
True love



Honey where are you? Everyone is looking for you but to find you they must listen to your calls. Every man wants you, but how many of them can have you? If only I could find you ... it's the cry of the heart. But first I must understand your language, however, so mysterious and ineffable.

I must listen to your secret words and understand their hidden meaning.

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The language of love

This is the time that does not accept any rule and this mentality translates into the culture of the ephemeral. It is the air we breathe in our daily life, day after day nothing remains and everything is dissolved in the non-value, without leaving any trace in the path of life. We can not get out of this reality that involves our life, but we can defeat the ephemeral if we bring the eternal into our present to value time as the transparency of the eternal.

The future is ahead us and dominates us like an enigma. Seduced by superficial and empty culture that captivates us, we can wander and skid from one experience to another. It is therefore necessary to stop the attention on the world of values, which can be misrepresented, distorted, and manipulated: this is the tragic aspect that characterizes the history and life of man.

Where to find the place of values where they reveal themselves in their essential truth? Jesus Christ is the supreme value, it is the primacy of love. This choice of Christ is unveiled by him: "I have come to light the fire of love in the world." Here, then, is the horizon of its own becoming. It is necessary to recover the language and the words of love to witness, in life that meaning which gives meaning, salvation and true progress in the difficult journey of human growth in man.

Does not the last question about the meaning of our life question perhaps about love? The reality of love is so radical as to escape or break down any barrier, any limit and imposition of rationality. Who is able to express this profound reality as unfathomable as an abyss? When you think you have reached the depth, you realize that love still keeps its secret sealed.

What matters is to awaken and recover the meaning and the truth of love, but today we experience the cold and the night of a heartless world. We need a language that can neither be confused nor denied, it is necessary to turn all attention to the words of the Gospel, because it is absolutely certain that true love burns here.

Anyone who approaches the Gospel is overwhelmed by the new and fundamental commandment: "You must love", it is the radical imperative that opens the horizon of the meaning of life. Love here is not proposed as a need that must be realized, as a sentiment that must be cultivated and strengthened, but as an imperative.

You often question yourself with the bewilderment of the meaning of your life, it is an unknown dilemma that overwhelms you and you anxious fear and then this command: "you must love". There is no alternative, because love must be your reality, like the sun that warms and shines, makes you burn and must become your inestimable wealth.

God is brazier of love; prayer brings us closer to him; approaching us it inflames us. The burning fire communicates its form and the soul rises under the action of this fire, because it frees it from all that bound it to the earth.

Every substance penetrated by the flame of fire or heat releases a movement that makes it come out of itself, communicating it to its surroundings. The movement of the praying soul has something special. It expands it from itself and the soul desires to run towards God.

Many people ask where is God? He is at the bottom of your being. And from there it makes you be. God is at the beginning of all your activities; and whatever your will to continue to do them, you are incapable of it when He is no longer in you. You must reflect to understand this, but the reflection, which is the human act par excellence, has given way to external activity.

The soul that prays stands before this Being and enters into communion with Him. "To communicate" is to have something in common and to unite through this something that is common to the two. One touches oneself, one speaks to one another, one flows into one another. Without this something we remain at a distance, we do not communicate.

God is love. One enters into communion with Him if one loves, and in the measure with which one loves. The soul that loves and which love has introduced into the abode in which the Love itself resides can speak to him; prayer is this interview. God does not resist the love he asks: "He does the will of those who do his will," says the Psalmist. It is to the love that these divine communications are due that have snatched these amazing exclamations from their happy beneficiaries: "Lord, I beg you, stop the flow of your love ... I can not take it anymore". The submerged and abducted soul fell under the weight of the great waters and asked to breathe a moment to better welcome him later.

You can not conceive of the love of God without the renunciation of the ephemeral. How can you love God if you do not renounce the sin that offends him, and you do not react against the tendencies that lead to evil? How can you love him intensely, without detaching yourself from the pleasures that hinder the flight? If the law of renunciation appears fearful to you, if it frightens your weakness, hopes in the love and in the merciful goodness of the Lord, you will surely receive the grace to love, and the fortress.

Your love will become the arrow that flies irresistibly to God, the arrow, if it could speak, would not speak of the bow where it rests for a moment, nor of the matter of which it is composed; it would only speak of the goal to which it tends. So your soul will forget itself, no longer thinking about itself, it will love. It will not only be a soul that sings the glory of God, but it will become an ineffable song of love.

The love of God, built by pure intelligence, inebriates the mind that is detached from external things, rises up and with its same strength unites and unites closely with God. The more love is burning and the intelligence is clear, so much the stronger he enraptures the mind until, forgetting fully all that is inferior to God, he does not fix himself freely in the ray of light of the divine contemplation, even if briefly as in a sparkling celestial spark.

A special invitation

If you want to come to this joy and acquire the virtues, listen to Jesus' invitation: "All you will ask faithfully in prayer, you will get it" (Mt 18:20). In fact, without prayer, no spiritual journey is possible, nor can we follow the footsteps of Jesus our Savior.

If you want to match the invitation, or just pray from your home, click here and you will find an extraordinary prayer group. You will, therefore, be spiritually united with so many brothers spread across all continents, and your life will change.

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