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Novell Gets Patent Payoff From Microsoft
Much was made of the Microsoft and Novell collaboration deal being about Microsoft upset the Novell apple cart when Windows NT came out with its For years Novell has watched Microsoft get richer while its fortunes were in
Sun CEO Schwartz Slams Microsoft-Novell Pact
Following Samba’s criticism early this week, Schwartz said he profoundly disagreed with the idea that open-source software is unsafe without the "no use" arrangements agreed on between Microsoft and Novell.
Microsoft to work with Novell on Windows/Linux interoperability
Forum: news Posted By: Steve Post Time: 03-11-2006 at 06:24 PM
samba team urges novell to reconsider
hde226868 writes "the team responsible for samba has just asked novell to reconsider its recent patent agreement with microsoft, arguing that the agreement is a divisive agreement, effectively splitting the open source movement into
microsoft/novell deal violates gpl?
thankfully, however, he'll get his chance to study the matter. vnunet.com reports that moglen has been granted permission to conduct a confidential audit to determine whether the novell/microsoft partnership is compatible with the gpl,
Samba Blasts Novell
The patent agreement struck between Novell and Microsoft is a divisive agreement. It deals with users and creators of free software differently depending on their "commercial" versus "non-commercial" status, and deals with them
Samba Team Asks Novell to Reconsider
The Samba Team disapproves strongly of the actions taken by Novell on November 2nd in their dealings with Microsoft, and have posted their thoughts on the matter
Samba Team Asks Novell to Reconsider
The Samba Team disapproves strongly of the actions taken by Novell on The patent agreement struck between Novell and Microsoft is a divisive agreement. With this agreement Novell is attempting to destroy that unified defense,
The Microsoft and Novell Partnership
The arrangement unexpectedly started when Novell approach Microsoft about The arrangement could be win-win for both Microsoft and Novell. I guess the Novell deal lets Microsoft get the work done without getting its hands dirty.
Microsoft and Novell - Exacerbating an Ideological Divide?
It's been over a week now and it's interesting to meter the reaction to the Microsoft and Novell deal. Popular, mainstream reaction has been generally positive -- this could create a win/win for the companies, and consumers will benefit

V prostorách společnosti Novell Slovensko, s.r.o. proběhla dne Společnost Novell-Praha s.r.o. se po delší době opět zúčastnila veletrhu Invex – Digitex.
Novell - Wikipedia
Il nome deriva da un suggerimento della moglie di Canova che erroneamente credeva che Novell significasse nuovo in francese (il termine corretto è invece
Novell France
Novell France Vous allez être redirigé vers le portail global de Novell, www.novell.com. L'ensemble des pages de ce site sont disponibles dans un grand
Microsoft: accordo con Novell su Linux - Corriere della Sera
D’ora in poi, le compagnie che utilizzano sia Windows che SuSE non dovranno temere denunce per violazione dei brevetti.
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Novell - Wikipedia
Il nome deriva da un suggerimento della moglie di Canova che erroneamente credeva che Novell significasse nuovo in francese (il termine corretto è invece
Novell France
Novell France Vous allez être redirigé vers le portail global de Novell, www.novell.com. L'ensemble des pages de ce site sont disponibles dans un grand
Microsoft: accordo con Novell su Linux - Corriere della Sera
D’ora in poi, le compagnie che utilizzano sia Windows che SuSE non dovranno temere denunce per violazione dei brevetti.
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NOVELL: Support - Knowledgebase
The Novell Knowledgebase is a support resource for finding technical information documents (TIDs) and manuals for Novell products and technology.
PI: Microsoft, Novell e il Linux brevettato
Punto Informatico è il più importante quotidiano italiano di informazione su Internet, informatica e comunicazione. Primo perché è nato nel 1995 e oggi
Novell Testing with Pearson VUE
Pearson VUE delievers certification exams for Novell. Novell exams for the CNA, CNE, Master CNE, CNI and CIP certifications are available.
Novell Forge
Novell Forge is a collaboration Web site that allows you to take advantage of useful software that is made broadly available by your peers in the
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