St. Francis of Assisi

Brother Fire

Saint May my Lord be praised, through brother fire, through whom the night is enlightened. it's beautiful, jolly, robust and strong.

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Hymn of Praise

Francis, tells the ancient legend, used to say:
"In the morning when the sun rises, every man should praise God, who created it, for him, our eyes are lit during the day. In the evening, when night falls, everyone should praise God for brother fire, through which our eyes are lit at night. We are all like blind men and the Lord enlightens us through the eyes of these creatures. For these and other creatures which we use every day, we must always praise the glorious Creator ".
With the Canticle of the Creatures, Francis expressed this praise of his glorious life to the Creator and proposes it to all men. It is a hymn of praise that comes with amazement.

Legend tells the ancient "Francis never wanted to blow out the candle; lamp or fire ... such was the devotion and affection that led to this creature. Neither wanted a brother threw away the fire or smoldering embers, as is usual, but recommended that places itself gently to the ground in reverence of Him who created it".

The affective relationship, mysterious and disconcerting, to Francis' Brother Fire ", a relationship that enhances the fire like a real character Francis" loves "fraternal affection, which speaks politely as one who is" noble and useful among creatures of the Most High"

Brother Fire is the creature that lights the night, no night drives, as I do sunshine, but inside the door the night light. Light up the night of the man's house and the night lights of the human eye.

The fire is nourished by assimilation, assimilation for the food becomes fire and flame, the flame is the stuff that goes up and becomes light. The tip of the flame the fire consumes its materiality becomes spirit.

The beauty of fire is the beauty of the material that goes up and becomes light, and illuminates the darkness of the world and man. That fire is joy and celebration of the human heart.

In the flame, Francis contemplates the mystery of love that transforms the human heart, raising it above all fear and doubt. To love is to live in the evidence of the heart. Mystery of love, which is the unapproachable light in which dwells the Creator is revealed to Francis in all creatures, but especially in "brother fire" that transforms the material into the flame that rises up and becomes light.