A Universal Programming Cable For Radios

Programming cables (programmers) for most types of radios are based on the same principles. Programmers perform voltage conversion between RS-232 levels and radio specific levels. Usually radio FPUs have CMOS input and output levels shifted by protection elements. Progamming circuits for several radio types are shown on Fig.1.

Programming cirquits of different radios
Fig. 1. Programming cirquits of various radios

Fig. 1a - mobile KENWOODs TK-760/860(G), Fig. 1b - portable KENWOODs (TK-378), Fig. 1c - portable VERTEX VX-10, Fig. 1d - portable YAESU FT-11R/41R, Fig. 1e - mobile MOTOROLA GM-300, Fig. 1f - mobile VERTEX FTL-1011/7011, Fig. 1g - some mobile ICOM radios. Fig. 1h shows how the programmer interacts with the radio programming input/output.

A thorough analysis of radios programming cirquits leads to the following programmer schematics.

Programmer schematics
Fig. 2. Programming cable schematic diagram

Usage of Schmitt trigger (VT3, VT4) with high logic zero threshold (V-=1.7V) is essential if the input and output buses are linked together. This is due to the voltage divider Rk/R1 (see Fig. 1h) which shifts up the logic zero volage.

Connection cirquits
TK-X90 connector CAT-interface
GP300 сonnection
Tait, MAXON connector
HYT TC-500 connector Altavia connector
Cordless phones
Fig. 3. Programmer connectors to radios (jacks for mobile radios are shown as they are plugged into sockets)

GP-340 connector
Fig. 4. GP-340 connector (draft by K. Bokhanov)

VT1, VT3, VT4 transistors may be BC847 or similar (i.e. BC547B, etc.), VT2 may be BC857 or similar (i.e. BC557B, etc.). Fast silicon diodes of any type will do, for example 1N4148 or LL4148 in MiniMELF case. LP2950 is replacible with 78L05, but it is the worst choice due to IC's high current consumption. It may fail to work in some cases. Use 78L05 with an external power source only.

Cables for RRxD and RTxD connections should be shielded. Multiwire cable with low mutual capacitance among wires is also applicable. Otherwise TxD to RxD interference may result in programming failure. It is important for some KENWOOD radios.

It is convenient to use an additional connector for attaching particular radio jacks to the programming cable. DB9 is recommended as a highly reliable connector.

Cable connection to KENWOOD portable radios has a specific feature. Radio sockets have prominent rubber rings, thus standard stereo jacks cannot be plugged in firmly. The jack flanges should be ground off till 5 mm in diameter. The jack cases should be cut accordingly.

TK-353 radios are put in the program mode by holding the side button below PTT and C button while powring the radio on. "--PC--" should appear on its display. TK-250 enters programming mode by pressing Lamp and Lo buttons while turning the radio on.

An unusual connector is needed for KENWOOD TK-690/790/890 radios. Common data transmission and reception line is used.

The cable can be used as a CAT interface for tranceiver control. This cable connector includes separate Tx and Rx data lines and a power supply from the radio.

In MOTOROLA GP300 connector use 2 Ampere diode if you intend to transmit with the cable connected or 1 Ampere diode otherwise. In MOTOROLA P040-P080 connector grind off the jack flange until the jack can be seated in firmly. This connector does not need an external power supply if it is provided from the port by a programming software.

In MOTOROLA GP-340 connector the output voltage is limited to approximately 3 Volts. The specific jack is used, it is shown on Fig. 4.

MOTOROLA mobile CM series radios are programmed through the rear accessory connector. The programming cable is not powered from the port. The power supply can be taken from the radio power supply or the accessory connector if available.

VERTEX VXR-5000 and VXR-7000 programming software works improperly on modern computers with fast processors. Computers with i80486 are recommended by VERTEX, also iCeleron 433 MHz processor may be used.

A connection to devices with a non-standard processor supply voltage (cordless and cellular phones) requiers a specific connector. A TxD key power is taken from the phone, so the input logic levels cannot exceed the processor supply voltage. For example SENAO SN-258 is attached by its test connector in this way: TxD - cont. 1, RxD - cont. 2, GND - cont. 3, Vbat - cont. 5. R1 resistor may be omitted because the phone RxD cirquit has an inner 47 kOhm resistor to the ground.

Alexander Nesterov has designed the TAIT T2000 series radio connector. The main idea is the additional level invertion using a CMOS logic IC. CD4093 is recommended because it has Scmitt trigger inputs. However, any CMOS invertor can be used. Unused IC inputs (not outputs !) should be grounded.

Alexander Nesterov has also designed the programmer schematics enhancements (VD8 and R13) and a specific connector to program MAXON SL500 radios. The programmer is used as a non-inverting buffer. In SL500 connector VD1 and VD2 diodes provide an extra protection of radio. They can be omitted if desired.

Oleg EX8MLT has proposed HYT TC-500 radios connector. It is different from KENWOOD portables connector which is used for other HYT radios. Both jacks should be plugged in simultaneously.

Alexander Ivanov has designed a connector to ALTAVIA radios. These radios are designed and manufactured in Russia. The connector is similar to MOTOROLA P040/P080 portables connector but needs no external power supply.

The cellular phones connector can be used for applying AT-commands or firmware reload. There are no hardware flow control cirquits in the connector. The Siemens specific connector is shown. Use it for AT-commands with the switch turned off, for firmware downloading the switch should be turned on. The Siemens phone socket pinout is taken from http://www.pinouts.ru/data/siemens_c25_s25_pinout.shtml. For more information please search specific cell phone sites.

The programming cable printed cirquit board was designed by Valery UA6LPG with non-chip components. In order to print it save this GIF image to disk. Then open the GIF file with Adobe Photoshop (or any other editor) and change the image resolution to 600 dpi (look for it at Image/Image size menu). Print it, it will be of the right size.

Please note that Rind resistor and a LED are used just to indicate the power supply voltage. You can omit R12, Rind and a LED, the cirquit will work. The recommended value of Rind is 4.3 kOhm to minimize the current consumption.

Another PCB variant was designed by Vyacheslav UR5ROZ. Optimal PCB picture resolution is 300 dpi.

This is the programming cable implemented on the 2-layer PCB and SMD components by Sergey UA0CIC.

Cable with SMD
Fig. 5. Programming cable implementation by Sergey UA0CIC

This implementation can be easily placed inside the DB9 case.

The programming cable was tested with 172 device types, i.e.
Device type
Checked by
Recommended software
TK-2106Z Alexander Ivanov KPG-55D
TK-2107 Vladimir Yasakov, the author, Sergey UA9UDQ, Ivan UX7MX, Igor Marzaganov, Alexander UA4LOR, Sergey EW6GC, Vladimir Vashchenko, RV4HV, ALEKSEY30, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov, Dmitry EW3BX, Igor UU8JA, Denis Alafinov, Igor UR5YEI, Nikolay UT5VF KPG-55D
TK-2160 Nikolay Novakov, Alexander Nesterov, Lahodni Stefan (Romania) KPG-82D
TK-2200 Sergey Bunin KPG-88D
TK-2206 Sergey Bunin, Alexander Nesterov KPG-87D
TK-2207 Sergey Bunin, Denis Alafinov, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa), Paolo IW3SQM KPG-87D
TK-2260 Alexander Nesterov (same as TK-2206) KPG-87D
TK-250 Valery UA6LPG KPG-23D
TK-260G Valery UA6LPG KPG-56D
TK-270 Alexander UA4LOR KPG-27D
TK-270G Sergey RU3VV, Gorodnov, Nikolay Novakov, Albina Luchaninova KPG-56D
TK-278 Yevgueny RA9MHL, Igor Marzaganov, Alexander Nesterov, Lahodni Stefan (Romania), Denis Alafinov, Nikolay UT5VF, Yuri RA9SVD KPG-27D
TK-3101 Alexander 'Gulliver'  
TK-3101 Loay Jawad (Iraq) KPG-55D
TK-3170 the author KPG-101D
TK-3200 Sergey Bunin KPG-88D
TK-3206 Sergey Bunin, the author KPG-87D
TK-3207 Sergey Bunin KPG-87D
TK-350 Alexander UA9CEE, Sergey UA0CIC KPG-23D
TK-353 the author KPG-26D
TK-360 the author KPG-27D
TK-360G the author, Ramunas Majauskas KPG-56D
TK-370 Alexander 'Gulliver', Igor UU8JA KPG-27D
TK-370G Sergey UA9UDQ KPG-56D
TK-378 the author, Denis Alafinov, Yuri RA9SVD KPG-27D
TK-480 Alexander UA9CEE KPG-35D
TK-7020 (the same as TK-7108) Yuri US5IVZ, Alexander Nesterov, Nikolay UT5VF KPG-70D
TK-7060 Alexander Nesterov KPG-56D
TK-7108 Sergey Bunin KPG-70D
TK-7160 Sergey Bunin KPG-99D
TK-759 Alexander 'Gulliver' KPG-28D
TK-760 Alexander UA9CEE, Andrey Kolennikov KPG-29D
TK-760G Andrey Kolennikov, Vladimir UA9FIA KPG-56D
TK-760H Alexander Nesterov KPG-29D
TK-760HG-1 Sergey UA9UDQ, Vladimir Vashchenko, ALEKSEY30, Alexey Gordeyko, Alexander UA9CEW KPG-56D
TK-768G Albina Luchaninova KPG-56D
TK-8102 the author KPG-70D
TK-8160 the author KPG-99D
TK-8180 Sergey Bunin KPG-89D
TK-840 the author, Alexey RZ3AIQ KPG-25D
TKR-850 the author KPG-91D
TK-860 MALE aka Dmitry KPG-29D
TK-860G-1 the author, MALE aka Dmitry KPG-56D
TK-860H the author KPG-29D
TK-880 Sergey Bunin KPG-49D
TK-880-3 (MT) the author KPG-60D
KIRISUN (KENWOOD portables connector)
PT-2208S Vladimir Vashchenko KSP-11
PT-3208S Vladimir Vashchenko, ALEKSEY30 KSP-11
PT-3209 Vladimir Vashchenko, ALEKSEY30  
PT-3288S Vladimir Vashchenko  
TA-240 Vyacheslav UR5ROZ, Alexander Nesterov (KENWOOD portables connector)  
TC-268 (Eclipse) Jaco Le Roux (South Africa)  
TC-268S (Eclipse) Jaco Le Roux (South Africa)  
TC-368 (Eclipse) Jaco Le Roux (South Africa)  
TC-368S (Eclipse) Jaco Le Roux (South Africa)  
TC-500 Oleg EX8MLT HT500S
RN-102 MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov (radio identical to TK-2107, KENWOOD portable connector) KPG-55D
VX-1R Yevgueny RA9MHL VX1
VX-2R Alexey RZ3AIQ, the author VX2, VX2 commander
VX-5R Igor RA0FMF  
VX-7R Sergey Bunin  
FT-10R Alexander 'Gulliver' WFT10
VX-10 Igor Marzaganov, the author, MALE aka Dmitry, Nikolay Strokinov, Dmitry EW3BX CE14
FT-11R Igor Marzaganov WFT11
FT-40R Alexander 'Gulliver' WFT40
FT-41R the author WFT41
FT-51R Dmitry UA2FBB, MALE aka Dmitry WFT51
FT-60R Igor RA0FMF FT-60 Commander
VX-160 Veniamin Dolgikh, Pavel RA0SJB, RV4HV, Alexander Nesterov, Yuri RA9SVD CE44
VX-160E Alexander Nesterov CE51
VX-180 Veniamin Dolgikh, Paolo IW3SQM CE44, CE51
VX-200 Yevgueny RA9MHL, Yevgueny RU6AI, Alexander Ivanov CE9
VX-210A the author, MALE aka Dmitry, RN3DD CE45
VX-210V Vladimir Vashchenko, Alexander Ivanov CE29
VX-300 Igor RA0FMF, Alexander Kiselyov, Alexander Nesterov CE18
VX-400 Igor Marzaganov, Vladimir Vashchenko CE24
VX-420 Igor RA0FMF CE64
VX-500 Yevgueny RA9MHL, Alexander 'Gulliver', Alexander Nesterov CE6
FT-857D Sergey UA0CIC (as the CAT interface)  
FTL-1011 Nikolay Novakov, Alexander Kiselyov, Oleg RU6FB CE5, CE7 (99ch)
VX-2000 Yevgueny RA3ZMB, EU7SS, Vyacheslav UR5ROZ, Vladimir Vashchenko, Pavel RA0SJB, the author, Andrey Kolennikov, Alexander Nesterov CE20
FTH-2008 Nikolay Strokinov CE2
FTH-2010 Alexander Nesterov, Alexey UR8QM, Ramunas Majauskas CE2
FTL-2011 Veniamin Dolgikh, Alain Seguin (Canada), Yuri RA9SVD, Vlad RV6HG, Oleg RU6FB, Alexander UA9CEW, MALE aka Dmitry, Victor RK6MP (99ch) CE5, CE7 (99ch)
VX-2500 Paolo IW3SQM CE63
VX-3000 Sergey UA9UDQ, Vladimir Vashchenko (VHF and LB radios), Valery UA6LPG CE19
VX-3200 Vlad RV6HG, Vladimir Vashchenko, Alexey Gordeyko CE52
VXR-5000 the author (a computer with the iCeleron 433 MHz processor) CE8
VXR-7000 Alexander Tataurov (a computer with the i80486 processor) CE27
FTH-7008 Ramunas Majauskas CE2
FTL-7011 Alexander UA9CEW (99ch), Vladimir Vashchenko, Alexander Nesterov, the author CE5, CE7 (99ch)
FTL-7014 the author (software equivalent to FTL-7011) CE5
FT-8800R Andrey UA3USQ, Igor RA0FMF FTB8800
P020 Yevgueny RA9MHL (P040/P080 connector)  
P040 Veniamin Dolgikh, Stan UN8GA, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov, Andrey Kolennikov, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa), Andrey UA3USQ R02.02.00
P080 Valery UA6LPG, Pavel UA1ZCC, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa) R02.02.00
GP68 Alexander Nesterov, Igor UU8JA  
GP88 Andrey Kolennikov (GP-300 connector) GP300 R01.00.00
M10 Alexander Nesterov GM300 R04.00.00
M110 MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa) GM300 R04.00.00
P110 Igor Marzaganov, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov, Yuri RA9SVD GP300 R07.00.00
M120 Alexander Nesterov, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa) GM300 R04.00.00
CM-140 ALEKSEY30, Valery UA6LPG, Veniamin Dolgikh, Yuri RA9SVD R05.00, R05.00.02, R05.04
GM-140 MALE aka Dmitry  
CM-160 Vadim UA9MIR, ALEKSEY30, Valery UA6LPG R02.04, R05.00
GM-160 Andrey Aladyin, Valery UA6LPG R04.00.00, R06.04
CP-180 Valery UA6LPG (MOTOROLA P040/P080 connector) R05.00
M208 MALE aka Dmitry, Oleg Tchugunov RADMBL
M216 MALE aka Dmitry RADMBL
GM-300 the author, Sergey RU3VV, Yevgueny RA9MHL, Valery UA6LPG, Igor Marzaganov, Oleg RU6FB, RV4HV, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexey Gordeyko, Alexander Nesterov, Andrey Kolennikov, Albina Luchaninova, Igor UU8JA, Nikolay UT5VF, Yuri RA9SVD GM300 R04.00.00
GP-300 the author, Yevgueny RA9MHL, Igor RA0FMF, Valery UA6LPG, Igor Marzaganov, Mikhail Gorokhov, RV4HV, Victor RA1TDC, Alexander UA1THR, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexey Gordeyko, Alexander Nesterov, Igor UU8JA, Igor UR5YEI, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa), Yuri RA9SVD GP300 R07.00.00, GP-300IVG
GP-300 Select 5 MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov R02.04.00
GP-340 Vadim UA9MIR, Sergey EW6GC, Sergey RX6LRE, RV4HV, Vladimir Vashchenko, Alexander Nesterov, Albina Luchaninova, Jaco Le Roux (South Africa), Andrey UA3USQ R03.01.00
GM-340 the author, MALE aka Dmitry, Andrey Kolennikov, Andrey UA3USQ, Yuri RA9SVD R03.01.00
GM-350 Sergey RU3VV, Yevgueny RA9MHL, Gorodnov, the author, Valery UA6LPG, Sergey UA0CIC, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexey Gordeyko, Alexander Nesterov, Nikolay UT5VF, Yuri RA9SVD R03.00.08, R03.01.09
GM-360 Valery UA6LPG, Vladimir Vashchenko, Oleg Tchugunov R03.01.02
LTS 2000 Alexander 'Gulliver' R02.00.10
MAXTRAC Alexander 'Gulliver'  
Volna-201 Andrey Kolennikov (equivalent to MOTOROLA GM-360, MOTOROLA mobile connector) MOTOROLA R03.01.00
Volna-302 Andrey Kolennikov (equivalent to MOTOROLA CP-180, MOTOROLA P040, P080, CP series connector) MOTOROLA R05.01
Altavia 301М Alexander UA4LOR ALTAVIA v2.01
IC-F3 Valery UA6LPG, Alexander Kiselyov, Igor Marzaganov, Alexander UA4LOR, Alexey RA1TEZ, Alexander Nesterov CSF3
IC-F3GS Igor RA0FMF, Valery UA6LPG, Igor Marzaganov, Ivan UX7MX CSF3G
IC-F4 Alexander UA4LOR, Valery UA6LPG, Alexander Nesterov, Igor UU8JA CSF3
IC-F4GS MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov CSF3G
IC-F4GT MALE aka Dmitry CSF3G
IC-F10 Pavel UA1ZCC CSF10
IC-R10 scanner Alexander Nesterov CSR10
IC-F11 Valery UA6LPG, MALE aka Dmitry, Andrey Kolennikov, Ivan UX7MX CSF11
IC-F14 MALE aka Dmitry CSF14
IC-F16 MALE aka Dmitry CSF14
IC-F21 Pavel RA0SJB, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov, Igor UU8JA CSF11
IC-F26 Pavel RA0SJB, MALE aka Dmitry CSF14
IC-F30LT MALE aka Dmitry EX-1489
IC-W31N Andrey UA3USQ IC-W32 software
IC-F40LT MALE aka Dmitry EX-1489
IC-F1010 MALE aka Dmitry EX-1764
IC-F1020 MALE aka Dmitry EX-1764
IC-F110 MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov CSF100
IC-F110S Vladimir Vashchenko, Alexander Nesterov, Dmitry Kosolap, Nikolay UT5VF CSF100S
IC-F111 Alexander UA4LOR, ALEKSEY30, MALE aka Dmitry, Andrey Kolennikov, Alexander Nesterov CSF100
IC-F111S Sergey RX6LRE, ALEKSEY30, Alexander Nesterov CSF100S
IC-F210 Pavel RA0SJB, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov CSF100 ver.1.5
IC-F211 the author, MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov CSF100
IC-F211S the author, Alexander Nesterov CSF100S
IC-F310 MALE aka Dmitry CSF300
IC-F310S MALE aka Dmitry CSF300S
IC-F320 MALE aka Dmitry, Alexander Nesterov CSF300
IC-F320S Valery 4Z5PT, Alexander 'Gulliver', Veniamin Dolgikh, Sergey RX6LRE, Alexey RA1TEZ, MALE aka Dmitry CSF300S
IC-F410 the author, RV4HV CSF300
IC-F410S Alexander Nesterov CSF300S
IC-F420 Alexander Nesterov CSF300
IC-M710 Igor RA0FMF Ex1726
DR-B1 Alexander Nesterov DRB1
DR-135 Sergey UA9UDQ, Dmitry UA2FBB, Yuri RA9SVD DR135
DR-140 Sergey UA9UDQ, Albina Luchaninova DR140
DJ-191 Alexander 'Gulliver', Igor RA0FMF, Nikolay Strokinov, Alexander Nesterov, Igor UR5YEI, Albina Luchaninova, Igor UU8JA, Denis Alafinov DJ191
DJ-195 Sergey UA9UDQ, Pound, Igor RA0FMF, Alexander Nesterov, Yuri RA9SVD DJ195
DJ-491 Alexander Nesterov, Igor UU8JA, Denis Alafinov DJ191
T2010 Alexander Nesterov T2000 Conventional Programming Application
SL500 Alexander Nesterov SL500
Pseudo-KENWOOD TK-2170 MALE aka Dmitry KPG-101D
Pseudo-KENWOOD TK-3207 Denis Alafinov, Alexander Nesterov (detected as KENWOOD TK-3107) KPG-55D
Pseudo-MOTOROLA T5930 Alexander Nesterov (detected as KENWOOD TK-3107 !) KPG-55D
CI-V interface
OPTOELECTRONICS DC440 decoder the author (YAESU / VERTEX 3-contact connector) author's
SIEMENS cellular phones
A35 the author (firmware programming) Freia, etc.
C35i the author (AT-commands, firmware programming) Hyper Terminal, c3i_xxxx, ...
S35 the author (firmware programming, AT-commands), Andrey Kolennikov (firmware programming, unlocking, customizing) Hyper Terminal, Winswup32, ZeeSiemensG3, S35C35M35 Explorer
ME45 the author (AT-commands), Yevgueny RA9MHL (firmware programming) Hyper Terminal, Freia...
SL45i the author (AT-commands) Hyper Terminal
C60 Sergey UA0CIC (AT-commands) Hyper Terminal

PLEASE NOTE ! The author does not collect and does not distribute radio programming or service software. Please do not apply for the software !

Yevgueny Andropov, Moscow, Russia
E-mail address is on the diagram or kominform@rosnet.ru

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Reviewed on 2006/11/12.