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What is tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow may sound amusing, but it's not an injury to be laughed at. It is a very painful injury that occurs to the outside of the elbow where the tendons that cock the wrist become inflamed
Wii are having so much fun
Tennis is almost as difficult, at least physically. Ever get tennis elbow? You'll get it on the Wii. AEJ was totally sore the day after we got the Wii. She said -- and I believe she has coined this brilliant term -- she had an injuwii.
Wii Words
Wii elbow - Similar to tennis elbow, Wii elbow is pain in one’s arm (particularly around the elbow) caused by too much Wii tennis (or, possibly, not enough regular exercise). Wii lad - One who obsesses over or worships Wii
New biologic treatment for tennis elbow may replace surgery for
A person suffering from tennis elbow may not have to look any further than his or her own body for the most effective treatment, according to a study published in the November issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Pure Storm and TE!!!!??
That doesn't feel good. I was getting a bad case of Tennis Elbow! I have read here that Babs are arm killers. Does anybody know why? Their stiffness rating doesn't look that different from other rackets. What gives you tennis elbow?
Improperly-Sized Tennis Racket Grip Doesn't Cause Tennis Elbow
Researchers apparently have "gotten a grip" on the relationship between the development of tennis elbow (tendonitis) and the size of the grip on the racket a player uses
Don't Blame Racket for Tennis Elbow
Title: Don't Blame Racket for Tennis Elbow Category: Health News Created: 12/11/2006 Last Editorial Review: 12/11/2006
Improperly-Sized Tennis Racket Grip Doesn’t Cause Tennis Elbow
Study of forearm muscle action shows little relationship between grip size and development of tennis elbow
Avoid Tennis Elbow Pain
Tennis elbow is due to the irritation of tendons on the outside of the elbow. These tendons can become irritated with a variety of activities, not just playing tennis. In
A New Way to Beat Tennis Elbow
Curing tennis elbow

OSH Answers: Tennis Elbow
In fact, tennis elbow seldom has any connection with fun and games. The technical name for tennis elbow is "lateral epicondylitis".
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow, also called lateral epicondylitis, is a common cause of elbow pain. Treatment of tennis elbow usually involves rest, ice, and medication;
MedlinePlus Interactive Tutorials: Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow. Start Tutorial. Starts multimedia presentation with questions. Requires Flash Player. Download Flash. download button for flash player.
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is an inflammation, soreness, or pain on the outside (lateral) side of the upper arm near the elbow. There may be a partial tear of the tendon
Elbow tennis - Treatment and information on Tennis elbow - Lateral
Elbow problems - Tennis. Tennis elbow is inflammation or degeneration of the tendon of the that attaches to the bony bit (lateral epicondyle) on the outside
SCOI Presents Tennis Elbow
The pain is usually worse with strong gripping with the elbow in an extended position, as in a tennis back hand stroke, but this problem can occur in golf
Tennis elbow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tennis elbow (or lateral epicondylitis -- lat. epicondylitis lateralis humeri) is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes painful and tender,
Tennis elbow - injuries, surgery and treatment
BUPA health factsheet - tennis elbow can be effectively treated, although it may take some time to cure. Surgery on the tendon is seldom necessary.
Tennis Elbow Information - What Is Tennis Elbow?
What Is Tennis Elbow? For those suffering through the dreadful reality of Tennis Elbow pain, relief is critical. While there is no cure for tennis elbow,
Tennis Elbow Central - An Educational Resource For Sufferers Of
Tennis Elbow treatment has always been elusive. Now it has arrived. CT Cream is a revolutionary treatment developed by a renowned orthopedic surgeon for the tennis+elbow: tennis elbow support , tennis elbow surgery , tennis elbow support , tennis elbow surgery , tennis+elbow
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