourir de plaisir) Directed by Roger Vadim. Starring Mel Ferrer,Elsa Martinelli and Annette Vadim.

Killers from Space - Fred M. Muller and W. Lee Wilder
From IMDb: Atomic scientist Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on a reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amytal to reveal what happened, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them...

Scrooge (1935) - Charles Dickens
The Classic Christmas film!

AB IN DIE FERIEN: Wenn man baden geht auf Teneriffa (1980)
Her Favorite Patient - Andrew L. Stone
From IMDb: A beautiful female doctor (Ruth Hussey) visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle (Charles Ruggles), who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot (John Carroll) who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".

Kilink Istanbul'da
This is a Turkish movie from 1967.

Feather Your Nest - Basil Dean
From IMDb: An employee of a record manufacturing company comes up with a hit song. Stars: George Formby, Polly Ward, Ethel Coleridge, and Davy Burnaby

The Sphinx - Sid Rogell
You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Storm in a Teacup - Victor Saville
You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Street Scene - Samuel Goldwyn (1931) 80 minutes integral copy.

Blauwe tram Zandvoort (from an original in VHS)

Blauw tram Den-Haag - Voorburg (from an original in VHS)

DREI MANN IN EINEM BOOT: Sechziger-Jahre-Unterhaltungsfilm mit Musikeinlagen (1981)

Roses_Are_Red_(1947) - Director James Tinling, Screenplay by Irving Elman

SCHWARZWALDMELODIE: Heimatfilm mit Gesangseinlagen (1958)

We All Came Home: Army and Navy Nurse POWs In World War II - United States Department of Defense .

News Parade of the Year 1942 - Castle Films

The Dentist - By W.C. Fields

Lot's Wife - Tova Beck-Friedman

Shadow Of Chinatown - Robert F Hill

Een oorlogsdocumentaire van Nederland
Dutch documentary about the Tweede Wereldoorlog .

Never Wave At A WAC - Frederick Brisson
Rosalind Russell plays a divorced socialite who joins the army in an effort to see more of her boyfriend.

Van biet tot suiker, suikerfabriek Dinteloord
Dutch documentary about sugar production

The Menace of Guatemala
Documentary short.

All Over Town - Lawrence Fields

Let's Get Tough - Sam Katzman
The East Side Kids vs. the "Japs"! WWII propanda film.

This Is... Elk Country - Schlitz Brewing Company/Centralab/Edlin Film Productions

Getting Ready Morally - Coronet

Dora's Dunkin Donuts - R M Savini
Comedy short featuring Shirley Temple.

Managed Money - R M Savini
A Junior Coghlan/Shirley Temple "Frolics of Youth" short.

Pardon My Pups - Charles Lamont (1934)
Shirley Temple Educational Pictures "Frolics of Youth" short.

War Babies - Robert M Savini
Early Shirley Temple short.

DER LETZTE FUSSGAENGER: Auf Wandertour im Schwarzwald (1960)

Holiday in Italy: Rome, Napels & Vico Equense - Anton Bakels Zandvoort
Holiday in Itay: Rome, Napels & Vico Equense.

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 2]
Collection of unidentified home movies purchased at an auction in Walla Walla, Washington.

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 1—Yellowstone Park #2]

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 3—Pear Pick]

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 7 (Camping and other outdoor Summer activities]

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 4]

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 1—Yellowstone Park #1]

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 8 (Airplanes)

[Unidentified family home movies—Reel 9]

Barstow Travel Adventures: European Odyssey - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Hawaii 1971 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventure: Seattle World's Fair, Olympic National Park 1962 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Alaska 1973 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Bermuda 1977 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Baja Boat Trip 1973 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: California/Nantucket - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Eastern Cananda, Montreal Expo - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Dream Trip 1967 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventues: Breathtaking Britain - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Colombia 1974 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Haiti and Puerto Rico Vacation - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Florida Midwinter Dream 1973 - Robbins Barstow

Barstow Travel Adventures: Seychelles - Robbins Barstow

[East Lansing Reel 1]
Unidentified amateur film.

[East Lansing Reel 2]
Unidentified amateur film.

Unidentified Surgery Film

LIEBE, BROT UND EIFERSUCHT: Leidenschaftliches Beziehungsgeflecht mit Happy End

FAHRRADDIEBE: Jahrhundertwerk der Filmgeschichte

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 08: Outside the Law

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 07: Sealed Lips

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 06: The Airport Mystery

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 05: Danger Lights

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 04: Buried Alive

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 03: The Masked Menace

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 02: Flying Pirates .

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 4]

[Kilker Family Films - Ski Trips - Reel 10]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 13]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 12]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 11]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 9]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 7]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 5]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 8]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 6]

Ekstase (1933 )

Movie Serial - The Hurricane Express (1932) Chapter 01: The Wrecker

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 3]

[Kilker Family Films - Trips - Reel 2]

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 13: The Fire Trap

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 12: The Trail of the Spider

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 11: Harbor Pursuits

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 10: The Gold Ship

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 09: The Stratosphere Adventure

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 08: Battle in the Clouds

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 07: The Ghost Town Mystery

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 06: Dangerous Waters

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 05: Brother Against Brother

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 04: Death Ride the Sky

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 03: The Fur Pirates

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 02: The Bridge of Terror

Movie Serial - Dick Tracy (1937) Chapter 01: The Spider Strikes

[Kilker Family Films - Ski Trips - Reel 1]

[French Lick]
Unidentified orphan 8mm home movie reel, 1946 edge code date.

[Unidentified family home movies]
Unidentified orphan 8mm home movie reel, circa 1950.

[Shanghai Lil boat trip home movie]
Unidentified orphan 8mm home movie reel. River cruise aboard the "Shanghai Lil."

Invasion of the Body Snatchers & Ed Wood film trailers - Ed Wood

A Taste of Hot Lead (1969) 60s film trailer - William Rotsler

The Ramrodder (1969) film trailer - David F. Friedman

The Sadist - L. Steven Snyder
From IMDb: Three people driving into Los Angeles for a Dodgers game have car trouble and pull off into an old wrecking yard where they are held at bay by a bloodthirsty psycho and his crazy girlfriend. Stars: Arch Hall Jr., Richard Alden, Marilyn Manning, Don Russell, and Helen Hovey.

The American Space Station "Spacelab"

Visiting Yaoundé in Camerun, filmed on 8mm - Mr.Paul van Raij

Arthur H. Smith - Fairland Days - Arthur H. Smith

Arthur H. Smith - Death Valley - Arthur H. Smith

Arthur H. Smith - Crater Lake in June - Arthur H. Smith

We're in the Legion Now!
From IMDb - Two petty gangsters trying to elude their enemies join the French Foreign Legion.

Afgrunden / The Abyss - Hjalmar Davidsen

Arthur H. Smith - Captains Day - Arthur H. Smith

Arthur H. Smith - Boulder Dam - Arthur H. Smith

The Pyx - Harvey Hart
From IMDB: A detective investigating the death of a heroin-addicted prostitute uncovers evidence pointing to the existence of a murderous devil cult.

Arthur H. Smith - Blanche's Recital - Arthur H. Smith

Arthur H. Smith - Art's Party - Arthur H. Smith

Arthur H. Smith - After Santa Leaves - Arthur H. Smith .

Arthur H. Smith - A Super Colossal Production - Arthur H. Smith

Arthur H. Smith - Dolls We Love - Arthur H. Smith .

Scream Bloody Murder

The Racing Strain

Country Gentlemen - Nat Levine

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time - John Trent
IMDB ( Featuring John Candy and Isaac Hayes.

Welcome to Blood City (1977)

The Nasty Rabbitt - James Landis

The Fat Spy - Joseph Cates

Secret - Jerel Damon and Cristina Maga

WIR KELLERKINDER: Klassiker des politischen Kabaretts

Ladies Crave Excitement

Johnny One-Eye - Benedict Bogeaus

19 new titles of Musical complete movies and shorts from 1942 to 1948 have been added to the "Before MTV" page:

Theatrical Trailer - The Band Wagon
Theatrical trailer for the 1953 film "The Band Wagon",
CAST: Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Oscar Levant, Nanette Fabray, and Jack Buchanan.

Theatrical Trailer - Three Little Words
Theatrical trailer for the 1950 film "Three Little Words", starring Fred Astaire, Red Skelton and Vera-Ellen.

Theatrical Trailer - The Barkleys of Broadway
Theatrical trailer for the 1949 film "The Barkleys of Broadway", starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Oscar Levant.

Theatrical Trailer - Easter Parade (Re-issue)
Ttrailer for the 1948 MGM musical film "Easter Parade", starring Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Peter Lawford and Ann Miller.

Theatrical Trailer - The Gay Divorcee
Theatrical trailer for the 1934 comedy-musical film "The Gay Divorcee" starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Edward Everett Horton.

Theatrical Trailer for ''In the Good Old Summertime''
Theatrical trailer for the 1949 musical film "In the Good Old Summertime" starring Judy Garland & Van Johnson.

Theatrical trailer for ''The Pirate'
Theatrical trailer for the 1948 musical film "The Pirate", starring Judy Garland and Gene Kelly.

Theatrical Trailer for ''Till the Clouds Roll By''
Theatrical trailer for the 1946 musical film "Till the Clouds Roll By".

Theatrical Trailer for ''The Harvey Girls''
Theatrical trailer for the 1946 musical film "The Harvey Girls", starring Judy Garland, John Hodiak, Angela Lansbury, Virginia O'Brien, Ray Bolger, and Marjorie Main.

Theatrical Trailer for ''Meet Me In St Louis''
Trailer for "Meet Me In St Louis", a 1944 musical film starring Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Mary Astor, Lucille Bremer, Tom Drake, Leon Ames, and Marjorie Main.

Theatrical Trailer for ''For Me and My Gal''
Trailer for the 1942 film "For Me and My Gal", starring Judy Garland, Gene Kelly and George Murphy.

Theatrical Trailer for ''Ziegfeld Girl''
Theatrical trailer for the 1941 film "Ziegfeld Girl", starring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, and Lana Turner.

Theatrical Trailer for ''Swing Time''
Theatrical trailer for the 1936 RKO comedy-musical film "Swing Time", starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It is infamous today for a number in which Fred Astaire appears in blackface, even if it was intended as a tribute to Bojangles.

Two Plus Fours - John C. Flinn
With Bing Crosby, Harry Barris, Al Rinker (The Rhythm Boys), Nat Carr, Thelma Hill, Ed Dearing, Spec O'Donnell.

Come on George! - Jack Kitchin
From IMDb: George befriends a race horse only to discover that it has a reputation for attacking any jockey that comes near it just before a big race. There are the inevitable gang of villains, car chases, a comic brain specialist and a girl for George to fall for and to sing his cheeky-chappie songs at. Stars: George Formby, Patricia Kirkwood, and Joss Ambler.

It's in the Air - Basil Dean and Jack Kitchin
From Wikipedia: George Brown (George Formby) is rejected by the Home Guard, and in doing so sees his potential to join the Royal Air Force. His dreams could soon come true as he realizes that in fact his friend has left behind some very important papers. He dons a his Royal Air Force uniform and delivers the papers when he is mistaken for a dispatch driver from head office. He soon becomes the butt of jokes from his sergeant which ends him staying on definitely at the air base...

I See Ice - Basil Dean
From Wikipedia: The film depicts the adventures of a photographer working for a local newspaper. Stars: George Formby, Kay Walsh, and Betty Stockfeld.

Zouzou AKA Zou Zou - Arys Nissotti
From Wikipedia: Along with Princesse Tam-Tam, this is one of only two notable films starring Josephine Baker. (Spoiler alert!) From the Wikipedia entry for "Zouzou": "As children, Zouzou and Jean are paired in a traveling circus as twins: she's dark, he's light. After they've grown, he treats her as if she were his sister, but she's in love with him. In Paris, he's a music hall electrician, she's a laundress who delivers clean underwear to the hall.

Reaching for the Moon - Joseph M. Schenck
Bing Crosby's first solo film performance.


First of all thanks a bunch to the Ball State University Library for suggesting ROMANO-ARCHIVES to researchers and professors!

36 new movies have been added to the Silent Films page:

Niagara Falls - Hal Roach
From Wikipedia: man and a woman who just met are mistaken for newlyweds and are forced to stay together in a hotel's bridal suite.
Cast: Tom Brown; Slim Summerville; Marjorie Woodworth; Zasu Pitts.

Silks and Saddles - John K Wells
From Wikipedia: Australian silent film from 1921 about the lives of the people in the horse racing world. DIRECTED AND PRODUCED BY John K Wells WRITTEN BY John Cosgrove and John K Wells CAST Agnes Vernon - Bobbie Morton (as Brownie Vernon) Robert MacKinnon - Richard Morton Jr John Cosgrove - Dennis O'Hara John Faulkner - Richard Morton Sr Tal Ordell - Phillip Droone Evelyn Johnson - Myra Fane Raymond Lawrence - Jeffrey Manners Gerald Harcourt - Toby Makin Tommy Denman - Dingo Kennaquhair

Harry Langdon in The capture of Cactus Cal (9,5mm Pathé) - Pathex

Edison Motion Pictures Collection Part One 1891-1898 - The Edison Manufacturing Co. and Thomas A. Edison, Inc.
It is a first part of collection of short film created by The Edison Manufacturing Co. and Thomas A. Edison, Inc. from the years 1891-1898.

Edison Motion Pictures Collection Part Two 1899-1902 - The Edison Manufacturing Co. and Thomas A. Edison, Inc.
This is second part of collection of short film created by The Edison Manufacturing Co. and Thomas A. Edison, Inc. from the years 1899-1902.

Edison Motion Pictures Collection Part Three 1903-1922 - The Edison Manufacturing Co. and Thomas A. Edison, Inc.
This is third (and also the last) part of collection of short film created by The Edison Manufacturing Co. and Thomas A. Edison, Inc. from the years 1903-1922.

The Sea Lion - Hobart Boswortth 1921
From Wikipedia: Silent film starring and produced by Hobart Bosworth. This film was directed by Rowland V Lee and tells the story of a bitter sea captain angry with the world because his wife left him. The film also stars Emory Johnson and Bessie Love. Copied from 8mm so it is very grainy and murky. Here on the Internet Archive you can also see Hobart Bosworth.

Frankenstein - J Searle Dawley
From Wikipedia: The first film adaptation of the often filmed Mary Shelley story. This film was originally released on March 18 1910. From the Edison Kinetogram: Frankenstein, a young student, is seen bidding his sweetheart and father goodbye, as he is leaving home to enter a college in order to study the sciences. Shortly after his arrival at college he becomes absorbed in the mysteries of life and death to the extent of forgetting practically everything else...

For The Term of His Natural Life - Norman Dawn
From Wikipedia: This is the greatest of all Australian Silent films. Made just before the advent of synchronised sound, this film had a limited period of commercial viabilty before it dissapeared from sight. Based on the serialised novel by Marcus Clarke, this was the most expensive film produced in Australia at the time. It costed 50,000 pounds when the average Australian film was made for around 1000 pounds. The film stars George Fisher as Richard Devine/Rufus Dawes/John Rex and Eva Novak as Sylvia Vickers.

Untitled 1927 Silverton, Oregon Nitrate Film - June D. Drake
From Wikipedia: Produced in November of 1927 by Silverton, OR photographer June Drake with the assistance of Albert Adams, owner of the local theatre known locally as "The Palace." The original Palace burned down and was re-built in the 1930s. This film depicts a number of different scenes of Silverton life in the 1920s. Starting off with a scene of Eugene Field Elementary, with staff and the administration of Silverton School District...

Alice in Wonderland - Cecil Hepworth
Cecil Hepworth's 1903 adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.
Nitrate Film; 1903. Re-encoded in HD.

Hurricane at Pilgrim Hill
A Hal Roach comedy.

Outside The Law - Tod Browning
From Wikipedia: Outside the Law is a 1920 crime film directed by Tod Browning. Browning remade the film in 1930. Black Mike (Lon Chaney) is a despicable gangster who lures Molly (Priscilla Dean), the daughter of a San Francisco underworld leader, back to a life of crime. Mike frames Molly's father for murder and then plots to double-cross her as well. But Molly's hard heart is slowly melted by her gangster lover. The film ends with in a climactic shootout...

The Sheik - Jesse L Lasky
From Wikipedia: Legendary Valentino picture. Valentino stars as an Arabian who falls in love with an English woman in this classic silent picture. Re-encoded in HD.

The Iron Mask - Allan Dwan
From Wikipedia: King Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Stars Douglas Fairbanks.

Snub Pollard in California or Bust (720x576) - Hal Roach
9,5mm Pathex Motion Picture Film.
Snub and his girlfriend are going on vacation. They rent a car and go for a ride. The take a lot of things with them and get a lot of trouble during the trip.

Stop Thief! (1280x1024
From Wikipedia: A thief who stole a wallet, is chased by the police in this short slapstick scene.
9,5mm Pathex Motion Picture Film.

Impressions of the Holy Land (1280x1024)
9,5mm Pathex Motion Picture Film (1926).

Charley Chase - Just a real good car (1280x1024) - Hal Roach
This is a 9,5 mm film from Pathé with the title: "Charley Chase - Just a real good car." A Hal Roach Comedy, 1924.

Charley Chase - Just a real good car (720x576) - Hal Roach
This is a 9,5 mm film from Pathé with the title: "Charley Chase - Just a real good car." A Hal Roach Comedy, 1924

The A-B-C of Aviation, Pathé Baby 9,5mm transfer (1928)

The Kid - Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin's The Kid in 1080p.

Kelly Scrap Book - Wallace Kelly
From Wikipedia: A reel of "odds and ends" from Wallace Kelly's film collection from the 1930s. The film consists primarily of family home movies, but also includes outtakes from "Our Day," scenes of the film "The Story of Astoria," shots of a marquee of the Marx Brothers in "Monkey Business" (1931) and clips of Kodacolor lenticular film (transferred as black & white). Kelly, a newspaperman from Lebanon, Kentucky, was also an accomplished photographer, painter, and writer...

David et Goliath - M.Andreani
9,5mm Pathex Motion Picture Film.

Une partie d'auto
9,5mm Baby Pathé movie with the french title: Une partie d'auto.
From Wikipedia: Very funny and a kind of slapstick shortmovie about a modified car. All text in this movie is in French and the first lines are: Un centre de gravité qui perd sa place. Les Bouchu Monsieur, madame et Bébé, vont faire une promenade en auto.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Rudolph Valentino

Rudolph Valentino - Re-encoded in HD.

Tanks a Million - Hal Roach
From Wikipedia: The movie starts with William Tracy as Dodo Doubleday, proving his incredible memory on a radio talk show. He joins the army after memorizing the regulations, which gets him quickly promoted to sergeant. His youth and inexperience bothers the other NCO's, namely Sgt. Ames (Joe Sawyer), who spends the movie trying to get Doubleday in trouble.

The Pharmacist - Mack Sennett
From Wikipedia: A henpecked but stoic pharmacist (W.C. Fields) tries to maintains his precarious balance while dealing with demanding customers and his dysfunctional family.

Max Linder in: Max and the Donkey (L'ane jaloux), 1912
From Wikipedia: Pathe comedy, written and directed by Max Linder. Cast: Max Linder, Joe Dawson and Paulette Lorsy Premiered in Vienna on May 3, 1912, released in France on July 5, 1912 "Joe is represented as being engaged to a pretty girl, who is accustomed to take a ride on her donkey every day. Max writes to the girl for an appointment. Joe decides to teach Max a lesson, and one morning plays the part of the donkey...

A Christmas Carol - J. Searle Dawley
From Wikipedia: Originally released Christmas 1910, this Edison production features Charles Ogle (Frankenstein) as Bob Cratchet. Remastered, retitled, tinted and new soundtrack added in 2010.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Copper Beeches - Arthur Conan Doyle
From Wikipedia: Georges Treville appeared as Sherlock Holmes in a number of short features in 1912. His series of films was the first officially authorised series of Holmes Films, produced under the supervision of Conan Doyle himself. This is the 8th and final episode it is also the only episode that survives.

Max Linder in: The little vixen (Petite rosse), 1909
From Wikipedia: Pathe comedy by Camille de Morlhon with Max Linder and Arlette d'Umes. Released in the US on March 28, 1910 - UK title: A Tantalising Young Lady "Mr. Max Linder [is] an ardent suitor for the hand of a somewhat rampageous young lady. The gentle Max suffers sadly from her rough treatment, but at length he extracts the promise that she will marry him when he has learned to juggle with three balls. With his usual delightfully unquenchable enthusiasm, the impetuous youth rushes home and soon...

lick Sleuths - Charles R. Bowers, Bud Fisher
From Wikipedia: Mutt and Jeff play Sherlock Holmes style detectives on the trail of the mysterious "Phantom". Originally release in 1926, this film was hand coloured in the early 1930s and re-released.

The Limejuice Mystery or Who Spat in Grandfather's Porridge? - Joseph Seidon
From Wikipedia: Sherlock Holmes parody made with marionettes.

A 1927 Fox newsreal interview with the author and spiritualist, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He speaks about his greatest literary creation, Sherlock Holmes, and his work in spiritualism.

House of Darkness
From Wikipedia: The House of Darkness was directed by D.W. Griffith for the Biograph Company in 1913. Its theme is how music soothes the insane mind. It deals with an escaped mental patient who threatens a woman with a gun, but backs off when she plays the piano for him. It is sentimental as many of Griffith's films are but the acting is a bit subdued for the silent film of the period.

56 new films have been added to the Forgotten Vintage TV page:

The Legend of Action Man - Andy Young

Moon of The Wolf [1972]

Colgate Comedy Hour: Martin and Lewis Last Appearance
Final episode.

Kraft Music Hall hosted by Milton Berle: Guest Andy Griffith

Jack Benny Show: Ronnie Burns Show
Season 8, Episode 15 (1958).

Dragnet: The Human Bomb
Episode 1, Season 1 (1951).

Your Hit Parade - February 27, 1954 (Music/Variety)

Mr. and Mrs. North-Phantom at the Wedding
Season 2, Episode 9

Sherlock Holmes: The Christmas Pudding
Episode 23

The Adventure of the Speckled Band - Marshall Grant and Stanley Rubin
Originally aired on 25 March 1949 (Season 1 Episode 10)

Crossroads: God's Healing
Vincent Price. Season 2, Episode 9 (1956)

U.S. Marshal: R.I.P.
Season 1, Episode 39 (1959) Directed by Robert Altman.

People are Funny 1958
A 1958 Episode.

1960 Coca-Cola commercial - Commercial 2
A 1960 commercial for King-Size Coca-Cola from "A Sweater for Rick".

NBC News (17/March/1949)
NBC News Room Chicago.

Duffy's Tavern TV Show
1954 episode entitled "Archie's singing contest" starring Ed Gardner

Lock Up: Flying High
Season 2, Episode 4: October 15, 1960

Checkmate: The Human Touch (1961)
With Peter Lorre.

Topper - Henrietta Sells The House.

Sherlock Holmes - The Man Who Disappeared (Failed Pilot) - Rudolph Cartier

DuPont Cavalcade Theater - "The Prison Within"
With Gloria Talbott.

Three 1950s Betty Crocker Cake Mix commercials

Hancock - The Train Journey - Duncan Wood
Series 5 Episode 5

''The Trouble with Father'' - The Business (Probably February 1952)

Climax - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Edgar Peterson
Classic Season 1 Episode of CBS's live drama program. Adapted for television by Gore Vidal. Complete kinoscope recording. All advertisments, studio ids, ad-caps, etc are present. Stars Michael Rennie; Cedric Hardwicke; Gore Vidal; Jerry Goldsmith and William Lundigan.

Torchy the Battery Boy S01E1 - Gerry Anderson
"Pom Pom and the Toys" Ffirst episode.

I'm A Fool (GE Theater)
With James Dean, Natalie Wood and Eddie Albert. Hosted by Ronald Reagan.

The Adventures Of Robin Hood season 2 ep27.

Burke's Law - Aaron Spelling
Episode Title: "Who Killed Jason Shaw". Aired on 22 November 1963.

Adventures of Dr Fu Manchu
Series 1 Episode 11 - The Masterplan of Fu Manchu

The Nativity (Westinghouse Studio One) - Fletcher Markle
Live teleplay from CBS's "Studio One" program. Season 5 Episode 13 (22 December 1952).

Plymouth News Caravan - 20/April/1955

DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. presents Bulldog Drummond
"Douglas Fairbanks Jr Presents Bulldog Drummond and 'The Ludlow Affair'" Series 5 Episode 13 (28 January 1957).

The Adventures of Dr Fu Manchu
An Episode of the Fu Manchu TV Series "The Death Ships of Fu Manchu" (air date - Oct 29 1956).

Grand Old Opry - 28/April/1956
Host: Carl Smith - Guests include: Buddy Ebsen, Chet Atkins, Collins Kids, The Jordanaires, June Carter, Flatt and Scruggs, Minnie Pearl, etc.

Peter Gunn - The Fuse - Blake Edwards
Season One Episode 16 (5 January 1959).

Peter Gunn - Lets Kill Timothy - Blake Edwards
Season One Episode 17 (19 January 1959) .

Martin Kane, Private Eye - The District Attorney Killer - Frank Burns
Original Air Date: 1 March 1951 Series 2 Episode 20 William Gargan as Martin Kane Ads, credits and network logos intact.

"The Three Stooges" Failed Pilot - Moe Howard
Failed pilot for a "Three Stooges" TV show.

A Classic Commercial for Aerowax (1953)
Classic TV.

Studio One - Two Sharp Knives -
Season 2 Episode 10. Aired on 14 November 1949.
CAST: Stanley Ridges Wynne Gibson Theodore Newton Peggy French Richard Purdy Hildy Parks Robert Emhardt Seth Arnold William Lee Tony Pellerin Paul Porter Richard Robbins Abe Vigoda Roland Wood Charles Kuhn.

Studio One - There Was A Crooked Man - Paul Nickell
Season 2 Episode 41 Original Air Date 19 June 1950 CAST Robert Sterling Charles Korvin Virginia Gilmore Richard Purdy Ann Shoemaker Harry Cooke Marion Scanlon Robert Emhardt James Coots Butch Cavell.

Studio One - Plan For Escape - Paul Nickell
This is episode 8 of season 5 Original Air Date 17 Nov 1952 Based on a Story by Violet Wolfson CAST Peggy Ann Garner Frank Overton Jean Carson Robert Webber Victor Thorley Anne Seymour Bruce Gordon Peter Gumeny Charles McClelland Joseph Sweeney.

Studio One - Flowers From A Stranger - Worthington Miner
Episode 1.15 25 May 1949. Features Yul Brynner (with blonde hair!) as Dr Nestri.

Petticoat Junction "Spur Line To Shady Rest" - Dick Wesson
Season 1 Episode 1 (24 Sept 1963.

Petticoat Junction "A Night at the Hooterville Hilton" - Dick Wesson
Episode 13 Season 1 (17 December 1963).

Petticoat Junction "Herbie Gets Drafted" - Dick Wesson
Season 1 Episode 15 December 31 1963.

'The Adventures of Ellery Queen' - Murder to Music (1951)
Episode "Murder to Music" of DuMont's "The Adventures of Ellery Queen".Aired "live" on 11/08/1951. Featuring Lee Bowman as 'Ellery Queen' and Florenz Ames as 'Inspector Richard Queen'. 'Kaiser Frazer' cars advertisements are present.

Mr ED "Wilbur Gets The Message... About Payroll Savings!" - Arthur Lubin
Rare episode of Mr Ed considered lost.

The Adventures of Ellery Queen - The Hanging Acrobat - DuMont Network - Irving and Norman Pincus

Colgate Comedy Hour - Abbott and Costello and Company - Fred Hamilton
7 January 1951 Episode.

Hollywood Without Makeup - Ken Murray
From Wikipedia: A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood. Hosted by Ken Murray with a Special appearance by Kirk Douglas. Features footage of: Eddie Albert, June Allyson, George K. Arthur, Mary Astor, Lew Ayres, Max Baer, Lucille Ball, Richard Barthelmess, Rex Bell, Edgar Bergen, Sally Blane, Humphrey Bogart, John Boles, Pat Boone, Eddie Borden, Hobart Bosworth, Clara Bow, William Boyd, Fanny Brice, Paul Brooks...

Hollywood: The Fabulous Era (Henry Fonda TV Special) - David L Wolper
From Wikipedia: One hour TV special tells the story of Hollywood from the advent of sound up to the modern day. Originally Aired 28 November 1962. Hosted by Henry Fonda.

Police Station - Sandy Howard
1959 episode.

DuMont Network episode of 'Okay, Mother'

213 new films have been added to the Copyright-Free Movies!/Feature Films page:

Under Texas Skies - George Arthur Durlam
From IMDb: Captain Hartford (Bill Cody), sent by the Army to buy horses, is kidnaped and replaced by the gang boss. Rankin (Bob Custer) suspects the Captain is a fake and that he will pay for the horses with a worthless check. He finally finds Hartford but Hartford's guard is too strong and overpowers Rankin and now they are both prisoners.

Midnight Warning
A.k.a. Eyes of Mystery. Cast: William Stage Boyd; Claudia Dell; Hooper Atchley.

King of the Newsboys
Cast: Lew Ayres; Helen Mack; Byron Foulger.

The Mystery Man
Cast: Robert Armstrong; Maxine Doyle.

Small Town Boy
Cast: Stuart Erwin.

The Big Lift (complete version:120mn) - William Perlberg
Cast: Montgomery Clift; Paul Douglas; Cornell Borchers.

Kansas City Confidential (720p HD)

Dementia 13 (Widescreen 720p HD) - Roger Corman

The Terror (Widescreen 720p HD) - Roger Corman
From IMDB: France, 18th century. Lieutenant Andre Duvalier (Jack Nicholson) has been accidentally separated from his regiment. He is wandering near the coast when he sees a young woman (Sandra Knight) and asks her for directions to Coldon, where he hopes to rejoin his regiment. But the woman doesn't answer, doesn't even greet him and walks away. Eventually she takes him towards the sea, where she disappears in rough water...

Monster - Kenneth Hartford

Virus (Fukkatsu no hi 復活の日) - Toho
From Wikipedia: Virus (Fukkatsu no hi 復活の日, literally Day of Resurrection) is a 1980 post-apocalyptic science fiction movie directed by Kinji Fukasaku and based on a novel written by Sakyo Komatsu. The movie starred Masao Kusakari, George Kennedy, Robert Vaughn, Chuck Connors, Olivia Hussey, Edward James Olmos, Ken Ogata, Sonny Chiba and Glenn Ford. The film is notable for being the most expensive Japanese film ever made at the time...

The Fat Man
Cast: J. Scott Smart; Julie London; Rock Hudson; William Castle

Jesse James at Bay - Roy Rogers

Kansas Pacific - Walter Wanger
From Wikipedia: With the Civil War about to begin, Southern sympathizers attempt to sabotage the railroad construction efforts so Army Captain John Nelson (Sterling Hayden) is brought in to keep the project going. Captain Nelson must not only contend with the efforts of the saboteurs but also try to romance the railroad foreman's daughter, Barbara Bruce (Eve Miller).

Iron Angel - Daniel P. Foley
From IMDb: In this wartime drama set during the Korean conflict, a U.S. platoon must destroy a North Korean mortar that is blocking a crucial road.

A Stranger in Town
From IMDb: Visiting a small town in order to hunt ducks, supreme court judge Frank Morgan (the Wizard of Oz) discovers abuse of power by public servants.

Africa Screams - Directed by Charles Barton.
With Max Baer and Buddy Baer. Directed by Charles Barton.

Illinois 9.5mm Home Movie Collection

Scream in the Nigt (1935) Directed by Fred Newmeyer.
Cast: Lon Chaney Jr; Creighton Chaney; Fred Newmeyer.

Beau Ideal - William LeBaron
Cast: Loretta Young; Ralph Forbes

The boyhood of Thomas Edison (orig.16mm print)

Bill Cracks Down - William Berke

The Last Chance - Lazar Wechsler

The Gang's All Here - Lindsley Parsons

Man from Music Mountain - Charles E. Ford
Cast: Gene Autry

Zane Grey'€™s To the Last Man (1933) - Randolph Scott
Cast: Zane Grey, Randolph Scott

He Walked by Night
Cast: Richard Basehart, Whit Bissell and Jack Webb.

Manos: The Hands of Fate
From IMDB A family driving through a small town gets lost and winds up at a backwoods shack managed by Torgo, who takes care of it while The Master is away. The Master worships Manos, an evil deity, and he also wears a neat cape. When Torgo lets the family stay, The Master awakens and does mean stuff like burning off Torgo's hand and sicking his dog on the family pet. Meanwhile, The Master's wives wrestle for his favor...

Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands in 1959

Firework on the new year (1959) in Amsterdam

Amsterdam in 1958 and 1959

1959 Carnaval in Oeteldonk (Den Bosch-Holland)

The Nut Farm - William T. Lackey

Resisting Enemy Interrogation (1944) - U.S. Army
U.S. Army. Dramatized training film.
Cast: Arthur Kennedy, Mel Torm, Lloyd Nolan. Craig Stevens and Peter Van Eyck.

The Little Shop of Horrors - Roger Corman (Re-encoded in HD)

The Adventure of the Galloping Geese - Robbins Barstow

Arthur H. Smith - The City of San Francisco - Arthur H. Smith.

Moon of the Wolf - Daniel Petrie
From IMDB: After several locals are viciously murdered, a Louisiana sheriff starts to suspect he may be dealing with a werewolf.

San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge - Arthur H. Smith (ca 1936)

Arthur H. Smith - The Mirror - Arthur H. Smith (1950)

I Thank You - Edward Black
From IMDB: Set in London during World War II Blitz period, the story sees Askey & Murdoch as a couple of variety entertainers who find themselves out of work. In desperate need of money to put on a show, the pair dress up as house servants (Murdoch a servant and Askey in drag as a cook) and bluff their way into the home of Lady Randall, an ex-music hall star known to give financial aid to performers in the arts close to her heart...

Lightning Triggers - Willis Kent Productions

Stanley Zoobris Home Movies - 24 Total Reels- Stanley Zoobris (1939-1964)

Hoilland. The Zandvoort race Track in 1948

The Dutch Red Cross from Zandvoort - Bob Arens

Ninja Death Trilogy

Gulliver's Travels (Re-encoded in HD) - A Fleischer Studios Cartoon (1939)

Rin-Tin-Tin - The Law of the Wild (1934) 12 Chapters - The Man Killer - The Battle of the Strong - The Cross-Eyed Goony - A Dead Man's Hand - Avenging Fangs - Robber's Roost - The Canyon of Calamity - The Death Stampede - Horse Thief Justice - King of the Range - Winner Take All - The Grand Sweepstakes
From IMDB: Rex and Rinty's master, John, is falsely accused of murder. To pay for his defense, John's girl friend, Alice, plans to race Rex for money. Meanwhile, John's accuser plans to steal Rex for himself. You can read more about this serial on it's IMDB page.

Evel Knievel - Marvin J. Chomsky
With George Hamilton and Sue Lyon.

Santa Claus (Versus the Devil)

Laser Mission - Hans Kühle Sr. (1969)

Million Dollar Weekend (Re-encoded in HD.)
With Gene Raymond.

The New Adventures of Tarzan - 12 Chapters
From IMDB: Tarzan heads to Guatemala to look for his friend, D'Arnot and helps Major Matling search Mayan ruins for hidden jewels and an idol holding the formula for an explosive. Guatemalan police pursue Alice and Gordon assuming them as spies. Ula Vale as a mysterious figure is revealed in the final episode to be an undercover government operative.

General Electric Theater: I'm a Fool - Mort Abrahams
With James Dean.

Dark Journey (1937)

Glorifying the American Girl - Florenz Ziegfeld (1929)
From the Wikipedia entry for "Glorifying the American Girl": "Glorifying the American Girl is a 1929 musical comedy film produced by Florenz Ziegfeld that highlights Ziegfeld Follies performers. The last third of the film (which was filmed in early Technicolor) is basically a Follies production, with cameo appearances by Rudy Vallee, Helen Morgan and Eddie Cantor.

Oh, Mr. Porter - Will Hay

The Guy With The Secret Kung Fu - Kei Law
From IMDB: Two ming patriots spend their days helping the weak and rescuing damsels in distress. I uploaded this because it wasn't on the archive.

The Brain That Wouldn't Die (82 min. complete version) - Joseph Green

Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome

Cast: Boris Karloff; Ralph Byrd.

Rediscovery (NASA Science Series) - NASA
A series of 4 documentaries produced by NASA
-Earthquake Below
-Flood Below
-Hurricane Below
-Tornado Below.

They Drive by Night
Emlyn Williams is released from prison and soon is running for his life.
Cast: Emlyn Williams; Ernest Thesiger; Anna Konstam.

The House I Live In - Mervyn LeRoy and Frank Ross
Frank Sinatra teaches some young boys a lesson about tolerance.

Postal Inspector
The only musical featuring Bela Lugosi.

The Atomic Man - Alec C. Snowden
Cast: Gene Nelson, Faith Domergue, Joseph Tomelty, Donald Gray, Vic Perry, Paul Hardtmuth, Martin Wyldeck.

Inspector Hornleigh Goes to It
With Gordon Harker and Alastair Sim.

Tangled Destinies
Cast: Frank R. Strayer; Gene Morgan; Doris Hill

Romance of the Limberlost
Cast: Eric Linden; Jean Parker; Gene Stratton-Porter; Limberlost

The Terror - Walter C Mycroft
From Wikipedia: Based on the play by Edgar Wallace, this is a 1938 programmer made in Britain and originally released in 1938 and re-released in 1941. A group of criminals carry out a daring robbery of an armoured van. Two of the criminals are betrayed by the mastermind of the operation. After ten years in prison they come out and search for the man behind the crimes who betrayed them. But the police are on their tail also wanting to find out who was behind the robbery...

The Case of The Screaming Bishop - Howard Swift
From IMDB: A 1944 Columbia Phantasy cartoon parodying Sherlock Holmes. Originally released in Black and White. Hairlock Combs and his assitant Gotsome, of 223 Baker St, attempt to solve the mystery of a disappearing dinosaur skeleton.

The Phantom Fiend - Julius Hagen
Produced by Julius Hagen. Directed by Maurice Elvey.

Crossroads: Mother O'Brien
Season 1, Episode 23.

The Man Who Walked Alone
Cast: Dave O'Brien; Kay Aldridge; Guinn "Big Boy" Williams

Sherlock Holmes' Fatal Hour (The Sleeping Cardinal) - Julius Hagen
From IMDB: This rare Sherlock Holmes film was released at the same time as the Raymond Massey picture "The Speckled Band". The story is partly based on two Conan Doyle short stories: "The Final Problem" and "The Empty House". Sceptical about the potential success of the film, the producers sold the rights to the film to "First Division Pictures" for 800 pounds. The film was released in July 1931 under the title "Sherlock Holmes' Fatal Hour"...

The Secret of Doctor Kildare
Cast: Lew Ayres; Lionel Barrymore; Lionel Atwill

Murder on Flight 502 - David Chasman

Night Tide corrected audio - Curtis Harrington (1961)
Cast: Curtis Harrington; Dennis Hopper; Linda Lawson; Luana Anders.

Friday the Thirteenth
Frrom Wikipedia: Flashbacks tell the stories of the 13 passengers on a bus that crashes.

Patterns - Rod Serling
Cast: Van Heflin, Everett Sloane and Ed Begley.

Night Tide (1961)
With Dennis Hopper and Linda Lawson.

The Echo Murders - John Harlow (1945)
Cast: Sexton Blake and Dennis Price

The Ticket Of Leave Man - George King
From IMDB: A man is wrongly accused of committing a series of murders actually committed by a psychopath called "The Tiger". He must try to prove his innocence. This is another of the many classic Victorian melodramas brought to the screen by Tod Slaughter and his travelling theatre company in the 1930s.

Convict 99
British film with Will Hay.

Hard Guy - Producers Releasing Corporation.

Ask a Policeman
A British comedy featuring Will Hay.

Midnight Manhunt
Cast: Maxwell Shane, William H. Pine and William C. Thomas
From IMDB: Stolen diamonds are at the heart of a game of body, body, who's got the body played by two reporters, a crook, two employees of a wax museum, and the police. Stars: William Gargan, Ann Savage, Leo Gorcey, George Zucco, Paul Hurst, Don Beddoe, Charles Halton, and George E. Stone.

The Saint Louis Bank Robbery
With Steve McQueen
From IMDB: A gritty, downbeat, and sometimes savage heist movie that features a gang of very psychologically warped men and a story that's based on an actual crime. Warning: this film is devoid of humor, wit, cheerfulness, glamor, and mercy. It's grim to the brim. Some will find that viewing it is an unpleasant experience.

Death Rides a Horse
From IMDB: Death Rides a Horse (aka Da uomo a uomo, or As Man to Man) is a 1967 spaghetti western directed by Giulio Petroni, written by Luciano Vincenzoni, and starring Lee Van Cleef and John Phillip Law. Bill Meceita, a boy whose family was murdered in front of him by a gang, sets out 15 years later to exact revenge. On his journey, he finds himself continually sparring and occasionally cooperating with Ryan, a gunfighter on his own quest for vengeance, who knows more than he says about Bill's tragedy...

Armstrong Circle Theatre - The Bells of Cockaigne (1953)
From Wikipedia: An episode of "Armstrong Circle Theatre" from 17 November 1953 called "The Bells of Cockaigne", with Gene Lockhart, James Dean and Vaughn Taylor. Light drama, and runs about 90 seconds shorter than most other live-drama shows of the time. Features James Dean shirtless in one scene.

Cover the Waterfront (1933)
Cast: Ben Lyon; Claudette Colbert; Ernest Torrence; Hobart Cavanaugh; Maurice Black; Purnell Pratt; Harry Beresford; Wilfred Lucas; Claudia Coleman; Lillian Harmer; George Humbert; Rosita Marstini; Lee Phelps.

Sam's Song - Jordon Leondopoulos (1969)
Stars Robert De Niro.
Complete 1979 version with all the missing scenes.

Murder in the Museum

The Phantom Express - Irving C. Franklin, Emory Johnson and Donald M. Stoner
Stars: William Collier, Jr., Sally Blane, J. Farrell MacDonald, Hobart Bosworth, Axel Axelson, Lina Basquette, and Eddie Phillips.

A Shriek in the Night - M.H. Hoffman Jr.
From Wikipedia: A madman shrieks as the body of a man falls from an upper floor of an apartment building, bringing unwanted attention from a rival reporter to a racketeering case an undercover reporter is investigating. Stars: Ginger Rogers and Lyle Talbot.

Beat the Devil (1953)
Cast: Humphrey Bogart; Jennifer Jones; Gina Lollobrigida; Robert Morley; Peter Lorre; Edward Underdown; Ivor Barnard; Marco Tulli; Bernard Lee; Mario Perrone; Giulio Donnini; Saro Urzi; Juan de Landa; Aldo Silvani; Julie Gibson.

One Year Later
From Wikipedia: First, a pair of blissful honeymooners traveling by train. Then, a year later, the same coach carrying the man to his place of execution. Although it seems hopeless, there are two wild cards on board: the man's wife and a terminally ill reporter.

The Monster Walks - Cliff P. Broughton and Ralph M. Like
Stars: Rex Lease, Vera Reynolds, Sheldon Lewis, Mischa Auer, Martha Mattox, Sidney Bracey, and Willie Best.

Red Nightmare 1962 - Joe Friday
From Wikipedia: Host Jack Webb tells of what America would be like under communism. Produced in the early sixties,this is a frightening tale of a typical American family, and what that same family would look like under the "Red Nightmare". Just the facts. mam. One note: After reviewing some of the comments made concerning this film, I feel compelled to state the following: Before anyone criticizes this film, you have to judge it in terms of the the time it was produced...

Devil's Cargo
From "The Falcon" Series.

The Gorilla - Harry Joe Brown
From Wikipedia: Upon receiving a death threat from the "Gorilla", a killer infamous for a string of murders, insurance broker Walter Stevens employs detectives Garrity, Harrigan and Mulligan for protection. The detectives arrive at Stevens' mansion that night, and proceed to explore the house and grounds, and question servants. All to no avail, because as the clock strikes midnight Stevens disappears. Stars: The Ritz Brothers, Anita Louise, Patsy Kelly, Lionel Atwill, Bela Lugosi, Joseph Calleia, Edward Norris,

The Dark Hour - George R. Batcheller
Stars: Ray Walker, Berton Churchill, Irene Ware, Hobart Bosworth, Hedda Hopper, and E. E. Clive .
From IMDb: A pair of detectives investigate the murder of an elderly millionaire who was the target of blackmail and death threats and find that there is no shortage of suspects, many of them in the victim's own family.

The Ghost Walks - Maury M. Cohen
Stars: John Miljan, June Collyer, Richard Carle, Henry Kolker, Johnny Arthur, Spencer Charters, Donald Kirke, and Eve Southern
From Wikipedia: Three men are stranded during a storm when their car gets stuck in the mud along a country road. They take refuge in a nearby mansion. It is the anniversary of a death at the mansion, and there is the palpable presence of his ghost. While arguing about the death the lights go out, and when they come back on the widow of the dead man has disappeared.

Danger on the Air
Cast: Donald Woods; Lee J. Cobb; Nan Grey

The Man Who Changed His Mind
With Boris Karloff

The Drum - Alexander Korda
From Wikipedia: Indian actor Sabu Dastagir stars as the young Prince Azim of Tokot who finds his life suddenly become very dangerous when he's forced to flee his usurping uncle and accept protection from the British Raj. Plummy-voiced Roger Livesey plays the Raj's stalwart envoy to Tokot who must find a way to stop the import of weapons to the evil new Khan, Raymond Massey, who is fomenting a rebellion. All three actors play their parts very well, with Massey especially attacking his villainous role with gusto.

Checkmate: The Human Touch (1961)
TV Film with Peter Lorre, aired: January 14, 1961.

The Torch - Emilio Fernandez
From Wikipedia: Paulette Goddard and Pedro Armendariz star in this story about a revolutionary who takes over a small Mexican town. The townspeople begin to argue about whether to resist him or join him. This is a Spanish print of a US/Mexican Co-production. The dialogue is in English the titles and subtitles are in Spanish.

From Wikipedia: A psychologically distraught woman is committed to a private sanitarium by the man whom she witnessed commit a murder.

The Way Ahead - Carol Reed
From Wikipedia: A group of conscripts are called up into the infantry during WWII. At first they appear a hopeless bunch but their sergeant and Lieutenant have faith in them and mould them into a good team. When they go into action in N. Africa they realise what it's all about. Stars David Niven.

Hercules Unchained - Pietro Francisci
With Steve Reeves.
While negotiating peace between two brothers contesting the throne of Thebes, an amnesiac Hercules is seduced by the evil Queen Omphale.

Heartbeat - Sam Wood
From IMDB: A young female escapee from a reform school (Ginger Rogers) joins a pickpocket academy in Paris.

The Sun Sets at Dawn
From IMDB: Reporters gather as a young man who may be innocent waits to be the first in the prison's history to be killed by the electric chair.

The Amazing Mr. X - Ben Stoloff (1948)
From Wikipedia: B thriller shot by renowned cinematographer John Alton, who was also involved with the following films already available on the archive: T-Men (1947), He walked by night (1948), Hollow triumph (aka The scar) (1948), The crooked way (1949), Reign of Terror (1949) and The big combo (1955). IMDB page: Two years after the accidental death of her husband, Christine Faber (Lynn Bari) is trying to put her life back together and move forward...
Cast: Turhan Bey; Lynn Bari; Cathy O'Donnell; Richard Carlson; John Alton.

Silent Night, Bloody Night - Theodore Gershuny
From Wikipedia: A man inherits a mansion, which once was a mental home. He visits the place and begins to investigate some crimes that happened in old times, scaring the people living in the region.

The Terror of Tiny Town
From IMDB: Comedy western with an all midget cast.

Grave of the Vampire - John Hayes
From IMDB: Kroft, a legendary vampire, returns from sleep. Kroft attacks a couple in a graveyard, raping the woman. The child born feeds only on blood from his mother's breast.

The Amazing Adventure - Alfred Zeisler
From IMDB: A bored millionaire wagers his doctor that he can support himself at a working class job for year without touching his inheritance. Stars Cary Grant.

Christy Cabanne's CONVICTED - Christy CabannE (1931)
From IMDB: Tony Blair (Richard Tucker), a broadway producer, is murdered on a ship bound for California. Claire Norville (Aileen Pringle) is accused of the murder, but when another murder accurs, Claire is cleared in a twist that explains both murders. An early talky mystery directed by prolific B-director Christy Cabanne. Originally released in November 1931

Terror By Night - Universal Pictures
From IMDB: When the fabled Star of Rhodesia diamond is stolen on a London to Edinburgh train and the son of its owner murdered, Holmes must discover which of his suspicious fellow passengers is responsible.

Man in the Attic - Panoramic Productions
Stars Jack Palance.
From IMDB: With Jack the Ripper killing women in the Whitechapel district of London, people are on edge. Enter the mysterious Mr. Slade who arrives at the home of Helen and William Harley looking to rent rooms. Slade is a strange man. He is a respected pathologist and researcher at a major hospital but very much keeps to himself. He also happens to out of the house every time the Ripper strikes. Mrs. Harley becomes convinced that Slade is the Ripper...

The Black Raven - George Zucco
With Glenn Strange and Byron Foulger.

The Taming of the Shrew
From Wikipedia: Featurette featuring a short conversation between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor and footage from the Royal Gall opening for the film.

Johns Hopkins Science Review - Usefulness of Useless Knowledge
From Wikipedia: Early Dumont network science discussion show.This episode was originally broadcasted on February 18,1952.

Werewolf of Washington
With Dean Stockwell.
From Wikipedia: A reporter who has had an affair with the daughter of the U.S. President is sent to Hungary. There he is bitten by a werewolf, and then gets transferred back to Washington, where he gets a job as press assistant to the President. Stars Dean Stockwell.

Oceania - Harry Dehal
From Wikipedia: A story about two teenagers who deal with their shattered family-life in a small California coastal town. Oceania is an indy feature-length film that I created from scratch with the help of many friends. We filmed in the SF Bay Area on a low budget

Die Sister, Die! - Randall Hood
From Wikipedia: Edward (Jack Ging) has a slightly nutty sister, Amanda (Edith Atwater). He employs a nurse, Esther (Antoinette Bower), to look after Amanda. Weirdness ensues. This film was made in 1972 and not released until 1978. The film was released without a copyright notice and never registered for copyright. Because of this, it is in the public domain.

Penny Serenade
With Cary Grant.
From IMDB: As Julie prepares to leave her husband Roger, she begins to play through a stack of recordings, each of which reminds her of events in their lives together. One of them is the song that was playing when she and Roger first met in a music store. Other songs remind her of their courtship, their marriage, their desire for a child, and the joys and sorrows that they have shared. A flood of memories comes back to her as she ponders their present problems and how they arose.

Eat Your Skin (1970)
From IMDB: This story of mad scientists, voodoo, and zombies was made in 1964 but wasn't released until 1970 when it was put on a double bill with "I Drink Your Blood".

Scrooge - Twickenham Film Studios

Gangster Story - Walter Matthau
From IMDB: Gangster and cop killer Jack Martin is on the run from the law, and hides out in a small town. Low on funds, he engineers a clever bank robbery that yields him a big bundle. Now he has not only the cops and the FBI after him, but also the local crime boss, who's outraged that an outsider can pull off a heist like that in his territory and not cut him in on it. The Directorial debut of Walter Matthau and the only film he ever directed.

The James Dean Story - Robert Altman
From IMDB: A documentary, made in 1957, about the life and career of James Dean. Directed by Robert Altman.

Hysterical History - Famous Studios
From Wikipedia: An amusing take on American History

Who Killed Doc Robbin? - Hal Roach
From Wikipedia: A short feature from 1948 in colour. A bunch of Rascal-like kids solve a mystery in the mansion on the hill. Features George Zucco. This is one of many 1948 Hal Roach films that lapsed into the public domain when the comany fell into financial difficulties in the 1970s.

Plan 9 from Outer Space - Ed Wood
From Wikipedia: Aliens resurrect dead humans as zombies and vampires to stop human kind from creating the Solaranite (a sort of sun-driven bomb).

Slashed Dreams - James Polakof
From Wikipedia: A couple on vacation in the woods is stalked by a pair of rapists.

Snake People - Azteca Films
From Wikipedia: The inhabitants of a small, remote island have been practicing voodoo rites and worshipping an evil priest named Damballah for years, but the local law officials generally turn a blind eye to this death cult's bizarre activities. Captain Labesch arrives from the mainland, determined to crack down on the island's lawlessness and clean up the ineffectual, hard-drinking police force. Stars Boris Karloff

Killers from Space - Planet Filmplays
From IMDB: A scientist monitoring atomic tests, killed in a plane crash, is revived by aliens so he can spy on the tests and help them conquer the world.

Horrors of Spider Island - Intercontinental Film GmbH
From IMDB: Survivors of a plane crash on a remote island find it is covered by spiders. When bitten, the survivors start turning into spiders!

Detour - Producers Releasing Corporation
From IMDB: In flashback, New York nightclub pianist Al Roberts hitchhikes to Hollywood to join his girl Sue. On a rainy night, the sleazy gambler he's riding with mysteriously dies; afraid of the police, Roberts takes the man's identity. But thanks to a blackmailing dame, Roberts' every move plunges him deeper into trouble...

Plymouth News Caravan - 20/April/1955
"Plymouth News Caravan", TV show presented by John Cameron Swayze, broadcasted on April 20, 1955.

Arch of Triumph - Callendar Company
From IMDB: In Paris, before the Nazis penetrate into the city, an Austrian refugee doctor falls in love with a mysterious woman.

Bulldog Drummond's Revenge - William LeBaron, Edward T. Lowe Jr., and Stuart Walker
From IMDB: While driving to Rockford Manor with Algy and Tenny to join others in the wedding party before they leave for Switzerland, Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond comes across a parachuted suitcase. While they examine it, they are nearly run down by a speeding car. Shortly afterward, a plane crashes nearby. After arriving at Rockford Manor, the suitcase is stolen, and the marriage of Bulldog and Phyllis Clavering is postponed once again...

Naked Massacre - CineVideo
From IMDB: Loosely based on the notorious Richard Speck murders, this is the grim tale of a disturbed Vietnam vet returning home via Belfast, who invades a house shared by eight nurses and proceeds to terrorize and murder them.

The Strangler
From IMDB: Victor Buono gives a very convincing portrayal of a character supposedly modeled after the Boston Strangler in this gripping drama. Ellen Corby plays his mother. A reviewer at wrote: "The stalk-and-strangle sequences are extremely suspenseful and many of the undertones and sexual insinuations are quite controversial and ahead of their time. Buono's performance is courageous, powerful, stellar and pretty freaking convincing!

Bulldog Drummond in Africa - Harold Hurley and Edward T. Lowe Jr.
From IMDB: As his wedding to Phyllis Clavering approaches, Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond has taken extreme precautions to avoid getting caught up in another adventure that would delay the wedding. But even as they make their final preparations, their friend Colonel Nielsen is being kidnapped by a gang headed by the traitorous Richard Lane. Phyllis witnesses the abduction, and quickly finds Drummond to tell him...

The Adventures of Dr Fu Manchu Season 1 - Episode 1
From Wikipedia: An Episode of the Fu Manchu TV Series "Prisoner of Fu Manchu" (air date - Sept 3 1956) Starring Glen Gordon as Fu Manchu and Lester Matthews as Nayland Smith.

His Girl Friday - Columbia Pictures Corporation
From Wikipedia: A newspaper editor uses every trick in the book to keep his ace reporter ex-wife from remarrying. Stars Cary Grant.

Phantom Ship - Hammer Film Productions
With Bela Lugosi
From Wikipedia: During a horrific storm at sea, the crew realizes that there is a murderer among them who is killing them off one by one.

Horror Express - Benmar Productions
From Wikipedia: An English anthropologist has discovered a frozen monster in the frozen wastes of Manchuria which he believes may be the Missing Link.

Bulldog Drummond's Peril - Stuart Walker
From IMDB: Another trip to the altar for Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond and Phyllis Clavering is averted when, at a pre-wedding gathering at the Clavering estate in Switzerland, a Swiss detective guarding the wedding gifts is murdered and an artificial diamond is stolen. Stare John Howard, Louise Campbell, Reginald Denny, E. E. Clive, and John Barrymore.St

Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police - William LeBaron, Edward T. Lowe Jr., and Stuart Walker
From IMDB: Captain Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond and his fiancée, Phyllis Clavering, are at his ancestral home preparing it for their wedding when a historian arrives to inform him of a hidden treasure within the castle. However, the historian's former assistant wants the treasure, and will stop at nothing to get it. Stars: John Howard, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner, Reginald Denny, and E. E. Clive.

Mutiny - King Brothers Productions
From IMDB: Early in the War of 1812, Captain James Marshall is commissioned to run the British blockade and fetch an unofficial war loan from France. As first mate, Marshall recruits Ben Waldridge, a cashiered former British Navy captain. Waldridge brings his former gun crew...who begin plotting mutiny as soon as they learn there'll be gold aboard. The gold duly arrives, and with it Waldridge's former sweetheart Leslie, who's fond of a bit of gold herself...

Bulldog Drummond Escapes - William LeBaron, Edward T. Lowe Jr., and Stuart Walker
From IMDb: Captain Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond has just returned to England. As he is driving home in the dark, a young woman jumps out in front of his car. He misses her, but she falls to the ground. As he tries to revive her, he hears a shout for help, then gunshots. As he goes to investigate, the woman drives away with Drummond's car. He is soon able to trace her to nearby Greystone Manor, and when he goes there to meet her, she urges him to help her get out of a desperate situation...

Attack of the Monsters - Daiei Motion Picture Company
From IMDB: Aliens kidnap two children and take them to another planet in an attempt to lure Gamera into fighting the fierce monster, Guiron.

Hollywood Man - Olympic Film Productions
From IMDB: Hollywood action film star Rafe Stoker has sunk $130,000 of his own money into his own production, but can't find legitimate financing to complete the film. Stars William Smith.

The First of the Few - British Aviation Pictures
From Wikipedia: By the late 1920's aircraft designer R.J. Mitchell feels he has achieved all he wants with his revolutionary mono-planes winning trophy after trophy. But a holiday in Germany shortly after Hitler assumes power convinces him that it is vital to design a completely new type of fighter plane and that sooner or later Britain's very survival may depend on what he comes to call the Spitfire.

It Can Be Done Amigo
From IMDB: A drifter with fast fists and a gunfighter- pimp with fast guns help a child to claim his inheritance. Stars Jack Palance.

The Big Trees - Warner Bros. Pictures
From IMDB: A Quaker colony tries to save the giant sequoias from a timber baron. Stars Kirk Douglas.

Bulldog Drummond Comes Back
From IMDB: Irena Soldanis, the wife of a man Captain Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond sent to the gallows the year before, has kidnapped Drummond's perennial fiancée, Phyllis Clavering. Drummond must rescue Phyllis, and the riddles Irena provides send him and his friends on one wild goose chase after another in a plan to eventually trap him and kill he and Phyllis. Stars: John Howard, Louise Campbell, Reginald Denny...

Tormented - Cheviot Productions
From IMDB: A man lets a former flame fall to her death rather than let her interfere with his new relationship, but her ghost returns to disrupt his impending nuptials.

Wallace Kelly Goes to New York - Wallace Kelly
From IMDB: This reel from 1930 is possibly the first film shot by Wallace Kelly (1910-1988) and documents his train trip from Kentucky to Cincinnati to New York City, with scenes of Times Square at night, the Statute of Liberty, elevated trains and city streets, and a family outing with Percy Johnson, the president of Chemical Bank. Kelly, a newspaperman from Lebanon, Kentucky, was also an accomplished photographer, painter, and writer...

A Christmas Without Snow - Korty Films
From IMDB: A divorced woman moves to a new city with her child, trying to build her life again. She joins the choir of a local church but has some personality conflicts with the choirmaster, a curmudgeonly old gentleman who will accept nothing but perfection from his group. As Christmas approaches the choir practices for the big show and the director pushes them all to their emotional limits.

T.N.T. Jackson - HPS Productions
From IMDB: A young karate expert searches for her brother's killer in Hong Kong.

Take Me Back to Oklahoma - Monogram Pictures Corporation
With Tex Ritter.
From IMDB: Wanted by the law...marked by the lawless...betrayed by his best friend...but you can't stop a Texan while there's a song on his lips...and lead slugs in his six guns!

Destroy All Planets - Daiei Studios
From Wikipedia: Gamera the Flying Turtle falls under the spell of evil aliens, but two children free him and he returns to fight the aliens' monster, Viras.

F. Scott Fitzgerald and 'The Last of the Belles' - Titus Productions
Cast: Richard Chamberlain; Susan Sarandon; Blythe Danner.
From IMDB: A semi-fictional account of how writer F. Scott Fitzgerald met his wife while he was in the army and stationed in Alabama in 1919.

Nightmare Castle
From IMDB: A woman and her lover are tortured and killed by her sadistic husband. The pair return from the grave to seek vengeance.

Code Name Zebra
From IMDB: After the war, the former leader of a crack commando team decides to lead his men on a personal battle against organized crime. When "Zebra Force" strikes, the underworld trembles.

Snowbeast - Douglas Cramer Productions
From IMDB: A Colorado ski resort is besieged by a sub-human beast that commits brutal murders on the slopes. Starring Yvette Mimieux

Paradise in Harlem - Jubilee Pictures Corp.
From IMDB: Between swing and blues musical numbers, the story of comedian Lem Anderson, whose long-awaited chance to act dramatically vanishes when he witnesses a mob killing and is forced to leave town. Lem becomes a wanderer, then an alcoholic. Finally a chance to play Othello draws him back to Harlem.

Reefer Madness - George A. Hirliman Productions (Re-encoded in HD)
From IMDB: A trio of drug dealers lead innocent teenagers to become addicted to "reefer" cigarettes by holding wild parties with jazz music.

Devil Times Five - Barrister Productions Inc.
From IMDB: Three adult couples are terrorized by a group of murderous recently escaped mental patients at a snowbound lodge. The twist is that the five psychos are children!

Moore, Texas 1941 - Arthur J. Higgins
From Wikipedia: 16mm approx. 100' b/w Maker: Arthur J. Higgins From collection of Albert L. Steg Footage shot by Arthur J. Higgins, an itinerant filmmaker who filmed small American towns across the middle states in the late 1930's - early 1940's.

Frankenstein's Daughter
From IMDB: Dr. Frankenstein's insane grandson attempts to create horrible monsters in modern day L.A.

Cyrano de Bergerac
With Jose Ferrer

Nancy Drew ...Reporter
From IMDB: Nancy Drew, reporter for the school newspaper, attempts to clear a girl of murder charges.

The Master Touch
From IMDB: Kirk Douglas plays a career criminal freshly released from a stint in the pen. To his wife's dismay he embarks on yet another caper (an audacious safecracking job) immediately upon returning home.

Messiah of Evil
From IMDB: In order to live, they will take you one by one ... and no one will hear you scream!

A Shot in The Dark - George R Batcheller
From IMDB: The infallible detective meets the perfect crime! A group of people gathered in an old mansion are being systematically murdered by a hooded killer. Another Chesterfield classic with Charles Starrett.

Green Eyes - George R Batcheller
From IMDB: A charming Chesterfield mystery starring 1930s/40s hero Charles Starrett. The owner of a large mansion in the country throws a costume party for some of his friends. However, the party turns sour when he is found stabbed to death in a closet. The police and a guest try to discover who committed the murder.

The 39 Steps - A. Hitchcock - Gaumont British Picture Corporation
From IMDB: A man in London tries to help a counterespionage agent. But when the agent is killed and he stands accused, he must go on the run to both save himself and also stop a spy ring trying to steal top secret information.

Invisible Strangler - Fred Jordan and Earle Lyon
From IMDB: A convicted strangler, studying the paranormal in his jail cell, learns to make himself invisible. As an invisible man, he escapes from prison to stalk the five women who testified against him at his trial. Also released as The Astral Factor.

Marie Galante - Wilfred R Sheehan
With Spencer Tracy.

Sherlock Holmes' Fatal Hour (The Sleeping Cardinal) - Julius Hagen
From IMDB: This rare Sherlock Holmes film was released at the same time as the Raymond Massey picture "The Speckled Band". The story is partly based on two Conan Doyle short stories: "The Final Problem" and "The Empty House". Sceptical about the potential success of the film, the producers sold the rights to the film to "First Division Pictures" for 800 pounds. The film was released in July 1931 under the title "Sherlock Holmes' Fatal Hour".

The Devil Bat
From IMDB: By means of electrical stimulation, Bela Lugosi is making his bats grow larger than you ever thought possible. He offers you a sample of a new shaving lotion with a strange, pungent odor: "Now rub it on the tender part of your neck." Do you comply?

Ida Lupino's "The Hitch-Hiker" (1953)
From IMDB: Sixth Lupino feature and first "Film noir" made by a woman ever. Hardly sentimental and sharp edged thriller with very modern filming. The paralysed "eyelid" thing is very clever too. more info on
Cast: Ida Lupino; Edmond OBrien; Frank Lovejoy.

The Girl in Lover's Lane - Robert Roark

The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) - Raw extended version

Bulldog Drummond at Bay
From IMDb: Bulldog Drummond goes up against foreign agents trying to steal plans for a top-secret aircraft. Stars: John Lodge, Dorothy Mackaill, Victor Jory, and Claud Allister.

Bulldog Drummond's Bride - William LeBaron and Stuart Walker
From IMDb: Henri Armides and his assistant, Garvey, blow up and rob a London bank in broad daylight and get away with 10,000 pounds. They hide the money in a radio but the radio is in the apartment that Colonel Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond and his intended bride, Phyllis Caverling, will be occupying after they are married. Married or not, they check out the honeymoon apartment. This does not bode well for Armides and Garvey's plans to recover the money; it also does not bode well for Phyllis and Drummond...

Warner Brothers "Break Downs" and "Blow Ups" 1936-1947 - The Warner Club
From Wikipedia: These are most of the surviving Blooper reels produced by The Warner Club an organisation comprising Warner Bros Stars and Crew. These reels were produced most years and shown at their annual dinner to poke fun at the mistakes that had been made during that year's productions. Some of the people who appear Eddie Acuff, Eddie Albert, Mary Astor, Ralph Bellamy, Humphrey Bogart, Walter Brennan, George Brent, Sheila Bromley, James Cagney, Claudette Colbert, Walter Connolly, Gary Cooper, Bette Davis,...

Arrest Bulldog Drummond - William LeBaron and Stuart Walker
From IMDB: A British scientist has created a death ray which can destroy an entire army in seconds. A villain murders him, steals his invention, and plans to sell it. Drummond discovers the killing and takes the case, but soon finds himself in trouble with scotland yard, and accused of murder. Now he must clear his name as well as stop the crooks. Stars: John Howard, George Zucco, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner, Reginald Denny, and others...

The Strange Woman
From IMDB: Hedy Lamarr and George Sanders in a movie based on Ben Ames Williams' novel of early 19th-century Maine.

Santa Fe Trail
From IMDB: The year is 1854. Robert E. Lee is Superintendent of West Point, where J.E.B. Stuart (Errol Flynn) and George A. Custer (Ronald Reagan) are classmates. In the dormitory, one of the cadets (Van Heflin) reads aloud the secession-promoting pamphlets of abolitionist John Brown. At graduation, the address is given by Secretary of War Jefferson Davis. J.E.B. Stuart and Custer are assigned to the 2nd Cavalry in the Kansas territory, where they have to deal with John Brown...

Embryo - Sandy Howard
From IMDB: 1970s retelling of the Frankenstein story with Rock Hudson as the scientist and Barbara Carrera as the 'creature' he grows from Embryo to Woman in four and a half weeks. Also stars Roddy McDowall, Diane Ladd and Dr Joyce Brothers. This movie was reissued in the 1980s a "Created to Kill". Public domain due to the omission of a required copyright notice.

Satan's Harvest - George Montgomery
This tells the story of an American private detective who inherits a large estate in South Africa. When he arrives he finds himself a hunted man. He discovers that his land is being used as a plantation for international drug smugglers. This TV schedule filler was shot in South Africa by 20th Century Fox's South African studio, Killarney Studios. The film was written and directed by George Montgomery but the screen credits an alias, Douglas K Stone...

Cat-Women of the Moon - Al Zimbalist
From IMDB: This is a classic b-Grade Sci-fi movie from 1953. Leonmard Maltin called it "the best of the So-Bad-it's-Good movies". Sometime shown in 3-d, always shown with a score by Elmer Bernstein, this picture is also known as "Rocket to the Moon". A group of space travellers find themselves landing on a hostile moon inhabited by beautiful women in tight black costumes and heavy eye makeup.

You Asked for It - Bela Lugosi
From Wikipedia: Rare episode of "You Asked For It", a program that originated in 1950 on the Du Mont Network, moved to the ABC network in the mid 50s, where it was cancelled in 1959, only to be revived three times in subsequent decades. The premise of the show was that viewers would choose the entertainment by writing in and requesting a program about a certain subject or featuring a certain personality, character or...

We Dive at Dawn - Edward Black
From IMDB: The crew of HMS submarine Sea Tiger have their leave (and assorted family problems) cut short when they are recalled for a special mission: sink the new German battleship Brandenburg. En route, they learn that their target has entered the heavily defended Baltic; rather than fail, they follow it. Tension builds as they approach their target. After the attempt, escape seems impossible...unless they can refuel in enemy waters...

The Road to Hollywood - Bud Pollard, Robert M. Savini
From IMDB: Exploitation film-maker Bud Pollard appears on screen to tell us of Bing Crosby's rise to fame, using scenes from four early Crosby shorts to illustrate his fictional biography

"Thriller" The Return of Andrew Bentley - William Frye
From Wikipedia: Season 2 Episode 12 This is the only episode of the Thriller series to enter the Public Domain. It stars and is directed by John Newland of One Step Beyond fame.

Stamp Day For Superman - Thomas Carr
From IMDB: The Superman production company donated this special 18 minute episode to the US Treasury to help promote school stamp day savings plans to children. This is the only episode of the series that has entered the public domain. It features all of the hallmarks that made the original 1950s Superman series so memorable.

Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla - Maurice Duke
From IMDB: Entertainers Duke Mitchell and Sammy Petrillo parachute into the jungles of the Pacific island of Cola-Cola, where they meet primitive tribesmen, the chief's sarong-clad daughter Nona, and mad scientist Dr. Zabor (Bela Lugosi) conducting experiments in evolution. Jealous of Mitchell's relations with Nona, Zabor has just the thing to make a monkey of him...

The Speckled Band - Herbert Wilcox
From IMDB: Rare Sherlock Holmes film starring Raymond Massey as SHerlock Holmes. Lyn Harding who plays Dr Rylot later appeared as Moriarty in "Silver Blaze"/"Murder at the Baskervilles."

Kangaroo - The Australian Story - Robert Bassler
From IMDB: Maureen O'Hara, Peter Lawford and Richard Boone in Australia with Chips Rafferty and Bud Tingwell. This was Twentieth Century Fox's first of many productions in Australia. The promos for this movie say it all. Watch the film and compare: "Tribute to greatness...TO-NIGHT SCREEN HISTORY IS "Kangaroo," the first feature film in Technicolor produced by Hollywood in Australia, makes its debut before distinguished audiences at gala charity previews in the major Australian cities...

In The Wake of the Bounty - Charles Chauvel
From IMDB: "In The Wake of The Bounty" is Errol Flynn's first film. It is also the first of two of Charles Chauvel's proposed series of docudrama's which would be part narrative and part travelogue. The other is "Heritage" For the trivia buffs: -Errol Flynn was a decendant of Fletcher Christian, the character he plays in this film. -This incident in history has also been explored in "Mutiny on the Bounty", in 1935 with Charles Laughton and Clarke Gable and in 1962 Trevor Howard and Marlon Brando...

Phantom of Chinatown
From IMDb: Detective James Lee Wong is on the scene as archeologist Dr. John Benton, recently returned from an expedition in China where a valuable ancient scroll was recovered, is murdered while giving a lecture on the expedition. Stars: Keye Luke, Grant Withers and Lotus Long.

Doomed to Die
From IMDb: Only the possibility of avoiding a Tong War, plus persuasion by reporter Bobbie Logan leads the famous detective James Lee Wong to enter the Wentworth case. A million and a half dollars in bonds was taken from one of Cyrus P. Wentworth's ships before it was mysteriously sunk and, shortly afterward, Wentworth was found murdered. The police, led by Detective Captain Bill Street, suspect Dick Fleming, fiancée of Wentworth's daughter Cynthia...

The Fatal Hour
From IMDb: When Captain Street's best friend Dan O'Grady is murdered, Street enlists the help of Chinese detective James Lee Wong. Mr. Wong uncovers a smuggling ring on the waterfront of San Francisco and unmasks the killer, though not until several more murders occur. Stars: Boris Karloff, Grant Withers and Marjorie Reynolds.

Mr. Wong in Chinatown
From IMDb: A pretty Chinese woman, seeking help from San Francisco detective James Lee Wong, is killed by a poisoned dart in his front hall, having time only to scrawl "Captain J" on a sheet of paper. She proves to be Princess Lin Hwa, on a secret military mission for Chinese forces fighting the Japanese invasion. Mr. Wong finds two captains with the intial J in the case, neither being quite what he seems; there's fog on the waterfront and someone still has that poison-dart gun.....

The Mystery of Mr. Wong
From IMDb: The second in the series of Mr. Wong features starring Boris Karloff finds wealthy gem-collector Brandon Edwards gaining possession of the largest star sapphire in the world, the 'Eye of the Daughter of the Moon', after it has been stolen in China. Edwards, at a party in his home, confides to Mr. Wong that his life is in danger. During a game of Charades, Edwards is mysteriously shot dead and the gem disappears...

In The Year 2889 - Larry Buchanan
From IMDB: In The Year 2889 Starring: Paul Peterson and Quinn O'Hare. A group of post A-war survivors gathered together in a valley, are menaced by cannibalistic human mutants with telepathic powers.

The Eye Creatures - Larry Buchanan
From IMDB: The Eye Creatures (also known as Attack of the Eye Creatures) is a 1965 science-fiction film about an invasion of an unnamed American countryside by a flying saucer and its silent, shambling alien occupants. While the military ineptly attempts to stop the invasion, a group of young people, whose reports to the local police are dismissed as pranks or wild imagination, struggle to defend themselves against the menacing monsters...

Mr. Wong, Detective
From IMDb: When a chemical manufacturer is killed after asking detective James Wong to help him, Wong investigates this and two subsequent murders. He uncovers a international spy ring hoping to steal the formula for a poison gas being developed by the first victim's company. Stars Boris Karloff, Grant Withers and Maxine Jennings.

Inner Sanctum
With Fritz Leiber; Charles Russell; Mary Beth Hughes.
From IMDB: An atmospheric little noir starring Charles Russell and Mary Beth Hughes. Fritz Leiber, Sr. (father of the famous author) has a cameo as a seer or psychic. "You're very pretty ... when those lips aren't moving." (Yes, it's noir. See the Wikipedia entry and this.)

Randy Rides Alone - Paul Malvern
From IMDB: Jailed for murders he didn't commit, Randy Bowers (John Wayne) escapes only to stumble into the den of the real murderers.

DuMont Network episode of 'Okay, Mother'
From Wikipedia: The sole surviving DuMont Network episode of "Okay Mother", a daytime game show.

The Son of Monte Cristo - Rowland V. Lee , Edward Small
From Wikipedia: Dashing Edmund Dantes Jr. (Louis Hayward), the son of the famed Count of Monte Cristo, uses the masked guise of the Torch to come to the aid of his beloved the fair Zona (Joan Bennett), royal grand duchess of Lichtenburg in an attempt to rescue both her and her country from falling into the hands of a determined dictator named General Gurko Lanen (George Sanders) who would be king and force poor Zona to be his queen.

The Milky Way
With Harold Lloyd; William Gargan; Helen Mack; Adolphe Menjou.
From IMDB: After the champion middle-weight boxer is knocked out in a scuffle with milkman Harold Lloyd, Harold gets the chance to fight the champ in the ring. Adolphe Menjou and William Gargan also appear.

Please Murder Me
With Raymond Burr, Dick Foran, John Dehner, Lamont Johnson and Denver Pyle.

Family Camping Through 48 States -- Part I - Robbins Barstow
Amateur film collection (58 Minutes)

Family Camping Through 48 States -- Part II - Robbins Barstow
Amateur film collection (75 Minutes)


7 new movies have been added to the Silent Films page:

1904 Edison-The Dog Factory
1908 Mon Pantalon Est Decousu
1912 The Invaders
1924 One Wet Night (Alice Howell)
1922 The Saw Mill
1922 The Show
1924 Aelita (Yakov Protazanov)

31 new films have been added to the Germany 1919-1947 page:

1940 ADVANCE INTO POLAND (HD) (Reel 1 of 4)
1940 ADVANCE INTO POLAND (HD) (Reel 2 of 4)
1940 ADVANCE INTO POLAND (HD) (Reel 3 of 4)
1940 ADVANCE INTO POLAND (HD) (Reel 4 of 4)
1940 U.F.A. NEWSREEL, NO. 507
1941 SIEG IM WESTEN - New HD Version (12Reels)
1941 CRETE (HD)
1944 FZG 76 - V-1 (Flying Bomb)

18 new films have been added to the Copyright-Free Movies! page:

1938 ASIA IN TEMPESTA (Reel 1 of 2)
1938 ASIA IN TEMPESTA (Reel 2 of 2)
1943 Automatic Weapons-American vs German
1944 Combat Firing with Handguns
WW2 - Mysteries of the Jungle Hell


Happy New Year!
The massive uploading of new videos on our YouTube Channels is constantly in progress.
We recently passed the 25 millions views!

21 new films have been added to our Silent Films page:

1903 Infernal Cauldron
1905 Melies-The Black Imp
1906 Frolics of Satan
1908 Griffith-Those Awful Hats
1908 Edison-The Night Before Christmas
1908 Mon Pantalon Est Decousu
1909 Devilsh Tenant
1909 Griffith-Renunciation
1910 Max Ne Se Mariera Pas
1912 Griffith-Burglar's Dilemma
1912 Griffith-The Girl and Her Trust
1912 The New York Hat
1914 Max a Monaco
1916 The Danger Girl (Gloria Swanson)
1917 Mary and Gretel
1917 Max in a Taxi
1918 Winsor Mc Cay-The Sinking of Lusitania
1919 Griffith-Scarlet Street
1927 ReneClair-The Crazy Ray

7 new films have been added to our Germany 1919-1947 page:

1936 Berlin Olympics in Color - Amateur Film
1938 Berlin - The Olympic Games - Dutch Amateur Film
1938 Graf Zeppelin Carrier - German Newsreel
1938 Weltraum Schiffi Startet Eine Technische Fantasie (Restored Copy)
1940 Geburtstagsfilm Fuer Joseph Goebbels - Farbe Film
1940 Die Rothschilds-Aktien Auf Waterloo
1943 Land An Der Weichsel - Farbe Mit Neuer Vertonung


36 new films have been added to our Silent Films page:

1900 ca-The Man With The Head in the Cabinet
1902 Trip to the Moon
1903 Cecil Hepworth's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland
1905 MELIES The Living Playing Cards
1906 Skyscrapers of New York
1906 The Story of the Kelly Gang
1908 Rarebit Fiend
1908 A Very Fine Lady
1909 Petite Rosse
1910 Frankenstein
1910 The House of the Closed Shutters
1911 ca The Burstup Homes Murder Case
1911 Officer Henderdon
1911 Robinet Aviatore
1911 The Miser's Heart
1912 Canned Harmony - Alice Guy Blache
1912 ca A Wedding Party
1912 Robinet Cycliste
1913 The Battle of Elderbush Gulch
1913 Robinet Boxeur
1914 Max et la Doctoresse (Max Linder)
1914 Max Joue le Drame (Max Linder)
1915 A Fool There Was
1915 Men's Styles
1917 Behind the Door (Excerpt)
1917 Coney Island
1919 Fatty-Keaton - Backstage
1919 Harakiri
1919 The Wedding March
1920 Das Wandernde Bild (Fritz Lang)
1921 Buster Keaton - The High Sign
1921 GoketsuJiraiya Jiraiya - The Hero
1921 The Haunted House
1922 The Trap
1923 The Shock
1924 Entr'acte (René Clair)


In the last months we added to the "Germany 1919-1947" Collection The COMPLETE FILM of the Trial against the cospirators for the attempt on Hitler at the "Wolf's Liar":
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 1 (1944)
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 2 (1944)
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 3 (1944)
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 4 (1944)
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 5 (1944)
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 6 (1944)
Volksgerichtshof (Nazi Peoples Court) - NEW FOOTAGE - Part 7 (1944)

Recently declassified WW2 films (propaganda, instructional and documentaries. mostly in B&W) just added to the "Copyright Free Movies!" Collection:
Don't Kill Your Friends (1944)
December 7th (Long Version) (1942)
The PLOESTI bombings MARCH-AUGUST 1944 (1944)
PARIS 44 (1944)
John Ford's VT-8 (COLOR) (1942)
Fighter Operations, 6th Air Force, ETO, 01-1945 (1945)
PACIFIC 7th Infantry Division (1944)
WORLD IN FILM. ISSUE NO 20, 1940 (1949)

TV Documentary in 4 parts

Outstanding film from Vietnam:
WINGS OF A MARINE (Color, Vietnam 1965)

Actually we are posting a lot of new videos to our YouTube Channels, regarding WW2 in Color and the US Automobile History.
We will add and link the new videos to the related lists in one of our next updates.


14 new films have been added to our Silent Films page:

1904 MELIES - The Impossible Voyage - Hand Coloured
1904 MELIES - The Mermaid
1905 MELIES - The Untamable Whiskers
1905 MELIES - A Mesmerian Experiment - Hand Coloured
1905 MELIES - The Scheming Gamblers Paradise
1905 MELIES - The Wandering Jew
1906 MELIES - The Hilarious Posters
1906 MELIES - The Mysterious Retort
1907 MELIES - The Eclipse
1907 MELIES - Under the Sea
1908 Segundo de Chomón - Excursion to the Moon - Hand Coloured
1915 Alice in Wonderland (Best Quality Complete Version)
1928 Beggars of Life
1929 The Iron Mask (101 Minutes Version)

3 new films have been added to our Germany 1919-1947 page:

1938 WELTRAUM - Schiffi Startet Eine Technische Fantasie
1938 Berlin Olympic Games -Dutch Amateur Film
1940 The Rothschilds - Aktien Auf Waterloo

3 new films have been added to our WWII Combat Cartoons page:

1943 Private SNAFU - The Infantry Blues
1944 Daffy the Commando (Better Quality Copy)

1945 The Return of Mr. Hook

A new 15 Chapters Serial, 2 color films on the 1945 1st atom bomb explosion in Albuquerke, NM, 31 Documentaries on the US Air Force Story and US Famous Generals, plus 2 recently declassified films on the 1963 killing of Lee Harvey Oswald, have been added to our Copyright-Free Movies! Collection:

1936 15 Chapters Serial - The Clutching Hand

1945 Nuclear Test Film -The Trinity Shot (Color)
1945 Nuclear Test Film - Damage and Destruction (Color)

1953 THE AIR FORCE STORY - COLD WAR, 1948-1950


1963 (Just Declassified!) Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, 11-24-1963 Film A
1963 (Just Declassified!) Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, 11-24-1963 Film B


11 new films and 2 documentaries have been added to our
Silent Films page:

EDISON - The Boxing Cats (1894 circa)
MELIES - (Hand coloured film) The Inventor Crazybrains and his Wonderful Airship (1905)
MELIES - Satan in Prison (1907)
MELIES - The King and the Jester
MELIES - The Doctor's Secret (1909)
MELIES - (Hand coloured film) The Spider and the Butterfly (1909)
MELIES - (Coloured film) The Diabolical Church Window (1911)
Frankenstein (1910)
MAX LINDER - Max Takes Tonic (FRANCE 1911)
The Allied Athletic Meet at Joinville Le Pont, JULY 4-6 1919 (1919)
GRIFFITH - Broken Blossoms (1919)
The Conference in Versailles (1919)
Wolf Blood (1925)

The following WW2 recently declassified films have been added to our
Copyright-Free Movies! Collection:

SKY BLITZ on HOLLAND - German B&W Film (1940)
INVASION OF POLAND - German B&W Film (1939)

If you are on one of our .tk domains we suggest, until we'll solve this problem, to copy the YouTube links below and paste them on your browser's address bar.

In the last days a lot of recently declassified WW2 color clips and complete films have been posted on our YouTube Channels


Our main YouTube Channel, UnknownWW2InColor, confirms once again its leadership position with nearly 15,500 subscribers and over 14 millions video views.
Many new WW2 color videos have been posted also on our Second Channel UnknownWW2InColor2



Season's Greetings!

Great numbers on YouTube in 2009!!!
AutomobileHistoryUSA Channel has nearly 2,000 subscribers and over 1 and a half million video views.
Our main Channel, UnknownWW2InColor, confirms its leadership position with nearly 14,500 subscribers and 13 millions video views.

Important End-of-the-Year updates!
Here the list of the films added to our "
Silent Films" page:

1896-A Terrible Night (Melies-FRANCE)
1905-Unskillful Skater (Max Linder-FRANCE)
1910-Marvellous Melbourne (AUSTRALIA)
1927-Kid Stakes (USA)
1929-Excerpts from Stramilano (Corrado D'Errico-ITALY)

Here is the huge list of the films added to our "Germany 1919-1947" Collection:

1932-Adolf Hitler- Wahlkampfrede In Eberswalde Am 27 Juli 1932 (12m 48s)
1932-Hitlerjugend In Den Bergen (20m 15s)
1932-Zinsknechtschaft- EinTonfilm Im Auftrage Der Nsdap (11m 42s)
1933-Adolf Hitler- Rede An Die Sa Und Ss maenner Im Berliner Sportpalast Am 8 Apri (l5m 03s)
1933-Adolf Hitler Regierungserklaerung Am 17 Mai Im Deutschen Reichstag (8m 45s)
1933-Bildbericht Der Nsdap- Schutzhaftlager Rossplatzkaserne In Halle (10m 26s)
1933-Der Fuehrer Spricht Im Berliner Sportpalast Am 10 Februar 1933 (38m 13s)
1933-Der Sieg Des Glaubens- Reichsparteitag 1933 (1h 01m)
1933-Deutschland Erwacht- Ein Dokument Von Der Wiedergeburt Deutschlands (54m 14s)
1933-Die Nuernberger Reichsparteitage Der Nsdap Aus DenJahren 1927 1929 Und 1933 (1h 26m 52s)
1933-Filmaufnahme Vom Tag Der Machtergreifung Am 30 Januar (2m 47s)
1933-Fritz Todt- Zum Bau Der Reichsautobahnen (1m 42s)
1933-Fuer Uns- Zum Appell (13m 26s)
1933-Hans Westmar- Einer Von Vielen (1h 32m 13s)
1933-Joseph Goebbels Spricht Als Vorredner Adolf Hitlers Am 10 Februar 1933 Im Berliner Sportpalast (8m 24s)
1933-Landesbildstelle Der Nsdap- Bilder Vom Wahlkampf 1932-1933 (19m 55s)
1933-Parteitag Der Nsdap- Sondersendung Der Fox-Wochenschau (6m 16s)
1934-Die Reiter Von Deutsch-Ostafrika- Unter Der Schirmherrschaft Des Reichskolonialbundes (1h 17m 40s)
1934-Ich Fuer Dich-Du Fuer Mich (1h 24m 16s)
1935-Adolf Hitler- Rede Am 15 September Zu Den Nuernberger Gesetzen (1m 34s)
1935-DieJahrhundertfeier Der Deutschen Eisenbahnen (20m 02s)
1935-Ein Dorf Im Roten Sturm- Friesennot (1h 29m 51s)
1935-Gaubildstelle Der Nsdap-Halle- Ein BesuchImJungvolklager Bei Haym (10m 49s)
1935-Haende Am Werk- Ein Lied Von Deutscher Arbeit (47m 50s)
1936-Der Fuehrer Besichtigt Die Leibstandarte- Auszug Vom Reichsparteitag (5m 19s)
1936-Der Fuehrer Eroeffnet Das Winterhilfswerk (3m 26s)
1936-Die Stadt Der Sieben Tuerme- Seestadt Rostock (14m 21s)
1936-Drei Jahre Adolf Hitlerfalsche- (4m 49s) English Undertitles
1936-Echo Der Heimat- Folge 3 (27m 00s)
1936-Echo Der Heimat- Folge 4 (25m 13s)
1936-Ehre Der Arbeit (27m 00s) English Undertitles
1936-German 1st TV Broadcasting (01m 04s)
1939-Das Wort Aus Stein (18m 26s)
1939-Deutsche Freiwillige In Spanien- Vom Kampf Der Legion Condor (14m 46s)
1939-Deutsches Land In Afrika (1h 08m 47s)
1939-Die Marine-Hauptfilm Und Bildstelle Zeigt- Die Danziger Bucht Wieder Deutsch (22m 02s)
1939-Eine Batterie GehtIn Stellung (11m 41s)
1939-Fahrende Stadt- Dresden (11m 18s)
1939-Fallschirmjaeger- Trainingsfilm (14m 41s)
1939-Glaube Und Schoenheit (15m 29s)
1939-Im Kampf Gegen Den Weltfeind- Deutsche Freiwillige In Spanien (1h 23m 56s)
1939-MaedelIm Landjahr- 1 Teil (23m 28s)
1939-Reichsarbeitsdienst- 1 Teil (23m 41s)
1939-Schicksalswende- Bericht Ueber Den Wiederanschluss (14m 01s)
1939-Sudeten-Deutschland Kehrt Heim- Sonderdienst Der Tobis-Wochenschau (29m 10s)
1939-Ufa Kulturfilm-Parade- Vorbereitungen Und Ablauf Zum 20 April (19m 01s)
1939-Wagen Nr.1 Erkaempft Sich Seinen Weg- Ueber Einen ArztIm Ausseneinsatz (13m 43s)
1940-Der Marsch Zum Fuehrer (45m 13s)
1940-Feuertaufe- Der Film Vom Einsatz Unserer Luftwaffe In Polen (1h 30m 51s)
1940-Psst- Feind Hoert Mit Vorsicht Bei Gespraechen - Der SpionIm Zug (6m 01s)
1940-Psst- Feind Hoert Mit Vorsicht Bei Gespraechen - Im Cafe (54s)
1940-Ueber Alles In Der Welt (1h 14m 42s)
1940- Walter Ruttmann- Deutsche Panzer (7m 91s)
1941-Ausser Gefahr (24m 37s)
1941-Carl Peters (1h 49m 37s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.02- Lehrfilm - Russischer Stellungsbau (15m 02s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.03- Lehrfilm - VormarschIm Besetzten Gebiet (14m 52s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.04- Lehrfilm - Infanterie Im Angriff (10m 44s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.05-06- Lehrfilm - Gebirgsjaeger Im Kampf Um Eine Ortschaft (27m 20s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.07- Lehrfilm - Angriff Von Infanterie Und Panzern Gegen Eine Ortschaft (14m 34s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.08- Lehrfilm - Der Abwehrkampf Im Winter (16m 08s)
1941-Die Frontschau Nr.09-10- Lehrfilm - Stellungs Und Unterkunftbau (23m 58s)
1941-Die Hermann Goering Werke Bauen In Watenstedt 1939-1941 (32m 55s)
1941-Ernst Udet- Ein Fliegerleben-Ein Heldenleben (14m 39s)
1941-Flieger Am Feind- Aufklaerer Bomber Und Jaeger Gegen England (11m 57s)




Prestigious collaboration between ROMANO-ARCHIVES and Il Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma.
ROMANO-ARCHIVES provided a part of the Dada and Futuristic films that will be screened during the exhibition PRIMA DURANTE DOPO IL CINEMA FUTURISTA (BEFORE DURING AFTER THE FUTURIST CINEMA), scheduled 15 to 23 October 2009 at La Galleria L'Agostiniana-Santa Maria del Popolo, Piazza del Popolo 12 Rome, Italy in the event "Risonanze del Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma" ("Resonances of the Rome International Film Festival").
Here a list of some of the films provided:
Danse Serpentine (1896) Lumiere Br.
Ballet Mecanique (1924) Fernand Leger
Rhythm 23 (1923) Hans Richter
Ghost before breakfast (1928) Hans Richter
Chelovek s kino apparatom (1929) Dziga Vertov
L’Inhumaine (1923) Marcel L’herbier
Early abstractions (1947-1949) Harry Smith
Symphonie Diagonale (1924)
Viking Eggeling
Amor pedestre (1914) Marcel Perez
Video "Dada" (1999) Vincent Romano




Today we added three new Serials to the "Copyright-Free Movies!" page:

1936 15 Chapters Serial - The Clutching Hand
1944 12 Chapters Serial - Zorro's Black Whip
1944 15 Chapters Serial - Captain America

Today we also passed 11 millions Video Views on our UnknownWW2InColor YouTube Channel.




We celebrate the first 10 millions Video Views on our UnknownWW2InColor YouTube Channel.


Today we added to our "Germany 1919-1947" page the complete Collection of the German Newsreels: Die-Deutsche-Wochenschau, UfA-Europawoche, Descheg-Monatsschau (in B&W) and Panorama-Farbmonatsschau (in Color).


Today is the Second Anniversary of our UnknownWW2InColor YouTube Channel.

With over 11,000 Subscribers and 9.5 millions Video Views, UnknownWW2InColor is now in a position of absolute worldwide leadership regarding both the YouTube Channels devoted to History and the Stock-Footage-Distributors' ones.
Thanks a lot to all of you for your support!
Here is a screen capture of the actual situation according to the Channel's inside report, plus a capture of the Channel's position in the YT Charts today.




We created a DVD containing 3 Hi-Quality demo videos (total run time over 132m) showing in High-Definition ALL the posters in the "Movie Posters Collection" (circa 1600) including the ones not yet published in the lists on line.
This DVD, unique in all the World, a "MUST HAVE" for both the Classic-Cinema and Vintage-Rare-Posters buffs, is available at 85 EUR.
To get this DVD please contact
Vincent Romano.


We proudly present our first
You can choose among over 100 completely different DVDs regarding a wide range of topics of GREAT HISTORICAL VALUE. One or more of these DVDs can be PRODUCED and DISTRIBUTED by YOU or YOUR COMPANY, WORLDWIDE, with a special License at a HIGHLY REDUCED PROMOTIONAL FEE.
For your inquires please contact Vincent Romano.

Our Ultimate Catalogue of copyright-free Movies is finally on line!


8 new titles of Musical complete movies and shorts from 1942 to 1948 have been added to the "Before MTV" page:
The titles are published at the bottom of the list.

In the next days we will finally publish our Ultimate Mythical Catalogue of copyright-free Movies!


72 new titles of movies and shorts from 1896 to 1936 have been added to the "Silent Films" page:
The titles are published at the bottom of the list.


Today we added two brand-new Sections:

-War on the Seas
Forgotten Vintage TV

Moreover, two new important films have been added to
the "Germany 1919-1947" page.

1931 Der Weisse Rausch - Featuring Leni Riefenstahl

1931 Niemansland


168 titles of new available early 1900 movies and clips have been added to the "Silent Films" page:
The titles are published at the bottom of the list.

New Sections and a radical update of the Collections are scheduled for the next days so... stay tuned!


5 new movies added to the "Silent Films" page:

1913 Fatty Joins the Force

1913 The Bangville Police

1914 Fatty's Magic Pants

1916 Wife and Auto Trouble

1924 OUR GANG - Sundown Limited

2 new clips added to the "Before MTV" page:

1941 Soundie - Susan Miller & Danny Hector

1948 Musical Variety (Nov.-Dec.)


20 new important German films added to the "Germany 1919-1947" page.

1933 Deutschland Erwacht - Ein Dokument von der Wiedergeburt Deutschlands

1933 Fur Uns - Zum Appel

1933 Die Deutsche Reichstag zu Nuernberg

Nuremburg Rallies - Official Films 1927-1933

1934(circa) Jugend Regatta in Graunau

1936 Olympische Winterspiele

1936 Ewige Wache - Film ueber die Felderrnhalle

1936 Der Fuehrer
besichtigt die Leibstandarte und Auszug vom Reichsparteitag

1937(circa) Hitlerjugend in den Bergen

1938 Olympia 1. Teil - Fest der Völker

1938 Olympia 2. Teil - Fest der Schönheit

1938(circa) Wildwasser

Sonne Wind und Segel

Segelflieger Wasserkuppe

Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien - Vom Kampf der Legion Condor

1939 Mussolini in Deutschland - Sondersendung der Fox-Wochenschau

1940 Jud Suess

Helferinnen der Wehrmacht

1942 Die Division des Reichsmarshalls


8 new movies added to our "Silent Films" Collection.

1913 The Speed Kings

1915 (Untitled) US Presidents

1918 Chateux Thierry and the Aisne-Marne Operation

1918 America Goes Over

1918 Victory Day Celebrations in San Francisco

1920 (circa) Breath Takers

1928 Exercise Film - A Lesson in Health Igiene

1930 Making a Skyscraper - The Empire State Building

A new outstanding WW2 German film from 1940 has been added to the "Germany 1919-1947" page.

1940 Kampf um Norwegen - Feldzug 1940

"Kampf um Norwegen - Feldzug 1940" (English: Battle for Norway - 1940 campaign) is a 81 minute-long German documentary directed by Martin Rikli and Dr. Werner Buhre by orders of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Produced in 1940, the movie follows the Invasion of Denmark and Norway in the spring 1940. For unknown reasons, the film was never shown in Germany. It was considered lost in its entirety until it recently surfaced at an Internet auction.


Happy New Year!!!
Besides some censorship problems we are facing at the moment with YouTube, we closed 2008 with over 6,000,000 Video Views and 7,000 Subscribers to our YouTube Channel
Our new Backup Channel UnknownWW2InColor2 is now open. All the new WW2 related videos will be posted there until 06-30-2009.
29 clips have been recently added to the other YouTube Channel
AutomobileHistoryUSA totaling 946 posted videos! These new published videos with the related links, have been added to the related "US Cars Multimedia" pages of our websites and are listed down below here.

1960 Ford Thunderbird TV Ad "At the Airport"

DETROIT IN THE GOOD OL' DAYS! 1961 Chevy TV Ad in Color

1962 Studebaker Lark Cartoon TV Ad

1962 Studebaker Lark TV Ad With Mr. Ed

1963 Ford Hardtop TV Presentation

1963 Ford Thunderbird Landau TV Ad

1963 A Ford Presentation: The "Hazel" TV Show

1963 Mercury Monterey TV Ad

1963 Studebaker Wagonaire TV Ad from "Mr. Ed"

1964 Buick Riviera TV Ad

1964 Chevrolet Impala SportCoupe TV Ad from "Route 66"

1964 Dodge Dart TV Ad

1964 Ford Fairlane TV Ad

1964 Ford Falcon TV Ad

1964 Ford Falcon TV Ad from "Hazel"

1964 Ford Thunderbird TV Ad

1964 Oldsmobile F-85 Cutlass TV Ad

1964 Oldsmobile F-85 Wagon TV Ad

1964 Oldsmobile Jetstar SportCoupe TV Ad

1964 Pontiac Grand Prix TV Ad

1965 Chevrolet Corvair Theatrical Ad

1965 Ford Mustang 2 Plus 2 TV Ad

1965 Ford Mustang Hardtop TV Ad

1965 Pontiac GTO "Tiger" TV Ad

1965 Oldsmobile Delta88 Tv Ad with Shorty Powers

1965 Plymouth "Tiger" TV Ad

1965 Pontiac GTO TV Ad - Car of the Year

1965 Pontiac GTO Convertible TV Ad

1965 Pontiac GTO TV Ad - Widetracks


Over 5,000,000 video views on our YouTube Channel UnknownWW2InColor!!!



Today we added two new movies. One to our "Silent Films" Collection and the other to the "Germany 1919-1947"page.

1916 A Natural Born Gambler

1932 Die Verkaufte Braut

We added also 3 new cartoons to the "Jammin' with Betty Boop" page.

1932 Betty Boop for President

1935 Betty Boop - A Language All My Own

1936 Betty Boop - Training Pigeons


Five days ago we changed Profile in both our YouTube Channels UnknownWW2InColor and AutomobileHistoryUSA from Guru to Reporter.
Doing so we finally hitted the Worldwide Charts! Just to mention, in the Reporters "Most Subscribed All Times" Chart we are only 3 lenghts from the Channel of "The New York Times"...!!!
Here are some screen captures about the actual situation related to our two YouTube Channels today.








AutomobileHistoryUSA :



All the over 900 videos already uploaded on our AutomobileHistoryUSA YouTube Channel have been linked to our "US Cars Multimedia" 1949 to 1970 pages. Other 10 new rare films have been added to the 1934 to 1945 pages.


Yesterday our YouTube Channel UnknownWW2InColor has passed the RAI (Italian State Television) Channel in the Most Subscribed-All Time Italian YouTube Charts!!! And we have more than 3,100,000 video views!
In the last weeks we uploaded to our brand new YouTube Channel
AutomobileHistoryUSA 888 videos!!!
In the next days we will link them all to our "US Cars Multimedia" pages.
Here are the screen captures of the actual situation related to our two YouTube Channels today:







Today is the first anniversary of our YouTube Channel UnknownWW2InColor.
Here are the screen captures of the main results achieved:






And now a look at how it's going our 6 days old YouTube Channel AutomobileHistoryUSA:



Today our second YouTube Channel, AutomobileHistoryUSA, opens for businnes!!!



6 new movies added to the "Silent Films" page:

1902 Uncle Josh at the Moving Pictures

1908 El Hotel Electrico

1918 Out West

1920 Robbery Under Arms

1924 Greed

1926 Emak Bakia


Today we updated the "Jammin' with Betty Boop" page adding 23 new cartoons:

1930 Barnacle Bill

1930 Bimbo in Misterious Mose

1931 Any Little Girl that's a Nice Little Girl

1931 Any Rags

1931 Bimbo and Betty in Bimbo's Express

1931 Bimbo in The Bum Bandit

1931 Mask-A-Raid

1932 Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions

1932 Boop Oop A Doop

1932 Just a Gigolo

1932 Stopping the Show

1934 Life Guards

1934 There's Something About a Soldier

1935 A Little Soap and Water

1936 A Song a Day

1937 Pudgy in The Foxy Hunter

1937 Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow

1938 Pudgy in Thrills and Chills

1938 Sally Swing

1939 Betty Boop M.D.

1939 Pudgy in My Friend the Monkey

1939 Rhythm on the Reservation

1939 The Scared Crows


Today we updated the "Germany 1919-1947" page adding 5 new color videos (4 of them are viewable on YouTube):

1937 The Hindenburg - New Outstanding Color Footage

1938 Hitler Visits His School

1938 Nuremberg - Reichsparteitag

1938 Ciano at the Bergof

1938 German Autobhan Inauguration


Today we ultimated a radical update to our Propaganda Cartoons from WW2 Collection.

Here is the list of the 14 new movies added to the "
WW2 Combat Cartoons" page:

1941 Scrub Me Mama With That Boogie Beat

1942 POPEYE - Blunder Below

1942 POPEYE - Scrap the Japs

1943 POPEYE - A Jolly Good Furlough

1943 POPEYE - Her Honor the Mare

1943 Mr. Hook - Take Heed Mr. Tojo

1945 Mr. Hook - The Good Egg

1943 SNAFU - Coming Snafu

1943 SNAFU - Fighting Tools

1943 SNAFU - The Goldbrick

1944 SNAFU - Censored

1944 SNAFU - Snafu Vs. Malaria Mike

1944 SNAFU - Outpost

1944 SNAFU - Hotspot



Once again we must deeply thank all the visitors of our websites and, particoularly, the subscribers to our YouTube Channel! Since yesterday we are Nr. ONE: the most subscribed Italian "Guru" of ALL TIME!!! We are also nr. 12 as most subscribed Italian Channel of ALL CATEGORIES-ALL TIME! We are only 4 positions behind the RAI Channel (the Italian State Television...)!!!





Important update today!

14 new movies added to the "
Silent Films" page:

1903 Move on!

1904 Coney Island Children

1914 Helpful Sisterhood

1916 Intolerance (Integral Version)

1916 The Mistery of the Leaping Fish

1919 A Jazzed Honeymoon

1919 Broken Blossoms

1919 A Sammy in Siberia

1920 The Scarecrow

1921 "Manhatta"

1921 Never Weaken

1922 Haxan

1925 The Circus

1928 Ghosts Before Breakfast

4 new musical clips added to the "Before MTV" page:

1930 Do I Know What I'm Doing?

1934 Bubbling Over

1935 12th Street Rag

1935 We're in the Money

3 new videos added to the "Germany 1919-1947" page:

Arno Breker

Josef Thorak

1937 Nazi Christmas

4 new videos added to the related "US Cars Multimedia" pages:

1951 Roads to Romance Part 1

1951 Roads to Romance Part 2

1956 Chevrolet TV Ad - A Real Treat

1958 Edsel Hi-Res Full Line TV Ad


Today we added a new clip to the "Before MTV" page::

1937 Bing Crosby - When the Organ Played "Oh Promise Me"

We added 3 new videos to the related "US Cars Multimedia" pages:

1949 Summer Day in a Ford

1953 Highway Tunnel's Drive

1960 The Wild Ride

We made a new update to our "1939-45 New York World's Fair" 1st page adding a new video to the Collection:

1939 NYWF - Erotic Dancer Ann Pennington


Today we added 2 new complete movies to the "Before MTV" page::

1945 The House I Live In (Featuring Young Frank Sinatra!)

1947 The Fabulous Dorseys

We also made a new update to our "1939-45 New York World's Fair" 1st page adding a new movie to the Collection

1939 The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair


Today we celebrate the beginning of our Third year on line with an important update, the adding of 9 new movies to the "Silent Films" page:

1914 By the Suns Rays

1915 Hearts in Exile

1923 The Love Nest

1924 Robin Hood

1924 The Thief of Bagdad

1926 The Black Pirate

1927 Robinson Crusoe (Reel 1)

1927 Robinson Crusoe (Reel 2)

1927 Robinson Crusoe (Reel 3)

3 new cartoons to the "
WW2 Combat Cartoons" page:

1943 Private Snafu - Rumors

1944 Private Snafu - The Chow Hound

1945 Mr. Hook - Tokio Woes

15 new videos to the "
Germany 1919-1947" page. 4 of them plus one excerpt are available for viewing on YouTube:

1933 Adolf Hitler Zum Baubeginn Der Reichs Autobahne

1933 Dr. Fritz Todt Zum Baubeginn Der Reichs Autobahne

1933 S.A. Mann Brand

1935 Göring's Lion Caesar

1936 Reichsparteitag Der Ehre In Nürnberg

1937 Mussolini In Deutschland

1938 Wort Und Tat

1938 The Fuhrer is Back Home

1939 Eva Braun at the Waterfall

1939 More Berghof Shots Col/Snd (With Hitler's Dog Blondie!)

1939 Hand Grenade Launching German Championship

1941 Die Frontschau - Vol 4

1942 Der Grosse K

1945 Here is Germany!

A new complete film to the "
US Cars Multimedia 1939-45" page:

1942 The Arm Behind the Army

Over 100 new videos have been recently added to the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website "
Unknown World War 2 in Color" and our related clips on line, on YouTube only, are at the moment 81.

We deeply thank all the visitors of our websites and, particoularly, the subscribers to our YouTube Channel!
Once again we hope you appreciate our efforts to distribute more and more new materials from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES Collections, supporting us in our Mission: to enlight the less known faces of the History of the XXth Century and to revive forgotten masterpieces of art and beauty.


Today we added over 200 new complete movies to the "Feature Films" page. New titles are published on top of the list.


Today we added 2 new complete movies and a new clip to the "US Cars Multimedia 1937-38" page::

1937 Topper

1938 Young in Heart

1938 The Phantom Corsair (Flying Wombat) Concept Car

We also made a new update to our "Silent Films" page adding a new movie to the Collection:

1910 Frankenstein


Today we made a massive update to the "Germany 1946-1947" page adding 23 new videos (6 of them are viewable on YouTube):

1936 Berlin in the Year of the Olympic Games

1937 Big Nazi rally for the 1st of May

Ernst Schäfer - Geheimnis Tibet (Secret Tibet)

1942 Nazi Party Jogging Session

1942 Berlin - The Fate of Retarded Children

1939-42 Montage of Private Eva Braun Color Films

1943 Germany - Rehabilitation for Amputed Soldiers

1943 Germany - Marriage of an Officer (Amateur Film)

1944 Germany - Peenemunde - Von Braun and V2 Tests

1944 Germany - The bombing of UfA

1944 Germany - The bombing of Hamburg

1944 Germany - Summer - Nazi Propaganda Complete Film Part 1

1944 Germany - Summer - Nazi Propaganda Complete Film Part 2

1944 Germany - Everyday Life

1944 Germany - Slave Workers for War Production

1944 Germany - US Troops Entering Germany

1944 Germany - Autumn - Color Newsreel

1944 Germany - December - The new Gliders of the Luftwaffe

1944 Germany - December - Nazi Propaganda Color Film (Excerpt) 1

1944 Germany - December - Nazi Propaganda Color Film (Excerpt) 2

1944 Germany - December - Nazi Propaganda Color Film (Excerpt) 3

1945 Germany - January - Nazi Propaganda Color Film (Excerpt) 4

We added a new video to the "US Cars Multimedia 1965" page:

1965 Pontiac GTO TV Ad - The Genuine Tiger


Our new Website,"Unknown World War 2 in Color" has its new YouTube Channel:



Today we made a new update to our Silent Films page adding to the Collection the following 5 new movies:

The Big Train Robbery (1903)

Les Vampires - The Sewered Head (1915)

Nosferatu (INTEGRAL VERSION!) (1922)

Maciste in Hell (1925)

Buster Keaton - College (1927)


Today, after a long and hard work of research, editing and preparation, our new Website "Unknown World War 2 in Color" is finally on line!


Today we made a massive update to the "US Cars" pages adding 16 new videos:

1937 The Topper Buick

1938 White Sands

1939 The Harvest of the Years

1940 Auto-Lite on Parade

1940 Caught Mapping

1950 Royal Triton Oil Ad featuring Marilyn Monroe

1957 Chevrolet TV Commercial - Chevy OK!

1957 Chevrolet TV Commercial - Auto Decathlon Champion

1958 Plymouth TV Ad - You're Ahead for Keeps in a Plymouth!

1959 Otto Preminger's "Anatomy of a Murder" World Premiere

1960 Biggest Accident on a Race Track

1966 Pontiac GTO TV Ad

1967 Ford Mustang TV Ad - Answer the Call of Mustang!

1968 Ford Shelby Mustang TV Ad

1969 Ford Mustang Mach1 TV Ad - The Frontrunner

1970 Pontiac GTO "The Judge" TV Ad

We added a new video to the "Germany 1919-47" page:

1944 V2 and Young Von Braun in Color with Original Captured Sound

We recently opened an account on GoogleVideo. Those are the first 16 videos we uploaded:

Before MTV - 1930 Happy Feet

1937 The Hindenburg Burning in Color

The 1939-40 New York World's Fair

1942 The Bombing of Malta in Color

1944 V2 and Young Von Braun in Color with Original Captured Sound

1927 Berlin, die Sinfonie der Großstadt - Opening/Ending

1944 Springtime at Coney Island - Amateur Color Film

1957 The New Fairlane 500 Hide-Away Hardtop

1944 A Real Nazi Cartoon - Nimbus Libèrè

1960 Imperial Film for Internal Use

1961 Chevrolet TV Ad - The Invisible Impala!

1969 AMC Rebel TV Ad

1969 AMC AMX TV Ad

1967 Ford Mustang TV Ad - Answer the Call of Mustang!

1969 Ford Mustang TV Ad - Get a Mustang and You'll Drive the Girls Cocoo!

1896 Lumiere Bros. - Danse Serpentine


Today we made a massive update to the "Germany 1919-1947" page adding 52 new videos:

1919 Einzud Der Wurtemberger

1931 Die Koffer Des Herrn O.F. (excerpt)

1933 Einstein in the USA

1934 Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will)

1937 (Circa) Eva Braun Private Amateur Film

1939 (Circa) Eva Braun Private Amateur Color Film

1940 Sieg Im Westen

1940-08-07 Die Deutsche Wochenschau

1940-08-17 Die Deutsche Wochenschau

1940 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Holland

1941 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Afrika Korps

1941 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Afrika Korps in Color

1940-41 Eva Braun Private Amateur Color Film (4 Reels)

1941 Germany at War (4 Reels)

1941 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Russia

1942 The Bombing of Malta in Color

1942 Super-Plane

1942 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - November

1942 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Xmas

1943 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 10 Years of Nazi Power

1942-1944 Color War Footage

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Mutilated

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Normandy

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Air War

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Air Raid Defense (3 Reels)

1944 (Circa) Eva Braun Private Amateur Film (2 Reels)

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Totaler Krieg

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - SS Division "HitlerJugend"

1945-01-11 Die Deutsche Wochenschau

1944 Die Deutsche Wochenschau - The Last Wochenschau (March 1945)

Germany April 1945 in Color - Overview

Germany April 1945 in Color - The Last Air Battles

Germany April 1945 in Color - The Last Bombing Runs

Germany April 1945 - The Battle for Berlin

Germany April 1945 in Color - German Infantry Attacked by US Air Force Fighters

Germany April 1945 in Color - Gun-Camera Aerial Footage

Berlin in Color June-July 1945 (9 Reels)


We added 6 new videos to the related "US Cars Multimedia" pages:

1934 The Killing of Bonnie & Clyde

1934 Shirley Temple's Personal Automobile

1953 Chrysler Filmstrip - The Power Pack Story

1953 Chrysler Filmstrip - A Family Gathering

1954 Chrysler Filmstrip - Three Sales For Confidence

1955 Some Ideas To Help You Sell More Chryslers In 1955

We added 2 new videos to the "Germany 1919-1947" page:

1937 The Hindenburg Burning with Herb Morrison Report

1937 The Hindenburg Burning in Color


Today we made a new update to our Silent Films page adding to the Collection the following 4 new movies:

Alice in Wonderland (GB 1903)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910)

Ballet Mecanique (France 1924)

Lost World (1925)


A new page is on line: we publish for the first time our rich Collection of rare vintage newsreels.



We added to the "US Cars" pages 8 new videos:

1927 Lindberg: Ticket Tape Parade

1948 Jeep Universal Theatrical Ad (Excerpt)

1948 Jeep Wagon Theatrical Ad (Excerpt)

1955 DeSoto TV Intro with Groucho Marx.

1957 Task Force '57 - Chevrolet Truckis Ad

1958 Cadillac Tv Ad - Brilliantly Bew in Beauty!

1959 Chevrolet TV AD -Pat Boone & Dinah Shore

1961 Cadillac Ambulance Running

We added to the "WWII Combat Cartoons" page 3 new videos:

1940 Der Storenfried

1943 Confusions of a Nutsy Spy

1944 Nimbus Libèrè

We added to the "Before MTV" page a new video:

1938 Jimmy Durante - N.R.A. Featurette

We added to the "Germany 1919-1947" page 8 new videos:

1941 Panzerlied

1942 U-boots

1943-45 Luftwaffe Footage

1943 Lied der Panzergrenadiere

1944 Bomb Disposal Hero

1944-45 Luftwaffe Color Combat Footage

1945 Wehrmacht in Color

1944-45 B17 and B24 Shotdown

We added to the "Betty Boop" page a rare new video, the first BB cartoon:

1930 Betty Boop - Dizzy Dishes


The two old pages "
Lost USA in Old Postcards" have been reduced to one. Now is available a new Demo-CD, with over 1000 thumbnailed images from this Collection and 28 actual-size images.

We added to the "US Cars" pages 17 new videos:

1914 Sand on the Slippery Sidewalks of Sales

1930 School's Out

1944 The 957th Day

1945 It's Everybody's War

1951 Motor City 250 Stock Car Race

1951 Traffic Safety; Courtesy

1952 Motor City 250 Stock Car Race Interview

1957 What Made sammy Speed?

1960 Circa - Drive-in Internal Ads Compilation

1960 Circa - Esso Extra Gasoline Ad

1960 Circa - Speedway 79 Gasoline Ad

1967 Caddy

1970 Chevrolet Camaro TV Ad

1970 Chevelle SS 396 TV Ad

1970 Dangerous Stranger

1970 Pontiac GTO TV Ad

1970 Tonka Adventure Buggy Toy Ad

We added to the "Betty Boop" page 3 new videos:

1932 Betty Boop - S.O.S.

1933 Betty Boop - Hallowen Party

1935 Betty Boop - Making stars

We added to the "WWII Combat Cartoons" page 3 new videos:

1943 Bugs Bunny - Herr Meets Hare

1943 Gandy the Goose - The Last Roundup

1943 Scrap Happy Daffy

We added to the "Before MTV" page 6 new videos:

1930 Happy Feet - Complete Version

1930 The Boys of the Orchestra

1930 The Rhytm Boys

1941 Scrub Me Mama with that Boogie Beat

1944 Groovie Movie

1955 The Haircuts


We added to the "US Cars" pages 11 new videos:

1954 Lincoln Theatrical Ad

1955 Nash TV Ad With Mickey Mouse and Pluto

1958 Cadillac Line Up TV Ad

1958 Plymouth TV Ad - The New Plymouth

1959(Circa) Lucky-Strike Cigarettes TV Ad

1961 Cities Gasoline TV Ad

1963 Studebaker Lark Wagonaire TV Ad

1963 Chrysler Turbine Car Amateur Movie

1964 Ford Mustang Theatrical Ad

1969 Dodge Charger "Fever" TV Ad

1958 Cadillac TV Ad - Brilliantly New in Beauty


We added to the
"Silent Films" page a new Buster Keaton's classic: "Sherlock, Jr." and a less known gem from 1925: "Dr. Pyckle and Mr. Pride" starring Stan Laurel.


Two new pages have been added with two separated lists of Ephemeral Films and Feature Films available on DVD only.


Two new videos are available on the "Us Cars 1934-36" page:

Sailing Along (1936)

1896-1910 The Automobile in the USA - The Early Days


Today we made a new update to our
Silent Films page adding to the Collection a new Buster Keaton's great classic:

The Cameraman (1928)


Today we made a new update to our Silent Films page adding to the Collection the following 6 new movies:

Rithmus 21(Rythm 21) (1921)

Opus-Lichtspiel - Opus 1 / Opus 2 / Opus 3 / Opus 4 (1921)

Rithmus 23 (Rythm 23) (1923)

Berlin, die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Berlin, Simphony of a Big City) (1927)

Un Chien Andalou (1929)

(Charles Lindberg) Fox Newsreel (1927)


Today we made a massive update to our Silent Films page adding to the Collection the following 24 new movies:

Lumiere - Lyon, Bains sur la Saône (1896)

Lumiere - Danse Serpentine (1896)

Chaplin - Making a Living (1914)

Chaplin - The Fatal Mallet (1914)

Chaplin - Mabel's Busy Day (1914)

Chaplin - Face on the Bar Room Floor (1914)

Chaplin - The Rival Mashers (1914)

Chaplin - Mabel at the Races (1914)

Chaplin - His Prehistoric Past (1914)

Chaplin - His New Job (1915)

Chaplin - The Tramp (1915)

Chaplin - A Woman (1915)

Chaplin - The Bank (1915)

Chaplin - Shanghaied (1915)

Chaplin - A Burlesque on Carmen (1915)

Chaplin - The Floorwalker (1916)

Chaplin - Police (1916)

Chaplin - The Fireman (1916)

Chaplin - The Pawnshop (1916)

Chaplin - The Bond (1918)

Chaplin - Shoulder Arms (1918)

Chaplin - A Day's Pleasure (1919)

Babe Ruth - Heading Home (1920)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)


The old e-mail address is no longer working. Please, from now on send your inquires to the new address:

We are moving our Studio from Udine, Italy to Milan, Italy.
Due to this reason some answers to your inquires may be delayed. We publish for you in advance our first 2007 update. We are hardly working to be fully operative once again as soon as possible.


10-26-2006: Our first year on line!

During these first 365 days we added 12 new sections (Germany 1919-1947, Jammin' with Betty Boop, The Cheney Johnston's Girls, WWll Cartoons, Frank Capra's Why We Fight, The Funny War, Old Postcards, Silent Films, The 1939 New York World's Fair, Before MTV and, for the Italian visitors, Criminals and WebDesign), 35 new pages with the complete US Cars Multimedia TIMELINE 1899-1970 and more than 80 new movies as updates to various sections.
On January 25, 2006 the leading Italian State Television (RAI 3) web-related program, "Neapolis", broadcasted a reportage about the Portal of ROMANO-ARCHIVES.
In July, 2006 we started the new "light website".

We begin today our second year on line with a "replica" of our Portal, with a cool "City" style, reserved for Mac users and optimized for Safari and Mozilla Firefox, and with a completely new design for our "light" website.

We hope you appreciate our efforts to distribute more and more new materials from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES Collections, supporting us in our Mission: to enlight the less known faces of the Contemporary History and to revive forgotten masterpieces of art and beauty.

Thanks to the groups of Students and Staff from the following American Universities, constantly visiting our websites:























... and various Universities, Schools, High Schools and Colleges worldwide. Thanks a lot for your appreciation and support!!!


Last update: November-01-2013

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