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CNET Asia's Joey Alarilla: 'Bloggers And Journalists Are Not One'
As I've said many times, journalists and bloggers can learn a lot from each other. We can cooperate. We can even be journalists and blog at the same time, as obviously some of But that doesn't mean bloggers and journalists are one.
Melissa Lafsky: Update on Launch of "The Politico": Two Weeks To
As Jack Shafer questioned the journalists' ability to continue their star-quality reporting without their association with the Post, media bloggers like Elaine Meyer and Huffpo's Jay Rosen took umbrage with the publication's promise of
Will Privacy Controls Broaden The Appeal Of Blogs?
Wade Roush at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Technology Review blog says in a January 8, 2007, post that "Privacy controls for blogs could broaden their appeal." Privacy controls is what Six Apart is using to draw bloggers
Jemima Kiss: 'Bloggers Retaliate Against Abby Lee's pose'
Reporter Jemima Kiss, who writes for the Guardian of London and blogs prolifically at MediaGuardian's Organ Grinder blog," has an attention grabbing post today headlined "Bloggers retaliate against Abby Lee's pose.
A Film Critic Describes How Bloggers Keep His Ego in Check
The Guardian of London told its readers January 8, 2006: "Ever since our arts team began writing blogs, readers have responded with praise - but also scorn." The publication offered an informative article by Film critic Peter Bradshaw
I'ma Blogger and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It
A New Take on Citizen Journalism: Wanted -- citizen journalist to cover court case. Must have experience as a -worker. Bonus: The gig doesn't pay anything. Ahh, those wacky Canucks * Ceci n'est pas une blog -- News of the Weird's
GMA News launches blog network?
Disclosure: I used to (emphasis on the past tense) work as consultant for Inquirer’s HIP network of blogs. Some of the journalist-bloggers on GMA Blog Network are former/current clients as well
Blogging compared with early journalism
Those journalists who disparage bloggers as amateurs should look again at how journalism was when it began, argues Milverton Wallace in this guest blog. James Cameron (1911-1985), arguably the greatest British journalist of the last 100
Are We The Scourge Of Journalists
Apparently bloggers are the scourge of the professional journalist, producing half baked inaccurate stories that have been lifted from true journalistic sources and given the spin of the bloggers in question. We have apparently twisted
Credentialing bloggers or certifying dingbats?
I wish some of these bloggers who assume their I-am-as-good-and-as -important-as-any-other-journalist would read a text book or two on the subject. If most have breached such a book, they obviously haven't made it past the first

Who's blogging the convention - CyberJournalist.net - Online News Association - CyberPolitics Blog
The Democrats have issued credentials to a few dozen bloggers. A convention, supplementary to working as a journalist on the MediaNation project.
Are Bloggers Journalists? - On the rise of Amateur Journalism and the need for a Blogging Code of Ethics -
this lesson the hard way in one of my first articles as a Amateur Journalist. time in my short career as an Amateur Journalist, I realized on a gut level
Senators: Bloggers may not be true journalists | CNET News.com
Senators: Bloggers may not be true journalists | Key politicians say that bloggers' lack of accountability means they might not deserve
CyberJournalist.net J-Blog list
Directory of J-blogs (aka journalists' weblogs)
CNN.com - Bloggers deserve the 'journalist's privilege' - Apr 27, 2005
Recently, 80 California bloggers who call themselves the Bear Flag League filed secrets and pretend to be journalist-bloggers to cover their tracks should beware.
Poynter Online - What Journalists Can Learn From Bloggers
its prejudices, and process as citizen journalists (bloggers) do. employees' personal lives as a way to better connect journalist and reader -- to
EFF: Bloggers' FAQ: the Reporter's Privilege
Bloggers as Journalists. Reporter's Privilege. Media Access. FOIA. Other Legal Issues Why do we care whether someone is a "journalist"
Chris Daly: Are Bloggers Journalists? Let's ask Thomas Jefferson
ARE BLOGGERS JOURNALISTS? LET'S ASK THOMAS JEFFERSON. by Christopher B. Daly. Who is a journalist? What began as a trickle of protest grew into a
Wired News: Heartaches of Journalist Bloggers
Heartaches of Journalist Bloggers. Page 1 of 2 next " See Also to Iraq in 2003 as the first independent journalist-blogger sponsored by his readers.
Blog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
scandal, to wit: (television journalist) Dan Rather presented documents (on Many bloggers view this scandal as the advent of blogs' acceptance by the mass as+bloggers+journalist: as+bloggers+journalist
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