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Get a Refund on Your Pre-Installed Windows License!
Check this out -- you can get a refund for your Windows install on a new PC. http://www.lifehacker.com/software/shopping/run-linux-and-get-money-back-on-your- new-pc-216393.php. "UK freelancer Dave Mitchell bought a new Dell laptop,
Possible update from openoffice 1.1.3 to 2.0 on FC3?
Forum: Linux - Desktop Posted By: trien27 Post Time: 11-27-2006 at 10:09 PM
Fixing OpenOffice
freebsd-questions: Fixing OpenOffice
Why Doesn't Apple Support OpenOffice?
With Apple already being against Microsoft why do they promote Microsoft Office in their Apple store instead of trying to hurt Microsoft even more thus helping themselves and of course OpenOffice by providing a viable alternative
OpenOffice.org Mac Porters Meeting
The 2nd OpenOffice.org Mac Porters Meeting is scheduled on 2nd and 3rd of December, 2006. The main developers of the Mac OS X port for OpenOffice.org project If you are interested in attending and developing OpenOffice.org
Why Doesn't Apple Support OpenOffice?
So why doesn't Apple make contact with the OpenOffice developers and offer to provide a disc with every computer or have it preinstalled. Thus giving the consumer the ability to try out OpenOffice and see if its good enough for their
OpenOffice gets SharePoint functionality
Steven Vaughan-Nichols at eWeek is reporting that a Dutch firm has built an extension to OpenOffice, named O3Spaces, that: provid[es] users a single web-based team environment, with built-in search capabilities and an optional
$5000 Open Office Template & Clip Art Contest
Enter Open Office, of course it's not new but it's now 6 years old and has some pretty cool stuff going on. One such project is actually a contest. World Label is sponsoring a template and clip art design contest and has ponied up $5000
Download OpenOffice.org 2.1 RC1
OpenOffice.org 2.1 RC1 has been released and is calling your name. This new version is scheduled for release in about two-weeks (December 12) and the goal of 2.1 is to support extensions (none have been developed at this point).
Using and Customizing Templates in OpenOffice.org 30 Oct 2006
This article is about how to use the OpenOffice.org templates, in particular the WorldLabel templates, to print the labels you need. It shows how to download them, install them, use them as they are, and how to customize them with

OpenOffice.org: Home
Open source project through which Sun Microsystems is releasing and coordinating the technology for the popular StarOffice suite.
OpenOffice.org - Wikipedia
Inoltre OpenOffice.org è usato in ambito scolastico italiano (su OpenOffice.org usa una versione modificata di BugZilla (sviluppata da Mozilla
de: de.OpenOffice.org: Startseite
Offizielle Seite des deutschsprachigen OpenOffice.org-Projekts. Bietet Downloads, Dokumentation, Kommunikation und Information für Interessenten,
download: Download Central
Snapshots & Release Candidates 2.0.x - unstable; 2.0.4 Source and Solver (Output Tree); Features; SDK: OpenOffice.org Software Development Kit
Il Software - IL sito italiano sul software
OpenOffice 2.0 vede anche l'introduzione per la prima volta di un modulo OpenOffice 2.0 integra un elaboratore testi (Writer), un programma per le

download: Download Central
Snapshots & Release Candidates 2.0.x - unstable; 2.0.4 Source and Solver (Output Tree); Features; SDK: OpenOffice.org Software Development Kit
Il Software - IL sito italiano sul software
OpenOffice 2.0 vede anche l'introduzione per la prima volta di un modulo OpenOffice 2.0 integra un elaboratore testi (Writer), un programma per le
fr: Fr OpenOffice.org
Partie francophone du site officiel de cette suite logicielle, qui est la version libre, open source, de StarOffice.
es: OpenOffice.org Español
Proyecto de código fuente abierto de un suite de oficina gratuito.
OpenOffice 2.0.4ita - Hardware Upgrade - Il sito italiano sulla
“OpenOffice è una suite completa di software per le classiche attività di home OpenOffice è compatibile con i più diffusi formati utilizzata dai
why: Take the test drive - keep the car
The OpenOffice.org Community invites you to go one better - download a fully-functional, legal copy of the OpenOffice.org 2 office suite today for a test
Portal OpenOffice.pl - darmowy pakiet biurowy!
Serwis dla polskich użytkowników pakietu biurowego OpenOffice.org.
PI: OpenOffice supporta le macro di Excel
Novell ha rilasciato pubblicamente una patch per OpenOffice che permette alla celebre suite open source di eseguire le macro VBA di MS Excel.
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