Wonder gallery : the most important items in the chess collection ...
Come to visit the collector's gallery , you will find some friends ...
I am a member (since 1981) of the German Association GSM (Gemeinschaft
der Schachmotivsammler) that you can contact at http://www.gsm-schach.eu
or writing to Mr. Wolfgang Pahtz
I am a member nr 66 of the French Association AMICALE THEMECHECS that
you can contact at http://timbres-echecs.com/
as well at
http://alain.delobel.pagesperso-orange.fr/themechecs.htm or
writing to Mr. Alain Barnier
I am member too (nr. M0524) of the American Topical Association COSSU
(Chess On Stamps Study Unit) that you can contact at http://www.chessonstamps.org
or writing to Mr.Jon Edwards
to see the chess news from Italy (updated
here you will find also every chess-issue listed by year from now back
Visit my chess items
market (exchange or sale) (last update : 16.5.2023)
double stamps
proposal (work
in progress - last update : 16.5.2023)
old and new
Italian chess items proposal
(last update : 16.5.2023)
presentation and proposal of the Italian chess events
postcards (last update : 16.5.2023)
List of the Italian chess items (last update : 16.5.2023)
meters catalogue & exchanges proposal (always in progress)
update : 16.5.2023)
All the known telephone
cards concerning chess (code, country, images ..)
(last update : 16.5.2023)
double telephone
cards proposal (last update : 16.5.2023)
Chess cards offerings (last
update : 16.5.2023)
For further information about Chess and Philately you can visite this
other related home/web pages :
or write to these E-mail addresses of some friends in the world :
Pink Floyd's sound for enjoing