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On the use of the word "nigger"
Originally, I titled this post "On the use of the N-word." But I've never held back from the full spelling of other profantities, on the rare occasions when I choose to employ them. And when dealing with a word as a word,
Paul Mooney Vows Not to Use the N-Word
I just watched the Keith Olbermann show, and heard renowned African American comedian/writer Paul Mooney, who has made a career of risque racial humor, has vowed to stop using the n-word and the b-word. He said he felt so disturbed by
Word Of The Day
This week's theme: words that appear to be misspellings. virtu (vuhr-TOO) noun 1. A love of or taste for fine objects of art. 2. Objects of art, curios, etc. [From Italian virtù (virtue), from Latin virtus (worth, excellence).
Welsh Word Processor Simplifies Bilingual Publishing
Agored, an English-Welsh word processor developed by the University of Wales at Aberystwyth, could make life easier for bilingual Agored, named for the Welsh word for open, is based on the open-source application OpenOffice.org 2.0.
wear your favorite word map
You can now order a Visual Thesaurus word map on a t-shirt, mug, even a postage stamp. Simply search for a word, click on the "Share" button on top right hand of the Visual Thesaurus window, and follow the easy steps. Cool
Jesse Jackson: No More "N" Word
Happily, Jesse Jackson isn't just mentioning Michael Richards -- he's also calling on all rappers, hip-hop artists and black comics to stop using the "n" word as well. Just as people feel free to call each other "fags," many black
Word It for December
Xanadu is the Word It for December. With that said, please read the specifications for submittal, where we tell you what kind of file we need, the size requirements*, naming conventions and how to provide us with your desired linkage**.
Harness the One Word That Can Make All Your Writing Better
What if there was one word that would make all of your writing better? Imagine if when you used this word to its full capacity, your writing sizzled, I am going to tell you what it is, but you have to read every word below to
Smith On VoIP Basics and Word/Phrase of the Day
The Smith On VoIP Word/Phrase of the Day will sometimes be a word, sometimes a phrase. There are a wide variety of acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon out their. The goal of the Smith On VoIP Word/Phrase of the Day is to improve your
5 Cool Engage Tips
Create an index page with links that go directly to a particular word in a glossary (download example). Have another cool Engage tip you'd like to share? Leave a comment here or post it in the Engage Forum

Word 2003 Help - Word - Microsoft Office Online
Scopri come utilizzare al meglio Microsoft Office Word 2003 con i corsi di formazione. Convertire i documenti dal formato PDF in Word e viceversa
Microsoft Word - Wikipedia
È attualmente il word processor più utilizzato nel mondo. Inoltre, il progetto Windows è nato proprio per dotare Word (ed Excel) di un’interfaccia
Download details: Word Viewer 2003
View, print and copy Word documents, even if you don't have Word installed. This download is a replacement for Word 97 Viewer and all previous Word Viewer
Possiamo mettere fine agli allegati Word - Free Software
Articolo di R.Stallman contro l'uso del formato .doc per lo scambio di documenti.
Word.com. THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER ONLINE NEWSLETTER Welcome to Word.com! Our online newsletter is designed exclusively for Merriam-Webster Unabridged.com

Possiamo mettere fine agli allegati Word - Free Software
Articolo di R.Stallman contro l'uso del formato .doc per lo scambio di documenti.
Word.com. THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER ONLINE NEWSLETTER Welcome to Word.com! Our online newsletter is designed exclusively for Merriam-Webster Unabridged.com
Elaboratore testi - Wikipedia
Un elaboratore testi (dall'inglese word processor) è un software che permette di creare e modificare testi. Si differenzia da un editor di testo perché
Guida a Microsoft Word
www.tutorialpc.it - Manuale per imparare ad utilizzare sul serio Microsoft Word.
Corsi: Corso Word - videoscrittura. Con manuale Word
Obiettivo del corso è far apprendere l'uso di Word, anche nelle sue caratteristiche più avanzate (tabelle, stampa unione, modelli, stili).
Word Mojo: giochi gratis online su Yahoo! Giochi
Word Mojo: gioca online gratis su Yahoo! Giochi. Word Mojo e tanti giochi gratuiti disponibili per giocare online.
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
Merriam-Webster provides a free online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and other English language resources.
Descrizione di Microsoft Word Viewer 97-2000
Microsoft Word Viewer 97-2000 è un download che consente a coloro che non dispongono di Microsoft Word di visualizzare e stampare documenti creati in Word.
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