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Chareidi Insularity and Blogger Emotion
I'm trying to figure out why many non-Chareidi bloggers react strongly to every headline in the Yated, Jerusalem Post, or Haaretz regarding Chareidi insularity. Okay, let's say that the Chareidi world is moving in the direction of
Dating Blogger Charles: "I'm Not a Racist, But"
He looked confused, I nodded and said, “Baruch Hashem” and the room went silent. Excruciating seconds of complete and cut-the-air-with-a-knife silence, until the wasted host said, “No Jews aloud in my house, get the fuck out.”
Jewish Blog night with a Chinese Shabbat dinner: December 8
Jewlicious, Jewschool, Kesher Talk, Blogs of Zion, My Urban Kvetch, JDaters Anonymous, Shabot6000 – these blogs are all part of a vibrant virtual Come hear and meet "famous" Jewish bloggers as they share some of their favorite posts
Black and White
Simon Meth confessed, over on ERE in his blog regarding his “Recruitment Predictions for 2007”, that: “my claims are anecdotal. “Baruch Schieber, an IBM researcher with a doctorate in computer science,,,”
Balance and Extremism in Judaism
Bloggers and Extremism. Is there a concept of a collective Jblogosphere which marches towards What is the obligation of tochacha , if any for bloggers? Should there be things that bloggers agree to disagree on, or does that take
Haveil Havalim #101
Some of you may not yet know Ben Baruch, creator of the Shabot 6000 comic strip. So, it's my pleasure to introduce you to him. Ben Baruch started a blog just over a year ago, and it's worth checking out. He covers every thing from the
Big Tent Blogs
A group blog can maintain a similar diversity. I also feel that this blog tends to be intellectual honest and there is room for people to Anyhow, I hope that this blog, while recognizing the primacy of the Torah, will offer as
Technology and the Public/Private Divide
The relationship between technology and the question of what’s public and private has come up recently in our conversations about how to stimulate blog usage within the Baruch community. When BCTC rolls out its Movable Type blogging
Big Tent Blogs
In politics, the Big Tent Policy maintains that one should attract members with as diverse ideologies as possible. A group blog can maintain a similar diversity. See link
Frum Community and Children's Safety
Rabbi Horowitz has posted on his blog about the general subject, and plans to post later in the month about the There are other mediums, both blogs and offline, where such discussions already take place, and I would like to keep the

Michelle Malkin: The 2996 Project
the project launched by D.C. Roe involves more than 3000 bloggers who have Giovanna graduated from Baruch College in Manhattan with a bachelor's
Blogger: User Profile: Baruch Grazer
Blogger. Push-Button Publishing. Baruch Grazer. About Me User Stats. On Blogger Since, January 2006. Profile Views, 309
Página personal de Alberto Cairo: infografía , periodismo visual y
Visualmente, el blog de Norberto Baruch, se hace eco de las nuevas Norberto Baruch (delegado de la SND para el Río de la Plata) y Dolores Pujol
Baruch Even's blog
[http://baruch.ev-en.org/blog/index.rss2] name = Baruch Even downloaded planet and it aggregates blog content from blogger and typepad no problem. then
Baruch Even's blog
Planet (former) Advogato for former Advogato bloggers and the latest one is Planet [http://baruch.ev-en.org/blog/index.rss2] name = Baruch Even
me-ander: Baruch Hashem, Back Blogging
Baruch Hashem! I hope you missed me! It's one of those stories A couple of days ago, suddenly there was trouble with "blogger," that's the blogspot I
Cara's World: The World According to Me
Notify Blogger about objectionable content. What does this mean? Baruch Dayan Emet. Liz passed away this morning. The funeral will be Thursday morning.
Baruch Horowitz
Cosmic Balance; Personal Avodah; Communal Decsions; Tolerance For Others; Bloggers and Extremism. See link. posted by Baruch Horowitz @ 9:06 AM
Renegade Rebbetzin
Thankfully, there was a secret hidden link called "use your old Blogger account," so Baruch Hashem, everything's good, we're all fine, Dovie is still a
BaruchKappas's Xanga Site
Four years later, four ambitious women brought Kappa Phi Lambda to Baruch College on August 20th, 1999. Over the span of three years at Baruch College, baruch+bloggers: baruch+bloggers
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